Gary Bailey
Pikuniku is quirky, funny and more than a little bit mad, all adding up to a short-but-sweet, colourful platform adventure.
Resident Evil 2 drags an all-time classic horror game screaming into the new generation, and will terrify both fans and newcomers alike
Despite its frustrating refusal to teach you even the basics, Below's sense of discovery is as good as anything already out there, and its gameplay is as deep as its name suggests.
With its extreme weather scenarios and the familiar, over-the-top usage of Rico's grapple gun, wingsuit and parachute, Just Cause 4 is the most ridiculous and best it has ever been.
Mixing Sonic-style platforming with Trials-esque, inertia-driven gameplay, Steel Rats is a bold and often fun concept, but some awkward level design holds it back from matching the quality of its inspiration.
Ride 3 is a big step up from its predecessor, with excellent handling and a huge array of racing styles that elevate it toward the top of the podium.
Darksiders III is a stunning achievement, bringing the once-dead series back to life with aplomb.
Road Redemption is a fun successor to the classic Road Rash, but its inclusion of a roguelike element simply leads to far too much repetition.
It may not be The Witcher game you expected, but Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is an exceptional addition to the series, and a must-play for all Gwent fans.
A good example of a psychological thriller, and perhaps with a sequel Cyanide Studios could smooth out those rough edges and give us the Cthulhu game we deserve.
The LEGO formula may be growing tired at this point, but LEGO DC Super-Villains is still one of the best games TT Games has produced and is an excellent use of the DC licence.
While American Wilds doesn't add anything truly new to the Mudrunner formula, it adds enough new content to keep players busy, while also fixing a few issues.
There's no denying that handheld Dark Souls is still a cool concept, but its struggling framerate makes it difficult to recommend too highly.
Although I applaud Bigmoon for trying to bring this niche motorsport into video games properly, the end result is awkward and feels unfinished.
Mega Man 11 is exactly what fans will want, but it does nothing to really improve on the old games and make Mega Man relevant in 2018.
Forza Horizon 4's handling is the best the series has ever seen, and its shared world gameplay offers an incredible amount of fun. It could well be the best racer out there.
There's a lot to like about the way Transference tries to tell its story, but it often lacks direction which pulls you out of the experience.
A thoughtful, deep and rewarding RPG, with some great puzzles and a story that may not be groundbreaking, but sure is fun.
While NASCAR Heat 3 is still a fun racer and a great representation of the sport and its support classes, it just doesn't do enough to differentiate itself from the previous two games.
Planet Alpha is a gorgeous thing to look at and it starts well, but its second half struggles with its level design and can become frustrating as a result.