Steel Rats

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Critic Reviews for Steel Rats
Mixing Sonic-style platforming with Trials-esque, inertia-driven gameplay, Steel Rats is a bold and often fun concept, but some awkward level design holds it back from matching the quality of its inspiration.
Steel Rats is an undeniably daring experiment; fusing gameplay mechanics, varied visuals and control inputs that have no right to go together. The game should be an absolute mess, but it deftly weaves these disparate elements together and what we are left with is a thrilling and refreshing stunt=based shoot 'em up.
Essentially, Steel Rats answers the question it sets out to ask. Cool as it sounds, if you stuck a circular saw on the front wheel of a motorcycle, it might slash the tire, or sever the brake line, or spark through the spokes. As good as Steel Rats is at world-building, it often fails when it lets you take control. Sometimes the answer it finds isn't the answer it needs.
It’s frustrating that a game that oozes style from nearly every facet can need a mechanical tune up so badly. With more fine tuned controls, and more meat on its bones, this could’ve been an absolute home run for the developer. Instead, despite all of its charm, Steel Rats simply fails to really hold the players attention for its entire journey and it’s a real shame.
Steel Rats is an interesting hybrid of Trials, INSIDE and Sons of Anarchy with a dark atmosphere of civilization decline and a brave biker squad heroes. Give it a try.
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A thrilling world and inventive, easy-to-learn-tough-to-master gameplay make up for its drawbacks.
Somewhere in Steel Rats is a game I would gladly play and recommend. Unfortunately, the pieces just didn’t fall into place often enough for me to call the full game good. The game overall is a very stylistic “okay.”
A highly enjoyable and polished if relatively unambitious bike-fueled action romp, fans of high-octane action platforming will be served very well by Steel Rats.
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