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Diego Escala

Favorite Games:
  • Deus Ex
  • Metal Gear Solid 3
  • Hitman Blood Money

136 games reviewed
73.6 average score
80 median score
49.3% of games recommended

Diego Escala's Reviews

Reviews Manager for MonsterVine.

I've played some pretty bad games in my life but I can say without a doubt that Revenge of Kuma is easily one of, if not the biggest piece of s*** I've ever had the displeasure of playing. This is a clearly unfinished, hot mess of a game that leaves a dirty stain on a great series.

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1.5 / 5.0 - Agony
Jun 6, 2018

Very rarely do you get a game whose title accurately describes how it feels to play it.

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1.5 / 5.0 - Catlateral Damage
Aug 3, 2015

Catlateral Damage is something I feel like I should be spending a dollar, five tops, as a dumb time killer for my phone. For something that just barely has enough content to be a game it’s not only asking for too much, but gets incredibly repetitive within its first few minutes.

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2 / 5 - Just Cause 4
Jan 8, 2019

Even ignoring the massive technical faults, Just Cause 4 just isn’t fun to play.

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2 / 5 - The Flock
Aug 25, 2015

It's so frustrating playing a game with such an interesting premise that fails to capitalize on its potential. The Flock is unfortunately doomed to be one of those games people put in their "Wasted Potential" lists.

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2 / 5 - Armikrog
Oct 22, 2015

Armikrog is a somewhat functional game that is unfortunately full of archaic game design, half-baked ideas, glitches galore, insultingly repetitive puzzles, and unrealized potential.

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2 / 5 - We Happy Few
Aug 31, 2018

At the end of the day, We Happy Few neither succeeds as a survival game nor as a plot driven adventure game.

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2 / 5 - Traverser
Jul 16, 2015

Piss poor controls, an insipid plot, and a ridiculously short length makes what could have been a neat game into a retread of things I've played many times before but better.

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Jan 25, 2023

Warhammer 40k: Darktide is hard to recommend, even a month after release. There’s a good game here, but it’s burdened by issues I’m sure will be fixed after a few major updates; the only question is whether or not you’re willing to deal with it until then.

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Aug 2, 2019

Wolfenstein: Youngblood succeeded in doing something I didn’t think possible: killing all enthusiasm I had for the series. Sure, the gunplay still feels great but that doesn’t matter when the entire product is hampered by tone-deaf mechanics that are trying to fix a game that wasn’t broken.

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Jun 8, 2018

Congratulations Shaq Fu apologists, your sequel game delivered. We’re working on monkey paw rules however, so that means Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn only delivered on being a competent game instead of a good one.

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Mar 27, 2018

Sea of Thieves can be a complete blast to play with your friends but a lack of content, an almost disastrous launch laden with server issues and some highly questionable design decisions makes what should have been the ultimate pirate game into a complete and utter disappointment.

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2.5 / 5.0 - DESYNC
Mar 17, 2017

If you’re able to stomach DESYNC’s almost sadistic difficulty, you might find something of worth here, otherwise look elsewhere for something better.

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Duke Nukem 3D is still a fantastic game, but technical issues, little to no commentary, and a dead on release multiplayer community makes an already overpriced package hard to recommend.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Donut County
Sep 7, 2018

The entire tone and aesthetic of the game is something that’s so far up my alley, but at the end of the day Donut County is a charming game that maybe promises more quirky thrills than it delivers.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Monochroma
Jun 22, 2014

Monochroma could have been something really interesting but its wonky controls and weak gimmick leave it in the pool of other mediocre indie platformers.

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May 3, 2014

Beenox still hasn't seemed to grasp what everyone wants from a Spider-Man game and I still can't tell if it's because of their rushed development time that's the issue or the developers themselves. Fans of Spider-Man will still likely find some enjoyment here since the web swinging, while still nowhere near as good as past games, is definitely a step up from modern Spider-Man titles.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Broken Age
May 11, 2015

Everything about Broken Age should have been fantastic but the lack of puzzles and a lame plot that edges too heavy on the exposition turns this into a decent, but extremely disappointing package.

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May 23, 2023

While there’s some mindless fun to be had here for Warhammer enthusiasts, Warhammer 40k: Boltgun is a perfectly passable entry in the genre that maybe relies a bit too much on its IP than trying to do something new.

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Oct 5, 2020

The Walking Dead Onslaught isn’t a bad game per say, I’m sure fans of the series will find some fun in it, it’s just wholly disappointing when compared to the recently released Saints & Sinners.

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