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Gareth von Kallenbach


Favorite Games:
  • Call of Duty series
  • Half-Life Series
  • Portal Series

62 games reviewed
77.6 average score
80 median score
95.2% of games recommended

Gareth von Kallenbach's Reviews

Gareth Von Kallenbach is a syndicated movie & game critic, writer, author and frequent radio guest. His work has appeared in over 60 publications worldwide and he is the creator of the rising entertainment site “Skewed and Reviewed” as well as Skewed and Reviewed: The Magazine. Gareth has worked in the video game industry and has written three books of reviews and interviews and is a well-received and in demand speaker on the convention circuit. Gareth has appeared in movies including the video game based films “Postal” and “Far Cry” and voiced a character in the Postal 3 video game and is a regular guest on the top rated Seattle morning show BJ Shea's Morning Experience and BJ Shea's Geek Nation which is syndicated via KISW FM to a world wide audience. Gareth and his wife returned to Phoenix in 2011 to open a second office for Skewed and Reviewed and in 2012 and have their own weekly segment in six area newspapers and plans to launch their second website in 2016.
May 20, 2023

There is the framework of a decent game buried in the mix but Redfall is going to require some serious TLC in the form of patches and updates to get it to where the developers and gamers had hoped for it to be. As it stands now, it is an interesting idea that fails to connect both goals and expectations.

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Apr 1, 2021

There are likely many players out there who will welcome this level of complexity and challenge but I found it more tedious than fun and as such the game did not work for me. It was great to look at and does capture the experience of Tennis at a professional level; it just wraps much of the game in a cumbersome experience which is lacking in fun.

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The sheer variety of options from vehicles to battlefield settings makes the release very compelling but naturally the previously mentioned bugs greatly detract from the expectations of the potential of the release. As it stands now; the collection comes across more as a work in progress that does show promise and hopefully will be given the attention and care that it needs to give fans the updated yet retro Star Wars experience they desire.

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If you are a fan of the series and have reasonable expectations going in then this is a release you may very well enjoy.

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Mar 5, 2023

In the end, the game is enjoyable for those willing to be patient and accept the game for what it is and hopefully, with a few more updates the full potential of the game will be achieved. The game is available on the Microsoft Game Pass and is worth a look.

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Dec 3, 2022

In the end, the game while looking good and having a solid concept is hampered by the camera issues and the control system as well as a fairly short campaign. The game is good for what it is but could have been and should have been so much better than we got.

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Dec 21, 2021

In the end, Propnight gives a nice twist to the genre but may not offer enough new variation to truly stand out.

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While outside the box thinking is required; the game does not take itself too seriously and while some fans of the series such as myself prefer the original game series; this is still a nice new entry into the mix.

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Oct 6, 2020

While the game did not tread any new grounds it was solid distraction and it was fun slicing and dicing my way through the enemy hordes.

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Sep 26, 2020

Crysis: Remastered is a nice trip down memory lane but pails when compared to more modern games in terms of enjoyment as I think a new game in the series would have been better.

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In the end the expansion offers more loot, more adventures, and a few hours of diversion; but for me was the least engaging and interesting of the four DLC offerings for the game.

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Jul 30, 2020

The biggest issue I had with the game is that while fun; after about an hour or so I found my interest waning as no matter how many battles I won; a sense of repetition set in.

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Nov 3, 2022

Gotham Knights was for me a very enjoyable adventure despite some flaws and one that I think DC fans will enjoy if they are patient and willing to overlook some of the shortcomings of the game to focus on the things it does well.

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It would be nice to see more maps, characters, and some fine-tuning down the line; but for now; the game offers a pleasant enough distraction.

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Nov 4, 2020

Some may want a bit more polish especially in the graphics and online matchmaking but for what it does; Serious Sam 4 does it well and is a fun mix of modern and nostalgia that should keep fans of the series happy.

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Jun 11, 2024

One can certainly not argue with the price and with community feedback being implemented into future updates; XDefiant can become a signature FPS for Ubisoft and is an engaging game for those willing to invest their time.

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Jun 3, 2024

It will be interesting to see what the future holds for the game, but for now, it delivers on its potential and the potential for an even brighter future exists.

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Jun 3, 2024

It will be interesting to see if attempts are made to bring this kind of treatment to System Shock 2; but for now; it was not only a compelling trip down memory lane, but a challenging gaming experience that is now available for consoles after being released previously on PC.

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My only real concern was the length of the game as with six levels of play; the game can be completed in a short time as most levels only take 15-30 minutes at most for players to complete.

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While it is definitely a casual game it is a very enjoyable way to pass the time with friends or by yourself as well as the enjoyable cast of cats.

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