Matt Kowalski
- Kingdom Hearts
- Pokémon Crystal
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is one of the three best Call of Duty titles to be released within the last eight years. This game is a beautifully crafted tactical collaboration that makes players want to come back for more.
Overall, we thoroughly enjoyed Heave Ho and it is a game we cannot recommend enough.
Catherine: Full Body reminds me of everything I loved about Catherine while providing a new and enhanced experience.
If you are new to the Attack on Titan video game franchise, Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle is worth the $60 despite its few issues. The game provides hours of gameplay that is hard to find in other anime games.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is rather enjoyable to play but it will end up being the black sheep of the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
2K19 may not be the best wrestling game in WWE franchise but it provides players with a decent enough wrestling simulation that they will be appeased for the current year.
When we first started Overcooked! 2, we expected a two to a three-star game due to lack of advertisement and knowledge. Instead, we were treated to a full course meal with a few peculiar side dishes that left our pallets craving more.
Overall, the first season of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series is a decent start to the episodic series, but there is a lot of room for improvement.
Sadly, Marvel’s Guardians of The Galaxy: The Telltale Series Ep 2 “Under Pressure” was more disappointing than its predecessor. Although Telltale improved on some of the negative factors of the first game, they dropped the ball or did not improve in other areas.
Overall, Guardians of The Galaxy: The Telltale Series Ep 1 “Tangled Up in Blue” is a decent first chapter for a Telltale game, but it feels lacking for a game centered around the Marvel universe.
Although Nevermind might have been an eye-opening experience the first play through, the gameplay became rather stale quickly. Experiencing the memories of the patients through a first person experience might be great for VR, but on the Xbox One it neither hinders nor helps the experience.
The Coalition did a great job with Gears of War 4 and look to be taking the franchise in the right direction; I look forward to seeing what they have planned for Gears of War 5 and Gears of War 6.
Hive Jump is an enjoyable 2D platform experience with a soundtrack that draws the player into the atmosphere.
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Awakening DLC leaves players asking for more from the multiplayer maps but Der Eisendrache makes up for Treyarch's and Activision's inadequacies.