Zach Jackson
Gran Turismo 7 is the culmination of Polyphony’s 25 years of dedication to the racing genre and the automotive industry, and the final result is nothing short of outstanding, with only minor nuisances stopping it short of a perfect lap.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human could have been one of the highlights of the year, but a disappointing story, some frustrating design choices and performance issues mean it doesn’t cash in on its potential.
Built by veterans of the genre, Beyond a Steel Sky may not be a revolutionary adventure game, but its clever writing and intriguing story make it a solid entry.
A fresh and emotional take on the Sherlock Holmes property creates the best narrative in the series yet, but it’s let down by some ambitious design choices.
An intriguing premise backed by refined gameplay and an immersive atmosphere makes House of Ashes the best entry in The Dark Pictures Anthology yet.
Hot Wheels Unleashed is a super fun yet sometimes frustrating arcade racer that is hindered slightly by some design shortcomings.
Backed by a stunning art style and the voice of Geralt of Rivia, Tails of Iron is an excellent action-adventure RPG that offers a challenging yet satisfying Souls-inspired experience in a captivating medieval world.
Webbed is a simple and cute platformer that provides players with a few hours of enjoyment web-swinging through bushland and befriending other bugs all in the name of love.
Despite some minor design flaws, Golf Club Wasteland is a solid, if depressing, round of golf on post-apocalyptic Earth.
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 builds on the foundations laid by its predecessor and elevates the series to new heights thanks to satisfying long-range sniping and impressive level design
Hood: Outlaws & Legends has a strong premise on paper and at times is fun and exciting, but its gameplay shortcomings mean that it never reaches its full potential.
The Fabled Woods' short runtime isn't long enough to elicit the emotional response the narrative tries to evoke.
Despite an intriguing alternate universe and a decent story, Paradise Lost fails to reach its potential due to poor voice acting and tedious gameplay.
Much like Bloober Team’s previous horror efforts, The Medium features an interesting story in a compelling and creepy world but is let down by often boring and dragged-out gameplay sequences
Twin Mirror is another compelling DONTNOD experience that is backed by some of its finest gameplay yet
Despite some minor issues, Bright Memory is a taste of what’s to come next year from Bright Memory: Infinite and I couldn’t be more excited
With a surprisingly good narrative that excels thanks to the unique ability to turn anyone into a DedSec hacker, Watch Dogs: Legion is a damn good time
Street Power Football is a tedious and overpriced waste of everyone's time
As a PGA product PGA Tour 2K21 falls a little short, but as a golfing game it's the best in its craft
Despite an amazing art style and some seriously fun beat ‘em up gameplay, the Battletoads reboot struggles with its identity due to the excessive inclusion of minigames