Gabriel Jones

Central Florida

Favorite Games:

226 games reviewed
64.6 average score
70 median score
37.6% of games recommended

Nearly thirty years was a mighty long time, but ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! proves that the wait was worth it. This is an excellent sequel, and it's not just because it captures the spirit of the original. The new features, as well as quality-of-life improvements, really enhance the experience. Each level is filled with things to do, and they all serve a purpose. There aren't any meaningless distractions. Even today, where roguelikes are exponentially more common, this is one that shouldn't be passed up.

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9 / 10 - Guacamelee! 2
Feb 13, 2019

Guacamelee 2! is a required pick-up. The Metroidvania genre has enjoyed a number of certified classics over the past few years, and this one of them.

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8 / 10 - Rival Megagun
Feb 6, 2019

Seeing as how Versus STGs are incredibly uncommon, Rival Megagun could easily get some recognition just for being part of such a rare niche. Thankfully, Spacewave Software went above and beyond to create a fantastic shooter. It has gotten the basics down pat, and delivers an exceptionally realized meta. Players are rewarded for thinking three moves ahead, reading their opponents, and finding the right opportunity to strike. For competitive gamers looking for something new, this is highly recommended.

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Jan 31, 2019

Ultimately, this DLC accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. It presents more variables to consider. This not only spices up the average play-through, it also allows for more flexibility in determining that perfect level of difficulty. Just be aware that the full breadth of features requires a significant time investment. It's the whole "you get out of it what you put into it" adage. The rival colonies can seem a bit trivial, especially if one is never put into a position where they might have to deal with them. Expecting the player to invest hundreds of hours and pursue the toughest scenarios might be asking a lot, but if they're really enjoying the base game, then Surviving Mars: Space Race is worth looking into.

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Jan 29, 2019

In conclusion, Genesis Alpha One is a decent way to spend a weekend, but it will wear out its welcome not long afterwards. Building, upgrading, and defending a starship is compelling enough. There are also those times when a large-scale invasion generates some real excitement. However, a lot of time is going to be spent performing mundane tasks. Although this does an admirable job of streamlining most of them, boredom will eventually set in. Still, the unique premise might be reason enough to check it out.

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Jan 18, 2019

Game Tengoku CrusinMix Special is best thought of as an experience. There are a lot of scenes where the main characters chat with each other and goof off - not to mention the multiple songs with vocals, commentary tracks, and even an interactive karaoke performance. This creates an atmosphere not often seen in such a tradition-focused genre. None of this comes at the expense of the game itself, which is a solidly enjoyable trip down memory lane. The scoring mechanics are well-realized, while the stages are cluttered with things to see and destroy. Ideally, all of the clutter could have been stretched out to create a more consistent and fully-realized shmup, but what's there is perfectly all right.

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8 / 10 - Steel Vampire
Jan 18, 2019

Refreshingly unique and lots of fun, Steel Vampire is well worth checking out. Its inspired take on rank control makes for a shmup that can be approached in a number of ways. The RPG elements are also quite interesting. Finding the right build can lend all sorts of advantages to the player's ship. There are even rare and legendary drops, which is an amusing novelty. Best of all, this game's usage of high speed bullet spreads and strong weaponry create an aura of ferocity not often seen in the genre. The impact of crushing legions of enemies before they can shoot is oh-so-satisfying.

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9 / 10 - ZeroRanger
Jan 18, 2019

ZeroRanger is, by all accounts, just plain incredible.

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Jan 16, 2019

The Last Remnant Remastered is not for the risk averse. It features a lot of design decisions, and punishes anyone who dares to ignore them. There's also a massive learning curve to account for, as the intricacies of battle will require serious effort to master. Even this critic, who has logged almost 200 hours between all three versions, still has a lot to learn. Regardless, the various gameplay systems are all satisfying to understand, and the results of a well built team that employs sound tactics are immeasurably fun to experience. What else is there to say about this game? It's a classic.

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Jan 9, 2019

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is an exemplary compilation. Both games have received some quality of life enhancements, and playing as Toadette is pretty entertaining. More importantly, this is simply some of the best content in the Super Mario saga. It's amazing how every element comes together for a thoroughly refined platforming experience. The level design is nothing short of genius, and the flawless controls make every leap more joyous than the last. Everyone who hasn't already played through the Wii U version should pick this up immediately.

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Jan 8, 2019

Battle Princess Madelyn is a difficult game to recommend on a whim. Its design and mechanics calls to mind the classics of yesteryear, but there's a distinct lack of follow-through. The story mode isn't hurting for content, as it features a slew of worlds to explore, bosses to battle, and goodies to collect. Unfortunately, not all of it is arranged in a manner that is appropriately compelling. The arcade mode trims most of the fat, but it lacks the challenge and polish that defined the arcade era. Still, one has to appreciate the effort that went towards appealing to fans of action-adventure and arcade games. If they're willing to look past the issues present in both modes, they might enjoy themselves. It helps that the art direction and music are really charming.

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Jan 5, 2019

For anyone out there who is a fan of Harry Potter, LEGO, and videogames, LEGO Harry Potter Collection just might be the safest bet imaginable. Both titles within are overflowing with Traveller's Tales' affection for charming production values and easily-accessible gameplay, and Xbox One's enhanced frame-rate and resolution breathes new life into what was already a lovingly-crafted world. The formula does wear itself thin at times, and players might even feel like they're just going through the motions, yet it's doubtful that they'll ever regret their days spent at LEGO Hogwarts.

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Dec 30, 2018

Admittedly, this critic isn't exactly experienced when it comes to mini-golf games. Determining Wonder Wickets' standing in such a niche genre is immeasurably difficult. With that said, anyone with an appreciation for tight game-design and superb aesthetics is liable to fall in love with it. Courses are complex and challenging, but there's enough restraint to keep players from feeling bogged down. The conditions for unlocking most of the content are actually really light. Nobody will ever get the feeling that they have to repeat the same mission constantly, just to make any progress. Definitely give this a shot.

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3 / 10 - Noahmund
Dec 26, 2018

At times, the secret to enjoying a video game is patience. Like a seemingly incomprehensible puzzle, it's up to the player to take their time, giving careful consideration to every aspect. However, as Noahmund proves, patience can have its limits. There is merit to be found in this strategy RPG, but it's buried under a number of issues, namely the uneven pacing, annoying combat, and progress-halting bugs. Some people might be able to struggle through them; others will feel that their time is better invested elsewhere.

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Dec 26, 2018

From beginning to end, Vritra is sure to have the player's full attention.

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Nov 10, 2018

Shikhondo - Soul Eater is a visually unique and very enjoyable shmup. That's really all there needs to be said. It's not as if there's some riveting plot or a fantastic ending to look forward to. In fact, the story is basically non-existent. Perhaps, instead of filling the screen with words, the developer chose to cram in some more bullets. That's fine - wonderful even. There aren't any distractions to keep players from performing their best. If the idea of navigating a sometimes literal maze of death grabs you, then consider giving this a go.

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Nov 3, 2018

Above all else, Fire Pro Wrestling World presents a level of freedom not often seen in videogames. Dedicated players have every opportunity to craft their own wrestling experience. Whether this experience adheres strictly to well-known promotions or something wholly unique is up to them. Anyone seeking a solidly crafted and entertaining experience won't be disappointed, either. The action is soundly compelling, and there's enough depth to stick around for the long term. It's also worth taking the time to explore both the Mission and Scenario modes, as they really add a lot of flavour to this excellent wrestling game.

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Nov 3, 2018

Fast Striker is solid all round. It has four modes of ever-increasing challenge and complexity. Novices are able to get a feel for the game, while Maniacs can push their skills to the limit. The shields are an interesting idea. Under the right circumstances, they are a satisfying means of escape, yet they can also be a crutch. If they are always being exhausted, it's proof that the player needs more practice. Overcoming the impossible is what STGs are all about, and this title clearly understands that mantra.

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Bundling two of Konami's most beloved games should have been the easiest sale in the world. Instead, what is here is something that doesn't quite hit the mark. The ports are competent, but they could have been so much more. Instead, it seems like effort was spent on including meaningless features that don't really benefit anyone. Introducing force feedback to old games just seems like a bad idea in general. Still, Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood are classics. They deserve to be played, even if it is through Castlevania Requiem.

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Although Yakuza fans are certain to notice its imperfections, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise still exceeds expectations. The fighting system is so good that even the battles with the lowliest of lowlifes are entertaining. Every boss fight ranges from great to fantastic. They are exactly what long-time fans of the anime and manga franchise deserve. Then again, some gamers might just be happy to get a Fist of North Star game that's actually satisfying. It's been far too long since the last remotely decent one.

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