Gabriel Jones

Central Florida

Favorite Games:

226 games reviewed
64.6 average score
70 median score
37.6% of games recommended
4 / 10 - Witch Thief
Oct 17, 2018

Witch Thief understands the importance of working with 3D space in a difficult genre. Beyond that, however, it's hard to look at as anything more than an interesting curiosity. The randomness of something as essential as an extra life makes every attempt feel like it is being influenced by outside forces. It's also hard to get excited about fighting the same dolls over and over again. Then there are the bosses, which are either destroyed in seconds, or chased around the room for several minutes. There's no solidly enjoyable middle ground.

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Sep 23, 2018

The main strength of The Gardens Between is the deeper meaning found within. It utilises a largely voiceless and textless narrative to great effect. Not only is this an impressive feat on its own, it showcases the brilliance of the medium. This game eschews tradition to draw players into a fascinating world. As they witness the memories shared by Arina and Frendt, they may find themselves recalling their own childhood. While those memories aren't always the kind one can look back on with fondness, their significance can't be understated or forgotten. They are what shape us.

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Sep 23, 2018

Although METAL MAX Xeno offers an intriguing mix of tank-based and on-foot battles, its low-budget and adherence to JRPG traditions makes it feel like a relic of the bygone age. The characters are largely forgettable and sometimes embarrassing. Then there's the story, which is competently told and not much else. Still, for whatever it's worth, the journey is a pleasant one. The player's experience won't be bogged down by needlessly long load times or a mind-numbing user interface. This post-apocalyptic trek, much like any decent vacation, is designed to be relaxing and convenient.

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Sep 21, 2018

Despite being functionally solid and enjoyable, Rigid Force Alpha's lack of identity is very apparent. Occasional cameos and background references are fine, but cloned enemies and bosses is going too far. The overly familiar environs and scenarios aren't going to excite genre veterans, either. While it may be difficult to create something that has never been seen before, it has to be easier to create something that isn't seen very often. At least when it comes to features, there isn't much to complain about. Alongside a slew of achievements for thrill-seekers is an arcade mode with a lot of replay value. Even if this shmup isn't as imaginative as it could be, at least its heart is in the right place.

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6 / 10 - Steel Empire
Sep 15, 2018

On its own, Steel Empire is a fine shmup. As a remake, however, it's a bit lacking.

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5 / 10 - Earthfall
Sep 3, 2018

Even though Earthfall is, in most respects, mechanically sound and competently designed, it's still a hard game to recommend. This co-operative FPS never successfully manages to step out of the shadow of its inspiration. The ability to set up defensive measures, including turrets and barricades, is pretty neat. However, that's not enough, particularly when every other moment feels overly familiar and sometimes worse. All in all, this rendition of humanity's last stand won't hold anyone's attention for very long.

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Really, there's not much else to say here. Aces of the Luftwaffe: Squadron tries to go its own way in a crowded genre, but it fails to light that proverbial fire. Surviving a constant barrage of enemy fire is supposed to be thrilling, but it's just not the case here. Even during the most intense shoot-outs, some will find it hard to stay awake. All in all, this shmup is tough to connect with, let alone enjoy.

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Aug 4, 2018

As bad as Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn is, it could always be worse.

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Jul 14, 2018

Aside from a few minor grievances, this port of Groove Coaster is more than suitable for fans of rhythm and music games. The included songs are all great and will definitely put up a stiff challenge. As for the user-interface, it's minimalistic and easy to navigate. The support for various control schemes is really appreciated. Given enough time and dedication, players will find a style that works for them. The Non-Stop Mix mode is a really fun addition, as well.

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Jun 29, 2018

Cosmic Snake 8473/3671 is a falling block puzzler that's unlike almost everything else out there. However, if willing to make time for it, players will discover that it's very addictive and enjoyable. The unique mechanics benefit heavily from the simplistic controls and varied pacing. Gamers essentially have all of the time in the world to figure out how everything works. The "sandbox" design allows for immense freedom in building the perfect cavern for leading monsters to their demise. Altogether, this is a fresh take on an established genre that will steal away dozens upon dozens of hours.

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9 / 10 - KORG Gadget
Jun 18, 2018

At first, KORG Gadget is a lot like diving headfirst into the deep end. However, if someone is willing to dedicate a little time, they will have the opportunity to explore a world they never knew existed. As the hours pile up, the user will gain a new perspective on how music is created. All of their favourite songs and albums will be seen in a different light. They will start to notice every little thing, and in doing so gain a new appreciation for the artists and their talent. Perhaps they themselves will someday create a wonderful piece of music. Also, the time limit mode is, quite simply, awesome. Creating a piece of music in just a few minutes makes for a really fun and unique challenge. The lack of export options is equal parts strange and annoying, but it's not too much trouble to deal with. Those out there with even the slightest interest in music should definitely give this software a try.

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Jun 17, 2018

After spending some time with SEGA Mega Drive Classics, the nagging feeling is why these compilations are always riddled with issues. There aren't many complaints to be had when it comes to the library, yet the emulation is never up to snuff. Perhaps dedicating such a large amount of resources to the UI wasn't the right call. A number of features are poorly-realised and implemented. It's hard to enjoy the games when nothing sounds or feels quite right. The stuttering is especially baffling. While its appearance is rare, it should be non-existent. In short, fans of the console deserve better.

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4 / 10 - Iro Hero
Jun 7, 2018

This shmup is only recommended for those out there willing to put up with a lot of tedium.

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May 30, 2018

As far as throwbacks go, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is a worthwhile venture. It captures the essence of yesteryear's classics, while offering numerous options to comfort an audience that might be unfamiliar with that time period. The game is also quite entertaining, and the replay-value is quite high. Still, it is not possible to shake the feeling that something is missing. It's as if the developer decided the safe choice was the right one, and left all of the risk-taking up to the player. Will this game be remembered in thirty years? Only time will tell.

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May 29, 2018

For everyone out there who has been beaten down by the relentless pursuit of thrills and high scores, Yoku's Island Express is going to feel very refreshing. It's a charming vacation filled with beautiful locales. Taking the time to explore everything is highly recommended. The emphasis on pinball lends the game a superbly-realised identity. Utilising an array of bumpers and flippers to get around is somehow more fulfilling than tapping a jump button repeatedly. Altogether, this is a worthwhile venture for anyone who needs a break.

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May 26, 2018

Azure Reflections is a fine entry in the Touhou franchise, one that compares favourably to even the mainline games. The various unique systems blend together quite nicely and help to take the traditional danmaku action in a slightly different direction. There are times, though, where this STG could have been a little more creative and really embraced the fact that it's a spin-off.

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May 25, 2018

Even accounting for its tough AI and problematic online mode, Fast Beat Loop Racer GT is still quite impressive. Races are just as intense and fun as fans of the genre could ask for.

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7 / 10 - Earth Wars
May 18, 2018

Earth Wars is not particularly creative or brilliant, but it works entirely within its limited means to deliver a comfortable, enjoyable experience.

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It might have taken a couple tries to get the formula right, but Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition is exemplary. Much can be said about the absurd amount of content, but what really takes this game to the next level are the various refinements. The item card shop alone makes a world of difference for dedicated adventurers. There's also the enhanced frame-rate, which lends a better sense of control and situational awareness to the player. They are better equipped to notice those subtle changes in enemy behaviour, or realise when a massive attack is coming. Aside from a few nit-picks, there's hardly a reason to pass on this fantastic title.

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May 14, 2018

Hopefully, the next game shakes up the formula even more but, until then, this one is a very fun and rewarding ride.

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