Aran Suddi

299 games reviewed
71.3 average score
70 median score
59.0% of games recommended

Aran Suddi's Reviews

Aran Suddi has been a game reviewer for over four years, based at TheSixthAxis. He is also the site's co-news editor, bringing as much news as he possibly can to players. Aran's love for gaming began when he received a Sega Mega Drive when he was six years old, and is a fan of all genres though RPGs are his most preferred games.
Aug 31, 2020

Raji: An Ancient Epic is a solid first attempt for Nodding Head Games, but there are issues that will need to be addressed for future games. The Indian setting and use of Hindu mythology differentiates Raji from similar titles, lending it a fast-paced story and interesting protagonist, but the presentation, quality of voice acting and platforming all need improvement.

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Aug 17, 2020

UFC 4 is an evolution over UFC 3. A much better and more cohesive online, a better system for advancing your created fighters, a career mode that has a bit more depth, and gameplay that opens up the series to more people, makes UFC 4 the game that UFC 3 should have been.

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8 / 10 - Creaks
Aug 3, 2020

Creaks is a nice and inventive puzzle game from Amanita Design. A handful of frustrating puzzles do little to detract from the world's stand out visual design and inventive use of music as a guide through the adventure. If you enjoy puzzle games then Creaks is well worth a go.

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Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans is a faithful remake that retains the charm of the 2005 original, while dramatically overhauling the visuals and making some improvements to the gameplay. Perhaps a bit too faithful, with missions that now feel too simple and limited to the point of just being a bit boring.

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Jul 14, 2020

Ghost of Tsushima is an artistic triumph, capturing a real cinematic feel through its visuals, immersive world and soundtrack. However, Jin is a serviceable main character and he and his journey to save Tsushima is often overshadowed by secondary characters and smaller, more personal stories found in the side quests. Throw in some formulaic missions and an awkward user interface, and Ghost of Tsushima is at times more style than substance.

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Jun 29, 2020

With easy to pick up and play action that looks great on Switch, Urban Trial Tricky is a nice and stylish bike trick game with just enough variety in level design to keep things interesting.

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Jun 22, 2020

If you fancy playing BioShock: The Collection for the first time or perhaps on the go, you can't really go wrong with the Switch port of the trilogy. The stories of each game strike just as well now as they did years ago, perhaps even more so in today's social and political climate, as BioShock Infinite explores the issues of racism and the fight against inequality and injustice.

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8 / 10 - Jet Lancer
Jun 9, 2020

Jet Lancer is a great aerial combat game, giving you a real sense of freedom as you fly through the skies battling enemies that come at your from all directions. The story is nothing to write home about, and the timed missions can be a touch annoying, but Jet Lancer is a fun shoot 'em up overall.

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6 / 10 - Liberated
Jun 3, 2020

Liberated's comic gameplay style works very well and the game provides some good entertainment. However, the story and characters are not as well explored as they could have been. If you like political thrillers, then this could scratch that itch for a few hours.

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7 / 10 - Ion Fury
May 14, 2020

Ion Fury effortlessly channels the spirit of old school shooters like Duke Nukem 3D, but the action is slowed by dull backtracking and environmental puzzles. When it flows there's a good challenge to be had, but the level design can be too convoluted for its own good.

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Apr 29, 2020

Streets of Rage 4 is a must for any beat 'em up fans, especially those with fond memories of the original trilogy. The fighting is great, the visuals are great, and the soundtrack is great. Lizardcube and Guard Crush have managed to capture the essence of those classic games and upgrade it for the modern age.

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Apr 27, 2020

With an engaging sci-fi story and its minimalist style, In Other Waters manages to draw you into its mysterious story and brings the alien environments to life through your imagination. There are some performance issues that can detract from the experience, but overall, In Other Waters is a journey worth taking.

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3 / 10 - Femida
Apr 14, 2020

Femida is a game that had promise and an intriguing setting, but it's not explored well enough. It all seems superficial with characters that lack any depth and resolutions that feel incredibly rushed. It's not a great day when a judgment like this is passed.

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7 / 10 - The Complex
Mar 31, 2020

The Complex is a well crafted interactive movie with a story that will initially hook you. As you lead Amy's decision making through the story, some moments can feel a bit out there or character motivations unclear, but it's a satisfying experience overall and it will scratch that sci-fi thriller itch.

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8 / 10 - Bloodroots
Feb 28, 2020

You will swear at the screen a lot when playing Bloodroots. Mr Wolf will die hundreds if not thousands of times throughout your run, and sometimes you'll just need to put the game down and walk away. Yet Bloodroots can sink its claws into you in a way that few games do. It is a challenge put in front of you that you will want to prove you can overcome. Freaking Bloodroots, man.

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8 / 10 - Draugen
Feb 25, 2020

Draugen might only last a few hours, but it leaves a lasting impression as you're drawn into the mystery of Graavik and the relationship between Edward and Alice. It can be a little overacted and you can see some story beats coming, but as a first person adventure title it is an enjoyable experience.

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9 / 10 -
Feb 7, 2020

Kentucky Route Zero is a game that I'm still thinking about days after reaching its conclusion. Though it's slow (maybe too slow for some) and introspective, it's also an exceptionally engaging interactive experience. If you are into the slow burn kind of story then this is definitely for you, but if you're not then you may bounce off of the Zero.

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Jan 30, 2020

Stories Untold is a very interesting and engaging horror title, building a huge story that taps into your imagination before expertly drawing that scope back in. A couple of puzzles don't quite stick the landing, but the game is engaging over its three hours.

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Jan 17, 2020

Darwin Project is a fun and bold twist on the battle royale genre which doesn't take itself too seriously. Grab your bow, your axe and getting out there swinging.

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Jan 16, 2020

Super Crush KO is a great brawler-shooter. Vertex Pop has managed to create a game that feels fresh right until the very end, and one that offers a lot of replayability. There's some good humour within to deal with the absurd situation Karen finds herself in, and the gameplay just flows very well. Super Crush KO is an early highlight for 2020.

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