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Josh McGrath

Seattle, WA

Favorite Games:

184 games reviewed
69.7 average score
70 median score
53.3% of games recommended
8 / 10 - Abyss Odyssey
Jul 19, 2014

If you can deal with the game's difficulty, which isn't off putting but not exactly new player friendly, Abyss Odyssey is definitely a game worth a shot.

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...but for those who give it a chance, you'll find what I believe to be one of the best stories in video games of recent memory. Even if you have to seek it out on PSP, it is most definitely a game worth your time.

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My final opinion and score for this game really comes down to the audience. If you are a fan of Japanese pop culture, or you are an otaku yourself, you are sure to find something to love in this game.

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5 / 10 - Shadowgate
Aug 29, 2014

While you're busy destroying your brain to figure out the game's logic, you will at least have a beautiful environment to look at. Unfortunately, graphics alone do not make a game great.

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Oct 3, 2014

The game does stumble a bit with its battle sequences and slow start, but I would recommend Endless Legend to anyone that is a fan of the genre, or even newcomers who are looking to try it out.

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Nov 17, 2014

It's not a game for everyone; to get the most from this game, you already have to be a pinball fan…and I don't know many pinball fans. Still, for only $9.99 at release, I'd say it's worth a shot.

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Apr 6, 2015

Etrian Mystery Dungeon is not a game that I would recommend to everyone due to its occasionally high difficulty and style of gameplay.

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Other than the fact that players who tend to skip story in games will have a bad time, I believe this is a game that every 3DS owner should have in their library.

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Jul 27, 2015

Despite the randomized traitor system offering some strong replayability, I can’t say that I’m inclined to play through this game again. Lost Dimension would make a good rental for fans of strategy RPGs, but it is hard to recommend for other gamers.

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It's a love-it-or-hate-it kind of game. However, unlike past entries, I would recommend 3DS owners to give The Fafnir Knight a shot.

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Sep 22, 2015

I was excited for the chance to play this game. However, while not an outright failure, it turned out to be mediocre and a relative disappointment.…but more Chie always helps.

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Sound of Drop appears to be a bit too ambitious for its limitations. In the end, I would say it is worth a read if you can find it on sale and want something quick and not too deep.

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10 / 10 - Stella Glow
Nov 15, 2015

It is an excellent game all around, and an amazing surprise coming from a developer with a history a middling games and a turbulent ending. You would be missing out if you don't it a shot.

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5 / 10 - Just Cause 3
Dec 9, 2015

Maybe further down the road, or as part of a sale, it would be worth picking up just to mess around in the world and go crazy…and perhaps by then the technical issues will be fixed.

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8 / 10 - Clannad
Dec 18, 2015

If you are looking for a heartwarming and occasionally tragic story, Clannad couldn't come any more highly recommended. I would say to be prepared for a bit of a slow burn, though…this is quite a long game with a strong focus on slice-of-life antics.

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Jan 24, 2016

The short playtime can make the full asking price ($14.99 at the time of writing, not counting any sales going on) a bit hard to swallow, though. Despite that, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a great switch-off-your-brain-and-play game, and definitely worth giving a shot.

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9 / 10 - Rabi-Ribi
Feb 7, 2016

Look past the overly-saccharine exterior, and you have an excellent game that marks a strong start for indie releases in 2016.

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Mar 15, 2016

If you’re already a fan of the Warriors series, this game is just more to love, and the strategy game on top of the battle system is a great addition to already solid gameplay. However, if you’re burned out on the series, there isn’t much here to make it worth coming back to.

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Mar 30, 2016

If you are able to look past (or sleep your way through) the menu-heavy portions, you may end up enjoying the other things Trillion has to offer. Taking the package as a whole, though, I can’t really say Trillion even reaches mediocre.

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Apr 6, 2016

If you can hold off until it goes on sale or discount, or can find it for rental, this game is worth a few days of quick fun. As a new $60 release, though, I would look elsewhere for your next gaming investment.

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