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Josh McGrath

Seattle, WA

Favorite Games:

184 games reviewed
69.7 average score
70 median score
53.3% of games recommended

Other than the fact that players who tend to skip story in games will have a bad time, I believe this is a game that every 3DS owner should have in their library.

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10 / 10 - Stella Glow
Nov 15, 2015

It is an excellent game all around, and an amazing surprise coming from a developer with a history a middling games and a turbulent ending. You would be missing out if you don't it a shot.

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10 / 10 - Yakuza 0
Jan 19, 2017

There’s very little I can complain about here, and those things are so minor as to be insignificant. As such, I would like to award Yakuza 0 with a full score. PS4 owners would be doing themselves a disservice by not including this in their libraries.

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10 / 10 - GRIS
Dec 13, 2018

From the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack to the engrossing aesthetic design, combined with solid gameplay that does its part in showing off the world while also not being a slouch itself, Gris is far and away one of the best experiences in gaming I’ve had this year.

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Like many, I’ve been waiting for Trails from Zero for years. After falling off hard from Cold Steel due to its insistence of returning to a school setting multiple times, I had high hopes Zero would return the magic of the Trails games I felt from the Sky arc. And not only did it do that, but it went even beyond my expectations. With a tighter focus in both setting and cast, a story that’s quicker to take off, and the refinements to a battle system I already enjoyed, the game in my hands right now may be on its way to my game of the year.

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...but for those who give it a chance, you'll find what I believe to be one of the best stories in video games of recent memory. Even if you have to seek it out on PSP, it is most definitely a game worth your time.

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Oct 6, 2018

Fortunately, two of those three complaints vanish once you put some time in, and you’ll have no trouble with that what with everything else available to do. This is the rare review title that I can see myself regularly coming back to in the future. Despite not being a car guy, Forza Horizon 4 is just plain fun, pure and simple.

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Jan 24, 2016

The short playtime can make the full asking price ($14.99 at the time of writing, not counting any sales going on) a bit hard to swallow, though. Despite that, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a great switch-off-your-brain-and-play game, and definitely worth giving a shot.

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9 / 10 - Rabi-Ribi
Feb 7, 2016

Look past the overly-saccharine exterior, and you have an excellent game that marks a strong start for indie releases in 2016.

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Dec 24, 2016

If you’re a platforming fan, or just a gamer that’s looking for some straight-up fun, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is definitely a title that should be on your radar.

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It doesn’t win out over Trails in the Sky SC, it comes really damn close. The unfortunate fact that you have to slog through the low points of the first game to get to the expansive high here is a bit of a blemish…but I’d say it’s worth a little bit of pain.

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While the issues I had do hold the game back from a perfect score, Apocalypse is a game that JRPG fans, and even just 3DS owners, should not pass up. The depth in story and gameplay is incredible, and the accessability options can let anyone dive in, newbie or veteran.

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Oct 11, 2016

I went into this review with rather low expectations, and wound up with a title that I would recommend highly to any owner of a PS4.

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9 / 10 - Xanadu Next
Nov 3, 2016

For fans of Falcom’s works, dungeon crawlers, action RPGs, or just anyone looking for a new addiction, I can’t recommend Xanadu Next highly enough.

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Apr 19, 2016

These are minor grievances, though, as the overall package is definitely a game that needs to be played. The fact that it is a free release further enforces that point.

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9 / 10 - Aaero
Apr 26, 2017

The entire A/V presentation, mixed with solid and tight gameplay, create easily one of the most addictive games I’ve played lately.

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This remaster is definitely the way Final Fantasy XII is meant to be played. If you've already played the original to death, there's enough changes and improvements here to warrant your time and money. If you've never experienced the twelfth numbered title in this series, now would be the greatest time to finally jump in.

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Sep 25, 2017

If you're a series fan, and still have a strong stomach, Danganronpa V3 can't come any more highly recommended. If you haven't experienced the franchise yet, now's the time to jump in…but start with the first game.

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Aug 30, 2017

Despite the complaints, I can easily see Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana going down as a modern classic of the genre. The sense of wonder the game offers during exploration, the beautiful artistic presentation, and the just plain solid and fun gameplay make this a title that you absolutely should not pass up.

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Oct 31, 2017

On its own, though, Zwei is still a beautifully crafted game and an addictive dungeon crawler. If you’re looking for something a bit more light-hearted to dive into after the more serious big releases coming out this time of year, this game would be right up your alley.

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