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Casey Scheld

Alameda, CA

603 games reviewed
56.5 average score
60 median score
30.4% of games recommended

Casey Scheld's Reviews

Managing Editor / Social Media Director at Gamers Heroes | Lover of running, bad movies, 80s music, and drinking too much coffee
5 / 10 - Sonar Beat
Jan 22, 2019

Sonar Beat tries something new with the rhythm game genre, but the small tracklist and spartan stylings do not leave a lasting impression. When paired with its somewhat buggy nature, you have yourself a project that could have used more time in development.

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6 / 10 - Hexanome
Jan 17, 2019

Hexanome is a minimalistic puzzler that skews on the side of obtuse. Throwing players to the wolves without much direction is a bold move, one that will make or break this game for a number of people.

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Jan 14, 2019

Super Captain 3D is an unimaginative shooter that is a follower rather than a leader in the genre. Despite its heroic protagonist, this title plays the part of a villain.

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5 / 10 - Steel Vampire
Jan 10, 2019

Steel Vampire's concept of on-the-fly difficulty settings has merit, but it proves to be far too challenging from the get-go. Its focus on offensive play ultimately puts players at a disadvantage, making it only worthwhile for the most hardened of shmup fans.

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5 / 10 - Mercury Race
Jan 8, 2019

Mercury Race's combo of combat and racing feels like walking and chewing gum at the same time. These two concepts simply do not gel, leading to a disjointed experience when all is said and done.

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Jan 4, 2019

Find the Balance strikes a balance between the world of Jenga and the world of video games. Its control scheme is not a perfect fit for the job, but those looking for a casual title that allows players to be creative can find it here.

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The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game is certainly a unique title, but its quirky humor will only appeal to a select few. Fans of adventure titles best approach this fetch quest with caution.

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Dec 28, 2018

Timber Tennis: Versus takes far too many liberties with the game of tennis to be enjoyable. Its simple control scheme may be easy to learn, but it proves to be far too basic for both casual and hardcore gamers.

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6 / 10 - Golf Peaks
Dec 27, 2018

Golf Peaks' card-based mechanics lead to some interesting puzzles, but the package is a little on the light side. There is a solid golf game to be found here, but it is over before it even begins.

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Dec 20, 2018

The PC-98 stylings, along with its strong character development, help The Great Voyage stand out. Though it is far too brief, this tale of life at sea is worth exploring.

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7 / 10 - Wormster Dash
Dec 19, 2018

Wormster Dash prides itself on its trial-and-error gameplay, which is both its greatest strength and biggest weakness. Those that can stomach some of its more frustrating elements will find a world full of charm and character.

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6 / 10 - Heavy Burger
Dec 18, 2018

Heavy Burger's handful of recreated arcade cabinets, while true to their source material, isn't varied enough to encourage long-term replayability. What is here has been polished to a shiny sheen, but this shooter could have used a lot more content.

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Dec 17, 2018

Combining the worlds of shmups, roguelikes, and brick breakers sounds like a recipe for disaster, but Galactic Bulwark Strike deftly handles all three with ease. Though it is a little on the short side, players will appreciate the variety each playthrough offers.

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4 / 10 - Owl Watch
Dec 14, 2018

Owl Watch provides a hollow experience when all is said and done. Its distinct low poly aesthetics stand out, but the lack of content and short length prevent this title from making any sort of impact.

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2 / 10 - RGB Run
Dec 13, 2018

RGB Run takes a simple concept and makes it incredibly frustrating. What should have been a simple Simon Says-style game is filled with the brim with gimmicks designed to make you lose your cool.

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6 / 10 - Montaro RE
Dec 11, 2018

Those that can look past Montaro RE's somewhat tasteless scoring mechanic will enjoy an endless runner that doesn't skimp on the challenge.

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7 / 10 - Resynth
Dec 10, 2018

Resynth offers up a relaxing experience that features the best elements of both rhythm and puzzle games. Though it can sometimes get obtuse, the lack of pressure makes it a solid title to unwind with.

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Dec 7, 2018

Earth Defense Force 5 doubles down on its B-movie aesthetic to create an experience that is equal parts goofy and fun. The lack of enemy variety leads to some repetition, but those who grew up with cult cinema classics will enjoy taking down this alien menace.

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Dec 6, 2018

70 Seconds Survival will test your patience in 70 second increments. Its roughshod controls and poor design make it seem more like a project car than a nitro-fueled racer that can stand toe-to-toe with the greats.

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American Patriots: The Swamp Fox's fight against the redcoats might offer something new, but the gameplay, graphics, and engine are far too underdeveloped for players to get invested in the long term.

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