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Casey Scheld

Alameda, CA

603 games reviewed
56.5 average score
60 median score
30.4% of games recommended

Casey Scheld's Reviews

Managing Editor / Social Media Director at Gamers Heroes | Lover of running, bad movies, 80s music, and drinking too much coffee
8 / 10 - Dragonward
Jun 25, 2018

Dragonward's resource management and roguelike elements make for an addicting formula that'll have you seek out the perfect run. The random elements are not always fair, but those willing to play past defeat will find much to like here.

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6 / 10 - Venture Kid
Jun 21, 2018

Venture Kid is a solid enough tribute to Mega Man, but it could have used a bit more polish to really stand out. It's not a bad game, but rather an uninspired one.

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Jun 18, 2018

Micro Pico Racers has a lot of heart, but not the follow-through. Diehard Micro Machines fans are better off playing the classics rather than diving into this one.

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Jun 14, 2018

The Big Journey's relaxed and charming atmosphere will appeal to a wide variety of gamers. There might not be a ton of variety between stages, but this is one chill title that will make players feel good.

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Jun 12, 2018

G.O.D.S. is an interesting proof of concept that could have used more content. Though there is not a ton of variety, the sheer amount of chaos and unpredictability of its hockey mode is worth a go for those jonesing for a unique multiplayer title.

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Jun 11, 2018

Monster Truck Drive is full of wasted potential, and feels more like a college project than anything else. While it may have an interesting concept, no work went into its world, mechanics, or even design.

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5 / 10 - Space God
Jun 7, 2018

Space God's core mechanics are sound, but the gameplay present here is nothing too out of the ordinary. As a result, this title feels more like a tribute, rather than a trailblazer.

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Jun 5, 2018

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle has got the fanservice down, but it feels more like a tribute to Arc System Works' other games than its own unique beast. Its simplified fighting game mechanics, along with its reused assets, makes it only worth it for the most diehard of fans.

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7 / 10 - Onrush
Jun 5, 2018

ONRUSH tries a number of new things with its team-based driving mechanics, and some aspects of this gamble pay off better than others. Its speed and mechanics are sound, but those looking for something a bit more traditional best approach with caution.

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3 / 10 - SPAGHET
Jun 4, 2018

SPAGHET feels like an inside joke that has no punchline. Even though there is not much to the gameplay, what is here feels like it was thrown together and does not always work as it should.

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7 / 10 - Vandals
Jun 1, 2018

Vandals' puzzle-based antics are perfect for short sessions. With a fair difficulty curve and just the right amount of elements, this is one title worth exploring

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3 / 10 - Devil Guns
May 28, 2018

Devil Guns is an uninspired shooter with a mountain of bugs. Even the most diehard fans of the genre can safely pass on this one without missing anything of significance.

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5 / 10 - Watch Me Jump
May 25, 2018

Watch Me Jump has got an interesting story, but it may be better suited as a stage play than a video game. Its brief length and rough presentation both hold the game back, which is unfortunate with a tale as solid as this one.

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4 / 10 - Fatal Stormer
May 24, 2018

Fatal Stormer doesn't do enough to stand out from the throngs of other shmups on the Steam marketplace today. Though the customization features are welcome, the core gameplay gets repetitive far too fast.

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May 21, 2018

Absolutely no effort went into Steel Arena: Robot War. Everything here feels like it was made with stock assets, making it feel more like a school project than a quality title.

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May 18, 2018

Super Knockoff! VS feels phoned-in. It's lack of options, questionable level design, and lack of single player or multiplayer modes make it a hard sell for multiplayer gaming fanatics.

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May 14, 2018

Light Fantastik has got an interesting premise, but the tweaks made to the platforming formula ultimately take away from the game. Those that can stomach its trial and error gameplay and odd quirks may enjoy what is present here, but the less patient among us are better off skipping this one.

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1 / 10 - NickProject
May 10, 2018

There's not much to NickProject. The lack of effort that went into everything from the gameplay to the graphics is blatantly apparent, making it an easy pass for even the most diehard fan of top-down shooters.

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4 / 10 - Voxel Baller
May 7, 2018

Voxel Baller may offer a new perspective in the brick-breaking genre, but it does not do enough to stand out. The generic look, awkward play field, and lack of mouse support means that only the most diehard of fans should give this one a go.

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May 4, 2018

Temple of Spikes' bite-sized format makes it easy to pick up and play. It's slippery controls take some getting used to, but it's challenge will draw in tomb raiders from all walks of life.

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