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Justin Nation

Windsor, PA
The Nindersect

Favorite Games:
  • Rocket League
  • Neon Abyss
  • Wreckfest

3811 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.0% of games recommended

Justin Nation's Reviews

Strangely enough this isn't my first rodeo, back in the day I wrote for the N64HQ as well as a few other outlets on freelance gigs but then when the HQ closed I decided to step it up and started The 64 Source. As the first word of a follow-up system to the N64 began to swirl I then decided to venture out into completely new territory and started OperatioN2000, where I had very little regular reputable news to share. With no other options I decided create my own content focused on profiling key developers and their current relationship with Nintendo or "dream games" where I saw opportunities for Nintendo to dust off classics or recently-made games and do something new with them on improved hardware. This was all going pretty well until my wife and I decided to have our first child and I then decided that it was time to hang it up and focus on my family. As I closed down both sites I did decide to partner with Billy Berghammer, another former N64HQ writer, who had created his own site, PlanetN2000. We agreed to move over the relevant content from the older sites to his and on top of that I had taken a grad school class in programming in ColdFusion and decided to offer to code the front-end and back-end for a new version of his site. Through these efforts the newer and more complete Planet GameCube was born! While I would occasionally contribute to that site, helping do things like working out Louie the Cat doing rumors and other odd things, I eventually decided to stop as my family obligations grew. While I had continued to follow Nintendo through both the Wii and Wii U eras my TV time was limited enough that I began playing more PC games again. It is in the PC space that I began to play a number of independent games and they started to be the games I enjoyed the most. Between their lower price, their often less traditional gameplay and approach, and their great variety I was hooked! With the launch of the Nintendo Switch I was already excited by the possibilities. The portability factor alone meant that I would have far more options and places I could play away from the TV, and games like Breath of the Wild looked impressive. With my oldest daughter poised to start her senior year in high school and my youngest finishing out junior high I started to see an opportunity to get back into amateur games journalism once again with what is now Nintendo World Report as well but I'd initially just thought about writing some editorials periodically. Then, right before the launch of the system, Nintendo had their Nindie-focused presentation and I saw my two most beloved gaming worlds colliding. The games I had been playing on my PC could now be played in a portable way and on Nintendo hardware! Being the type who tends to work against the normal current the concept behind Nindie Spotlight was born!
Oct 12, 2021

While I've played indie games with a pretty wide variety of styles and levels of quality since the launch of the Switch I can't say any of them has defied easy explanation as much as Disco Elysium for me...

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Mar 23, 2021

Possibly one of the best games to challenge and entertain determined groups either locally or online in this generation, Overcooked started strong and at this point where they've brought everything together into one package it's tough not to be impressed...

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Dec 8, 2020

At long last the conversion of DOOM: Eternal has made its way to Switch to satisfy your itchy trigger finger and much like the last DOOM... it's pretty hard to believe this game is running (well) on a console you can take anywhere...

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9.1 / 10.0 - Nuclear Blaze
May 5, 2023

A creative take on a puzzle platforming adventure that’s challenging but fair, and has plenty of secrets to discover along the way

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9.1 / 10.0 - Hotshot Racing
Sep 10, 2020

With its low-poly look coming straight out of classic Sega arcade titles like Daytona Racing we have Hotshot Racing, and while it may not have incredible depth or nuance damn if it isn’t a whole lotta fun...

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9.1 / 10.0 - WHAT THE GOLF?
May 21, 2020

Bless the indie devs that are determined to just completely go off in left field and do something unique...

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9.1 / 10.0 - Untitled Goose Game
Sep 20, 2019

Bless indie developers and their ability to come up with weird concepts for gameplay that you probably never considered but upon seeing them are easily attracted to...

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9 / 10.0 - Wulverblade
Oct 17, 2017

Overall, Wulverblade is an absolute masterpiece and for people who have been bemoaning the lack of quality beat-em-ups it should provide many hours of meaty combat and carnage. To really enjoy it you'll need to overcome falling into old habits and committing to learning all of the moves and nuance made available to you. Your reward will be a very viscerally satisfying and overall bloody good time, with some crazy surprises you won't want to miss out on.

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May 10, 2017

For fans of Minecraft, this absolutely seems like the version you've been waiting for if you wanted to get as close to a full-fledged experience as you could realistically want on a handheld device. For people who aren't among the already-converted, it is still the same game it has always been, and it has its merits, but aside from portability there's nothing more compelling about this version than there has ever been. It's been well-established there's a ton of game to be had here if you enjoy it, the Switch is just making it more easily accessible than it has ever been.

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Jul 6, 2017

While not as deep as something you'd see from the likes of Platinum Games, the general gameplay hook is there, combining fast-paced melee combo attacks with some gunplay and strategic combat. The fact that it is being delivered in a budget-friendly package with so much content out of the gate more than compensates for the relative age and somewhat dated visuals it brings along for the ride. If you're looking for something to get your adrenaline pumping, whether you're at home or on the go, Implosion delivers a challenge and excitement in a wallet-friendly package.

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9 / 10.0 - Minecraft
May 10, 2017

That makes the conclusion somewhat foregone, but here it is: For fans of Minecraft, this absolutely seems like the version you've been waiting for if you wanted to get as close to a full-fledged experience as you could realistically want on a handheld device. For people who aren't among the already-converted, it is still the same game it has always been, and it has its merits, but aside from portability there's nothing more compelling about this version than there has ever been. It's been well-established there's a ton of game to be had here if you enjoy it, the Switch is just making it more easily accessible than it has ever been.

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9 / 10.0 - Teslagrad
Dec 4, 2017

I attempted to keep everything roughly as vague as possible in the review because I think one of the greatest things for me about the game was coming into it having know very little. This allowed the game to feel a little more magical to me rather than as a chain of expected events and tools to be found. If you enjoy creative and sometimes challenging platforming with a bits of puzzles thrown in Teslagrad is a game to be savored, and stands out as something a bit special among its peers.

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9 / 10.0 - Transistor
Nov 1, 2018

Between the somewhat different way that its story and details reveal themselves, the terrific music and visuals, and the custom-catered abilities you’ll use in challenging combat Transistor is a satisfying cyberpunk romp. No matter how powerful you may feel the Process continues to send new enemies and scenarios at you so you’ll need to experiment and adapt, keeping everything engaging throughout. While the story feels like it’s over a bit too soon it’s a satisfying ride and if you want even more challenging combat you then always have the Sandbox and New Game + to indulge in.

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Dec 6, 2018

In the end if you’ve been itching for a game that mixes top-down adventure with challenging combat and secrets to discover pretty well all around you Hyper Light Drifter is a very appealing package. The added Switch content is a terrific touch worth the trouble to try to take advantage of as it will make finding those critical elements that will help you on your way a little easier. There’s simply nothing quite like it on the platform and it’s well worth your time if you’re up to the challenge.

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9 / 10.0 - Wulverblade
Oct 16, 2017

Overall Wulverblade is an absolute masterpiece of a game and for people who have been bemoaning the lack of quality beat-em-ups available it should provide many hours of meaty combat and carnage. To enjoy it you’ll need to overcome falling into old and sloppy habits and learn to work with all of the moves and nuance made available to you. Your reward will be a very viscerally satisfying and overall bloody good time, with some crazy surprises you won’t want to miss out on!

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Oct 3, 2017

No matter how you may choose to play it I think Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime has a lot going for it both in terms of challenges and fun. Whether you need to exercise your ability to maintain strong team dynamics or to figure out the best strategies for you and your AI pet to be the most successful there are opportunities for both success and failure everywhere. Whether it is trying to get things right the first time by the seat of your pants or failing, regrouping, and coming back with an even better plan of attack there aren’t pressing stakes to worry about. You’re just trying to have fun with the situation being presented to you and to make the most of it. I think it is the light-hearted nature of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime I like the most and though it probably better realizes its potential the more people you have to play it with there’s still a satisfying experience to be had alone if that’s how you roll as well. Recommended!

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Dec 15, 2017

As a whole Enter the Gungeon is every bit a best-in-class roguelike shooter on the Switch. Not only is the core gameplay wonderfully intense yet tightly controlled but touches like a well-implemented teleportation system in the map prevent your adrenaline levels to have a chance to subside. The bosses all have their own feel and most have quite a personality to go with their toughness. All things considered if you’re a roguelike shooter fan in the least you would be doing yourself a great disservice not giving Gungeon a spin.

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Aug 28, 2017

While all of the Party Packs have been a load of fun I’d say it is truly a close horse race between Party Packs 2 and 3 for the title of best overall. While I’d thought I’d have given Party Pack 3 the edge before I’d played the entire collection in 2 I’m now thinking that Party Pack 2 may be the best by a nose. While tastes will vary depending on who you are or who you play with I don’t really think there are any outright clunkers in this Pack, though perhaps Bidiots isn’t as fun as I would have liked and Bomb Corp. won’t be a winner for all groups. In the end I’m actually very impressed with them all, would recommend each one of them, and think you’ll need to carefully review the specifics about the games included in each Pack to make the best determination for yourself and your group.

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Dec 8, 2018

Stardust Galaxy Warriors describes itself as combining shmup and brawler gameplay elements and as unusual a claim as that may be on its face it’s oddly accurate. Between the way the waves of enemies progress and just the overall variety in what you’ll face this doesn’t have a an almost puzzle-like bullet hell feel, though especially in the Campaign’s latter stages you’ll be doing plenty of careful dodging if you expect to complete it. Instead, you’ll tend to open up with a number of waves of enemies (ones that vary wildly by stage, often requiring different approaches to take down), a mid phase where it’s not unusual to face some more formidable enemies, and then a third where you’ll face one of the game’s pretty diverse bosses. Overall, Stardust Galaxy Warriors is just a huge breath of fresh air and easily one of the top shooters on the system. If you’re looking for variety in your challenge, something you can enjoy with some friends, and an ability to configure both your challenges and your gear to suit your mood there’s really no better choice on the Switch.

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9 / 10.0 - Neon Chrome
Oct 12, 2017

I’ve actually been enjoying Neon Chrome for quite some time on the PC and am thrilled that it has finally made its way to the Switch, even moreso that it has come over quite flawlessly. Beating the Overseer is no easy feat but what I love the most about the game is that it continues to scale itself up even past that initial victory and you’ll be able to continue to test your skills and your load outs against consistently formidable resistance. In some ways it is when all of the skill options are finally available to you that the game most comes to life, throwing exciting challenges at you and demanding that you give it your full attention to persevere. While I’ve played many roguelike shooters and enjoy them all I hold Neon Chrome up as one of my absolute favorites for multiple reasons.

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