Unravel Two

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

8.5 / 10
Game Informer
8 / 10
8 / 10
Hardcore Gamer
4 / 5
Nintendo Life
8 / 10
God is a Geek
7.5 / 10
IGN Spain
8 / 10
8 / 10
Creators: Electronic Arts
Release Date: Jun 9, 2018 - Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch
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Unravel Two: Official Reveal Trailer | EA Play 2018 thumbnail

Unravel Two: Official Reveal Trailer | EA Play 2018

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Unravel Two Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Unravel Two


8.5 / 10.0
Daniel Krupa

While its core story might not have the emotional punch of the original, Unravel Two improves upon the original in every other respect. The platforming is more responsive and demanding, while the puzzles are far more inventive and satisfying to solve, which is largely due to the excellent implementation of a second character and co-op.

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By adding a second Yarny, Unravel Two ups the fun and adds much-needed variety to the experience

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Unravel's delightful sequel makes for a fun and breezy co-op adventure.

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Unravel Two is a quick journey, but one that does its predecessor justice.

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Unravel Two was already a wonderful little game, filled with heartfelt moments of poignant storytelling and challenging platforming puzzles, and now it has a fitting new home on Nintendo Switch. Even with a few downgrades to the visuals, Unravel Two is far from an inferior experience when played on Nintendo's hybrid system. Full of charm and character, it's one of the best co-operative platformers you can play anywhere, and another robust Switch port that was well worth the wait.

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If you enjoyed the original it's certainly worth going back for more, but there's not enough for returning players that weren't enamoured by its predecessor.

A good port of an alread good coop platformer that doesn't do anything new, nor anything but despite being kind of short.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Unravel Two is a standup performance by developer Coldwood Interactive, improving on the original in nearly every way. Whether you have a friend to play with or not, Unravel Two is one of the finest puzzle platformers and couch co-op games in 2018. Though not everything is quite as manageable in single-player as in the main campaign and the narrative is lacking, my five hours with Yarny still had the same wonder as the original title — just with much better mechanics.

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Try Unravel 2 for free for 10 hours during open trial

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