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Robby Bisschop


Favorite Games:
  • Avicii Invector
  • MTG: Arena
  • Final Fantasy Theathrythm: Curtain Call

123 games reviewed
76.5 average score
80 median score
54.5% of games recommended

Robby Bisschop's Reviews

Freelance games journalist. Robby lives and breathes video games. When he's not playing them, he's talking about them on social media or convincing other people to pick up a controller themselves. He's online so often, he could practically list the internet as his legal domicile. Belgian games-industry know-it-all.
80 / 100 - Marie’s Room
Nov 28, 2018

Marie’s Room is a very short, story-driven game in which you investigate objects in a single room and reminisce about long-forgotten memories. It’s also 100% free to download from Steam and perfect if you’re looking for a brief experience to sink your teeth in.

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75 / 100 - Flipping Death
Sep 30, 2018

Flipping Death is similar to its spiritual predecessor in many ways. It has a lovely aesthetic that never gets old and a type of silly humour that seems to have become a trademark for the developer. While the platforming is a lot more fun, the physics based mechanics rubbed me the wrong way and I didn’t care much for revisiting the same level (and possessing the same characters) over and over. It’s still an enjoyable game for a single runthrough and one that I would recommend for fans of the genre.

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Sep 10, 2018

Stick it to the Man is a witty, humouristic title with a striking cardboard aesthethic. The jokes are genuinely funny and the puzzles play themselves out in ways you didn’t see coming. It may only be about 5-6 hours long, but you’ll have a good time from start to finish.

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Aug 31, 2018

GRIDD’s neon visuals are definitely pleasing to the eyes and the soundtrack is like a timetravel machine sending you back about thirty years into pop-culture. If you’re a fan of those Tron-inspired influences, you’ll have a blast! But the repetitive nature of the game is its main undoing and I doubt you’ll get more than 2-3 hours of enjoyment out of the whole package.

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65 / 100 - Danger Zone 2
Aug 15, 2018

I had my fun with Danger Zone 2, but it was over way too quick. The graphics could use some additional polish, adding music would go a long way but the biggest improvement I could see for a sequel would simply consist out of providing a lot more content (a level designer could perhaps help keep the game alive). Ironically, the best parts of the game for me, where the bonus levels which asked you to avoid crashing and just wanted you to reach the finish as fast as possible.

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7 / 10.0 - The Crew 2
Aug 6, 2018

It may be flawed, but there's a ton of content and the base game is still fun to play , so I'm still recommending this to fans of the genre.

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60 / 100 - The Mooseman
Jul 23, 2018

The Mooseman is very brief (but cheap) game that somehow seems aimed at achievement hunters. You could easily 100% complete this for 1000G in one hour if you know where to go and I expect most of the perceived value to come from this aspect. The gameplay was too boring and repetitive for my sake but an interesting visual style and a haunting soundtrack manage to save the title in the end.

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8 / 10.0 - Far Cry 5
Jul 1, 2018

Far Cry 5 is a huge game with plenty to do and a natural sense of progression. The main story is all over the place and requires plenty suspension of disbelief but it still ends up being enough to drive the narrative and it'll keep you coming back until you've completed all it has to offer.

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8 / 10.0 - Youropa
Jun 26, 2018

Youropa turns the world of puzzle-platformers upside down and will make you tilt your head sideways in awe throughout the experience.

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80 / 100 - Onrush
Jun 5, 2018

ONRUSH is a fantastically fun game that reminds us why we love to get behind the virtual wheel and boost/takedown our way through the opposition.

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80 / 100 - Rogues Like Us
May 24, 2018

Rogues Like Us is an addictive roguelike that keeps you coming back for more even after beating the main story. The different weapons, buffs and trinkets make each playthrough unique and there are plenty of items to collect for the completionists out there. It’s pleasing to look at, even more enjoyable to listen to and a bliss to play.

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80 / 100 - Stay Safe
May 21, 2018

Stay Safe was a nice surprise. I hadn’t heard about it prior to reviewing it so it’s possibly in need of a better marketing campaign (and a more google-friendly title) but don’t let that stop you from giving it a try yourself. For a cheap asking price you’re getting a game that’ll test your mettle and which offers plenty of replay value.

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80 / 100 - Sairento VR
May 13, 2018

One of Sairento’s taglines is “VR was made for this” and I find myself agreeing with the statement. The mobility made possible here just feels so right that I expect a lot of other VR games to take notice and copy it. If you own a VR set, you should definitely have this game in your library!

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I can never get enough of this game: it looks great, plays great and I just can't help wanting to complete everything in it 100% so I'm always happy to see new content.

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7.5 / 10.0 - EARTHLOCK
Apr 28, 2018

If there's one word to describe Earthlock, it'd have to be "charming". The characters are likeable, the world is well designed and there are plenty of interesting things to do or discover.

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The Episodes start to feel shorter and shorter each time, but at least this one took us to an interesting location and gave us interesting choices to make.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Extinction
Apr 10, 2018

The actual giant ogre-slaying gameplay is a lot of fun, but it's not enough to carry an entire game on its shoulders. Repetitive gameplay and a boring story keep the game from being any fun beyond the first few hours.

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Mar 29, 2018

Assassin's Creed Origins takes the series in a new direction with more RPG elements and it's better for it. The game has a huge map with an incredible density of things to do which will keep you busy for well over 100 hours. It looks amazing and especially those playing on an Xbox One X hooked up to a 4K/HDR TV will not believe their eyes at how simply gorgeous it is. The production quality here is off the charts and I can't help but look forward to where the series might be headed next. But for now? I'll gladly dive back in for a NewGame+

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Mar 23, 2018

Metropolis is a fine game for its low asking price. I found myself enjoying it more than I expected to, replaying it each time with a completely different set of abilities and genuinely curious about the ending I'd be getting. The battles themselves were quick and entertaining and the comic-book style is lovely to look at. Despite its small flaws, it's definitely worth checking out.

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Mar 21, 2018

Epistory is an unexpected indie gem.

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