Darren Palma

131 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
90.1% of games recommended
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Sep 10, 2017

League of Evil is a fun little game and still satisfies that craving that it set out to do several years ago. It doesn't quite have the personality and flair that Slime-san possesses and even back in the day it was never in the same league as Super Meat Boy, but it does have its own little charm and style. There's still plenty of addictive fun to be had that will certainly test your skills and patience. Add that with the added cross-play level editor and you're unlikely to run out of challenges as long as the community keeps the creativity alive.

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Sep 4, 2017

If you are the type of person who could be locked in a room for twelve hours, content with nothing more than a fidget spinner and a bucket then you will love Phantom Trigger. It’s amazing. For everyone else, you will probably get very little satisfaction from this extremely repetitive and frustratingly boring dungeon brawler.

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9 / 10 - Slime-san
Aug 19, 2017

To sum it up, Slime-san is a great little platformer with well-honed controls meaning that you can’t blame anyone but yourself for any silly mistakes that you make. For as little as a tenner, it’s bursting at the seams with content with plenty to do and unlock to keep you entertained for a very long time.

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9 / 10 - GoNNER
Aug 9, 2017

GoNNER is a great introduction to the roguelike genre. It may be short, but that doesn’t mean you will blast through it quickly even though its high difficulty may seem a bit too challenging for some. It plays and looks great on the TV screen and it fits nicely as a portable title.

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Aug 1, 2017

Despite its visual and audio charm, Ultra Hyperball lacks any real depth and variety to make this a title worth remembering. The multiplayer modes can be fun, but it is a shallow experience that will wade out pretty quickly.

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Jul 26, 2017

It may not be as pretty, deep and fluid as the bigger titles it aspires to be, but it definitely did take me by surprise with how much I actually enjoyed it. With its fair price tag and replayability hook, Implosion happens to be a great little bit on the side.

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6 / 10 - I and Me
Jul 16, 2017

I and Me is a charming and simple little time waster. There isn’t really any replayabilty found in this title unless you have had a bad day at work or have a sudden impulse for self-discovery, as the only real depth in this game is found within its fitting but questionable dialogue.

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6 / 10 - De Mambo
Jul 13, 2017

I really wanted to like De Mambo. It’s oozing with great ideas and potential. Add that to a mix of inspiration from several beloved genres and you should get a dish that tastes of a classic indie title. However, it does seem that the chefs at The Dangerous Kitchen wrote a recipe down with a certain ingredient and stubbornly tried to force it to work in hope of a new flavour. A trait that even legendary developers can sometimes fall victim to.

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Jun 30, 2017

As a multiplayer title, Astro Duel Deluxe is an absolute blast. It works gracefully in tabletop mode and brings the golden age into the 21st century on the Switch. You may not get hours of gameplay per sitting but I could imagine this being the go-to game to settle disputes within some circle of friends.

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Jun 19, 2017

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is an enjoyable experience and although Shantae doesn’t necessarily bring anything brand new to the table you can see the respect, love and polish the developers have for the genre that led them to create a game like this in the first place. With strong platformers already on the Switch such as Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, Blaster Master Zero and Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero stands strong and proudly amongst them.

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The King of Fighters '98 is a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch library and kudos to Hamster Corporation for converting a classic on to the system so cleanly. With a deep gameplay mechanic and interesting character skill sets, it's a classic brought back to life with the convenience of the console.

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