Jordan Devore

166 games reviewed
75.1 average score
80 median score
58.0% of games recommended
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5 / 10.0 - DEXED
Feb 26, 2017

Dexed is the kind of thing you might play a few times, in short sittings, and never return to again. There's not enough here to earn your continued interest, and while the on-rails shooting works well and seems promising at first, the game it's attached to fails to build on that initial seed of an idea.

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Feb 20, 2017

Whether it's worth playing at that price depends on how into Psychonauts you are and/or how desperate you are for a delightful, well-crafted PSVR game. I'll say this much: as someone who is by no means a superfan, Rhombus of Ruin left me feeling proper excited for Psychonauts 2.

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Even though I didn't connect with either character, I think Scarif comes out strong with its vibrant setting and stellar maps. The new multi-part Infiltration mode is uneven, yes, but it's also Battlefront at its best. In fact, if it weren't for Bespin, this final expansion would be my favorite. Now we just need DICE to hurry up and consolidate the fragmented player base. Battlefront 2 isn't that far off.

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Dec 8, 2016

As it stands, you should absolutely hold off on Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality for PlayStation VR until the controls are overhauled in the planned update. I ended up having some fun once I learned how to work around those glaring issues to a certain extent, but even in the best of times, it was a struggle. It's a shame the launch went this way, because there's an entertaining VR experience buried in here.

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7 / 10.0 - How We Soar (VR)
Dec 5, 2016

As a lower-key alternative to the high-octane flying games in the VR space, How We Soar has found its niche, and it'll serve those players well. It strikes a good balance between letting you unwind and also making sure you're adequately challenged and engaged. The story doesn't quite do enough to draw you into the author's plight and keep you hooked, but the flying alone carries this game far.

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Nov 16, 2016

Simply put, Pokémon has never felt more alive to me than it does in Sun, and while I did have high expectations coming in, I can't say I saw that coming. This series is catching up with our imaginations.

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Nov 14, 2016

This is a game I was so ready to fall in love with, but it ultimately comes up short. After a couple of hours, I began to wonder, "Is this it? Dinosaur planet sight-seeing?" Basically, yeah. And at its high price point, that's going to be a tough sell. But Robinson is doing things no other PSVR title has been able to accomplish, visually speaking, and for that reason alone it'll be worth considering down the road.

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7 / 10.0 - Battlezone (VR)
Oct 20, 2016

While I would argue that Rigs: Mechanized Combat League is by far the superior online multiplayer game for PlayStation VR, if its frantic in-mech motion is too much to handle or you're otherwise more interested in an engaging cooperative experience, this fits the bill nicely. There are some glaring balance issues for Rebellion to work out, and Battlezone is far less advisable as a solo game, but damn if it isn't thrilling when everything comes together and your team perseveres against all odds.

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6 / 10.0 - Tumble VR
Oct 19, 2016

In fact, that's my biggest issue with the game: it is, at best, just fine. There isn't a slick presentation or wildly compelling puzzle designs to pick up the slack and keep you hooked. I can appreciate that Supermassive has figured out the fundamentals with Tumble VR and come in at such a budget-friendly price, but I also can't deny the times when I grew bored of playing. Don't rush through this one.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Job Simulator
Oct 18, 2016

While Job Simulator may not be my personal favorite virtual reality game, it is one of the easier titles to recommend given its intuitive design, effective comedy stylings, and broad appeal. It's just a shame it has to end so soon. As such, I wouldn't suggest picking it up as your first or second VR purchase, but do know that you absolutely shouldn't skip it. Especially if you have a Vive.

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7 / 10.0 - Headmaster (VR)
Oct 17, 2016

For as frustrating as failure can be, though, I still greatly enjoy this game and what it's going for. I want to stick it out. Headmaster seems to be flying under the radar as a launch-window PlayStation VR title, but it's one of the most novel experiences out there and decidedly worth trying. You must meet Robert.

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8 / 10.0 - Thumper
Oct 9, 2016

I'd still recommend Thumper, though. Readily. But I would also advise not to get too wrapped up in fully finishing it. This road is long and winding and brutal. It might just drive you mad.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Overcooked
Sep 28, 2016

Aside from from the local-only consideration and some inconsistencies with the scoring criteria and stage layouts, man, what a game. Overcooked is the best co-op experience I've had in recent memory, and despite going back through to fully clear every level, I wish there were more. Don't overlook it.

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Sep 26, 2016

In short, there are highs and lows to Death Star. With a few expansions down and only one left to go, I was expecting something greater. If not more from the headliner, Battle Station, than at least more mode compatibility with the new maps. There's no excuse. I came in thinking it'd be an easy sell -- and it probably still will be for some given its inherent nostalgia -- but I'm coming out of it feeling let down. Taken with the rest of the season pass, Death Star helps round out the wider experience, but I would have a hard time recommending it as a standalone purchase. At this point, I'd go all or nothing.

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8 / 10.0 - Dead Rising 2 HD
Sep 13, 2016

But for as uneven as that specific slice of Dead Rising 2 can be, the rest of the experience shines, even today. It's one of those games that pays back the time you invest into it at least double fold. Returning players won't find anything substantially new in this remaster aside from sharper image quality and better performance, but given the budget pricing here, that's a perfectly reasonable offer.

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Sep 12, 2016

It might be a case of sky-high expectations, but this sequel doesn't live up to its sublime predecessor Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+. Still, I'm not so sure it ever could -- that game was damn near perfect, putting Bandai Namco in a tough spot when creating a follow-up. Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is worth playing for its frenetic new style and ruleset, but it's no replacement.

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6 / 10.0 - Okhlos
Aug 18, 2016

As much as I enjoy the tone of Okhlos and its silly but well-informed take on Greek mythology, its repetitive format and simplistic gameplay hook aren't an engaging combination. I'd like to see every little goofy reference it has to offer, but the motivation to push through the grind just isn't there.

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Aug 2, 2016

And that's why they call it Death Road to Canada. It can be too harsh for its own good, and folks who are tired of roguelikes will struggle to embrace that part of the design, but it's still one of the better road-trip games I've played thanks to its cheerful personality, amusing writing, and all-around charm.

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3 / 10.0 - Energy Hook
Jul 13, 2016

Jordan: That's spot on with how I feel. As much as I want to like Energy Hook -- the concept itself is sound, and should work -- the whole thing comes across as unfinished and unpolished. Even when the stars align and the game seems to play as intended, the feeling is fleeting. It lacks staying power.

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3 / 10.0 - 7 Days to Die
Jul 11, 2016

My fear is that the situation won't improve fast enough, assuming it ever really does get better down the road. Despite its rough edges, the PC version has been successful for years now, and I have to imagine 7 Days to Die will also do well on consoles where competition among these types of sandbox survival experiences isn't so fierce. With that in mind, it's disappointing to see this sold on Xbox One and PS4 (with a retail release!) as if it is completed game. It clearly is not. After some substantial updates, I'd potentially want to give it another chance, but as is I wouldn't want to spend another minute with it.

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