Krzysztof Mysiak
Metro: Exodus requires patience during the long cut-scenes and way too extensive dialogues, but it's worth it. The new Metro offers unique, superb gameplay full of amazing locations and a magnificent atmosphere. Don't wait for Half-Life 3 – in my opinion, you can get the same amount of fun today!
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Odyssey is no doubt the biggest game in the Assassin's Creed series, and could easily be considered the best one. Unfortunately the efforts to reshape an action game into an RPG were only partially successful. Ubisoft already checked off everything from a great atmosphere and a gigantic map to some cool gameplay mechanics, but narration and moral choices still do not deliver – Witcher 3 is still miles ahead.
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We Happy Few Has such a cool atmosphere, interesting world and clever story that is can easily be considered “an heir to BioShock”. In that case why did the developers opt to fill the game with tons of ludicrous content and made the player chase butterflies for dozens of hours? The world should be smaller, the gameplay better and the game shorter. A bit of a letdown.
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The Crew 2 is a whisker away from being a great game. You can spend an entire afternoon just enjoying the cars and driving without a specific purpose, while taking in some of the marvelous views, and it feels really good. However, the major downsides – ubiquitous copy-pasting and a rather scanty number of genuine innovations – don't allow me to recommend this game to absolutely everyone; not just yet.
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Vampyre's issues lie deep within the core gameplay design. DONTNOD shouldn't have attempted making an RPG. Vampyr would have been much better off as a shorter, adventure or action-adventure production such as Remember Me. It's a great shame that this exquisite artistic vision and superb atmosphere were in the end squandered.
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Seven: The Days Long Gone is a truly unique RPG. It's a comic book-stylized stealth isometric adventure in a techno-magical world. Seven can generate tons of fun but only until you encounter one of the many strange bugs and issues. You should wait for some serious patching and buy the game once it's done – it has a potential that deserves to be fully realized.
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MachineGames does it again - The New Order was terrific, and The New Colossus is pretty much the same level. The new Wolfenstein appeared in 2014 out of nowhere and became one of the best shooters ever. The sequel is very similar even though the "wow factor" isn't as evident. It is a joy to play such a big and well-made game that focuses only on single player. Bravo!
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Elex is not an accessible game and doesn’t make a great first impression but it deserves more than one chance. Fans of Piranha Games should prepare themselves for more of what they love (but they must accept a strange fantasy & sci-fi mix). The final grade could have been higher if it weren't for too many technical issues.
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With this expansion Arkane Studios matched the quality level of the regular installments of the Dishonored series (and that really is something!). All fans of Dishonored 1 & 2 simply have to experience Death of the Outsider. Everyone else should do the same but only after finishing the previous games. It's worth it!
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