Jordan Rudek

319 games reviewed
72.3 average score
73 median score
48.7% of games recommended
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7 / 10.0 - Anuchard
May 20, 2022

Even though it doesn't bring much to the table in terms of innovation or surprise, Anuchard remains a solid and exceedingly colorful adventure that offers a fun, if fleeting, experience. The chapter-based structure lends itself well to the light and optional farm-building elements and the main narrative of bringing life back to the world and its inhabitants. If you're looking for a fairly charming action RPG that's more familiar than fresh, Anuchard might be just what the doctor ordered.

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May 12, 2022

Dungeons of Dreadrock makes an admirable leap to Nintendo's hybrid device. During shorter play sessions, the game shines and offers a challenging but fair puzzle-centered experience. The story is familiar yet enjoyable, and the basic controls translate well enough to the console space. It might not Dreadrock your world, but these Dungeons offer a pretty satisfying romp all the same.

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May 10, 2022

The too-frequent backtracking, mind-numbing side quests, and overall lack of variety make for an experience that is tough to recommend. An unlockable hard mode, 50 in-game achievements, and the promise that Rising saved data will yield bonuses in Hundred Heroes are feathers in its cap, but Rising on its own is just too much of a slog. Here's hoping that Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes lives up to the success of being the number one video game Kickstarter of 2020 because its prequel certainly does not.

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8 / 10.0 - Revita
Apr 21, 2022

That said, there isn't much in the way of permanent stat growth outside of consumable metro tickets you can activate before a run, so it'll take patience, skill, and perseverance to make it all the way through the clocktower, and then again at higher difficulty levels. To make that goal more approachable, though, you can adjust the setting to reduce enemy damage or slow down time. Nonetheless, it will take many hours and many deaths to find every hidden secret and discover all that these darkened subway stops have to offer.

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7 / 10.0 - Taito Milestones
Apr 10, 2022

Even in the six years between the earliest release and the latest of these 10 games, you can see a massive difference in quality and performance. While the lack of extra features and presentation is a tough pill to swallow, the online leaderboards for each title add excellent replay value to games that are all about chasing high scores. Going into these offerings and not expecting stone-cold classics is sure to be a refreshing and educational experience, and you might even find a few old-school arcade titles to keep on rotation.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Andro Dunos 2
Mar 25, 2022

The lack of online leaderboards is unfortunate, but the core gameplay and the interesting ways in which the stages scroll and enemies weave in and out, often appearing in the background first as a warning, makes for a satisfying way to spend a few hours. With a tough boss rush, three difficulty options, and a couple other secrets to unlock, it's fairly easy to recommend this one to those who enjoy a good side-scrolling shooter, with yours truly sitting firmly in that camp. It may not be revolutionary, but Andro Dunos II plays well enough and seems a worthy successor to its original iteration.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Kraken Academy!!
Mar 21, 2022

That said, I found it a nice palette cleanser between longer and more involved games given its approachable design and simple puzzles, so if that's what your in the mood for, Kraken Academy might be worth a campus visit. A free demo on the eShop is also available for anyone on the fence. Ultimately, it's nowhere near a failing grade, but the only A I'd give is for effort.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Young Souls
Mar 10, 2022

These foul-mouthed twins had me cracking up on multiple occasions, but the software closing unexpectedly had me cursing just as often. There's definitely potential with this one, but it's probably worth exploring other platform options if you have them. Even though you can see the heart and charm that goes along with these two souls, a bit more polish would have gone a long way.

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8 / 10.0 - Will You Snail?
Mar 7, 2022

However you choose to play it, the ability to alter the challenge at will makes Will You Snail eminently approachable. You'll probably grow to hate Squid pretty early on, but that just makes it all the more satisfying to shut it down. I've Snailed and lived to tell the tale, and it's absolutely worth playing through, just not at a snail's pace.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Triangle Strategy
Mar 3, 2022

The grid-style, turn-based combat lives up to the best of its predecessors, and while it may lack the customizability of a job system, the cavalcade of recruitable party members is a worthy replacement. Whether you're in it for the story, the gameplay, or the aesthetics, the total package is one for the ages, and from any angle the strategy is clear: add Triangle Strategy to your Switch library. Maybe tell friends and family to end their turn; you're going to be busy for a while.

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Feb 16, 2022

Dividing the focus into multiple smaller stories may have hurt the overarching narrative, but this is still an RPG worth playing, with secrets and replay value for intrepid card sharks. I'll be interested to see how, and how quickly, Square Enix follows up with another Voice of Cards title. It seems like this series won't soon be silenced, and that's a good thing.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Sol Cresta
Feb 15, 2022

undefined.SOL CRESTA is an intense and deep vertical shooter entry on Switch, and genre enthusiasts would be doing themselves a favor by adding it to their libraries. In-game achievements unlock new content, such as Caravan Mode, online leaderboards, and the aforementioned Sound Test. Even finishing the final stage on normal difficulty is a steep challenge that requires a fair measure of skill, particularly with swapping formations and the slowing of time that this ability grants. If this is the level of quality we can expect from future arcade-style shooters courtesy of PlatinumGames, I'll be demanding as many as we can get, until Kamiya-san blocks me on Twitter.

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9 / 10.0 - Infernax
Feb 11, 2022

While some of the mid and late-game platforming challenges are pretty demanding, failing and having to make your way through familiar parts of the castles never takes too long. That said, I do wish the bosses put up a bit more of a fight; upgrading my stats and equipment at a regular clip allowed me to make short work of each one. As sure as the sun rises and sets (and wait until you see that in game), the Switch eShop will receive more and more titles hoping to cash in on NES-fueled nostalgia; don't let that stop you from picking up the immensely satisfying throwback that is Infernax. Even though my mace and armor are dripping with demonic ichor, I'm still ready to charge back in.

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Feb 9, 2022

The combat and overarching story are clear highlights, but there's undeniable bloat that hurts the pacing and the character portraits, for the most part, would be better left on the cutting room floor. While a babystep up from Ara Fell, which I awarded a 7 out of 10 in 2020, Rise of the Third Power doesn't quite do enough to earn a full-throated recommendation. That said, it's still a fairly enjoyable classic RPG experience with interesting characters, a simple but fun battle system, and some humorous dialogue.

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Ultimately though, the minute-to-minute gameplay is fun as hell, and I was a bit disappointed to reach the end credits. I'd gladly take another handful of stages right now, but I'll settle for working on 100 percent map completion. If you've been hoping for a little more combat and a little less walking back and forth between points on a map, Wonder Labyrinth would make a wonder-full way to spend five or six hours.

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If you've ever played a Gunvolt game of any kind, this is a fairly good one of those, even if you're likely to forget about it after putting it away. Not every game needs to be memorable to be a worthwhile experience, though. If you're looking for an action-heavy palette cleanser with some kicking visuals and solid gameplay, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 would make a strong addition to your Switch library.

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Dec 20, 2021

There are hidden memories to unlock in each chapter, too. Despite a few abrupt time skips and scene jumps, Alex's story is one worth hearing; it culminates in a captivating climax, even if the resolution pulls its punches a bit. Color me eager to see more Life is Strange titles come to the Switch in the coming months.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Trash Quest
Dec 16, 2021

Trash Quest is far from a piece of eShop garbage. It's actually a brief but delightful and welcome addition to the Metroidvania stable on Switch. Online leaderboards that track your clear time, among other things, adds a heaping of replay value. Still, it's not much of a challenge to complete the game with a 100 percent rate, so enjoy the experience while it lasts. If you're dumpster diving for a palette cleanser in-between some larger titles this holiday season, do yourself a favor and consider helping a raccoon on its Trash Quest.

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9.5 / 10.0 - LOVE 3
Dec 13, 2021

To say that I'm in love with LOVE 3 would be an understatement. Anyone who wants an incredible collection of platforming stages without the bells and whistles should look no further. This game is a gift to the genre.

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7 / 10.0 - 12 Minutes
Dec 9, 2021

I'm certainly happy to have played through it, but with its late arrival on Switch I also feel like I expected more from it, in terms of both quality and shock value. The fact remains, though, Twelve Minutes is a strong mystery game that fans of story-focused experiences will likely enjoy. It doesn't hurt that Willem Dafoe is a national treasure, either.

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