Andrew Farrell
It has the occasional nice moment, but I got sick of it a while before beating it. Furthermore, it can be beaten in under three hours, so that's really saying something.
ScourgeBringer has strong pixel visuals, extremely tight gameplay, and a high level of challenge. But a lack of variety limits its appeal.
The Signifier is an intriguing adventure game/ walking simulator with a compelling story and unique design aspects. The presentation can be a bit janky, but the game has definitely stuck in my mind since finishing it.
9 Monkeys of Shaolin is a great beat-em-up with excellent combat and a strong presentation. It won't take you very long but it's a blast while it lasts.
Ring of Pain is an immensely enjoyable experience that can be monumentally frustrating due to its luck-focused nature. It has excellent mechanics and really has a way of worming itself into your brain. But it can be horribly aggravating all the same.
Duking it out underwater is a lot of fun in this game. The visuals are well-done, it plays well, and the story is quite strong too. Very much worth a look for anyone intrigued by its premise.
While the gameplay itself is competent, this is short, shallow game with very little enemy variety, poor level design, and some egregious price-gouging.
Re:Turn - One Way Trip is enjoyable most of the time. It has a strong presentation and enjoyable puzzles, even if the game world's a bit too small for its own good and there are a few issues here and there.
Noita isn't for everybody, but anyone who loves to learn a game's intricacies while getting mercilessly slaughtered at the drop of a hat will find a lot to enjoy.
A good game that needs some serious work. All the content is in and the gameplay is enjoyable, but it needs some serious polish to reach its potential.
There might be some issues here and there, but this is a perfectly enjoyable puzzle-platformer with great pacing and enjoyable shadow platforming.
Serious Sam 4 has everything fans of the series could want and more. The fights are chaotic and extremely violent and the gunplay is the best its ever been. It can get a bit redundant and it overpromised on certain features, but anyone looking to demolish thousands of aliens will find tons to love here.
A solid game marred by uneven design choices and bad level design. It can certainly be fun and has some novel mechanics, but it's so unsure as to what kind of game it wants to be that it never finds its footing, despite the fact that it would have been easy for it to do so.
Going Under is bright, colorful, and wickedly funny. The game's structure is enjoyable and using various weapons slap the hell out of monsters is entertaining, but don't expect anything particularly deep or lasting.
Tamarin has a very cute protagonist and an interconnected world to explore but the gameplay and level design are extremely poor across the board.
Redneck Ed can be fun at times but the poor gameplay balance, underwhelming controls, and crude visuals make it a hard game to recommend.
Hotshot Racing is an enjoyable racing game that will almost certainly be enjoyed by its target audience. There isn't much content, though, and it's an extremely basic, simple game that will be extremely familiar to anyone who played racers during the 90s.
Marvel's Avengers is a very entertaining game that makes great use of its characters. The PC version gave me some problems and many others are having similar issues, but it's an enjoyable time with a lot of value.
Paradise Killer is an exceptionally enjoyable piece of entertainment. I loved the world and characters and I loved solving the mystery. Anyone who enjoys piecing things together and carefully combing over a digital world for goodies will likely be elated by what's on offer.
Ary and the Secret of Seasons has some good qualities. However, they're almost always in danger of being trampled by the game's consistent lack of polish and stream of bugs.