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Axel Bosso


8 games reviewed
70.7 average score
70 median score
28.6% of games recommended

Axel Bosso's Reviews

Freelance journalist and writer from Argentina. Current editor at TheGamer. Words on: IGN, Eurogamer, Game Informer, Polygon, etc.
Nov 5, 2024

These issues aren’t small, and I find it difficult to wholeheartedly recommend a game that only ‘gets good after X hours’. At the same time, with over 20 hours and counting, Metal Slug Tactics makes me want to get back to it, play a quick run, and try to unlock everything that’s here to unlock. This is far from the revival I was expecting for the series — and I’d still love a classic 2D entry — but if it catches the attention of new generations, I’m here for it.

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Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered is a nice throwback to an era that feels more distant every day, and it still holds up as an adventure that you want to go over from beginning to end in a single sitting. Unfortunately, the remaster ends up being undercooked, with some lacking features and issues that prevent it from being a better package.

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Oct 21, 2024

Cozy Game Pals delivered a sweet experience perfect for those who want an effective short Halloween story and have a place in their hearts for how games used to look a couple of decades ago.

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Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure is both a pleasing and frustrating puzzling journey that leaves you thinking both about the steps you make in-game and the ones that you might or might not make in your real life. This could have just been a small game about a cool and strong mechanic, but it ended up being

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Unscored - Street Fighter 6
May 30, 2023

Street Fighter 6 is the ultimate fighting game toolbox

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8.5 / 10.0 - Darkest Dungeon II
May 8, 2023

When I found myself shouting in relief and frenetically raising my fist in the air after a hard battle ends in my favor, I can’t deny the following fact: Darkest Dungeon II is a harsh but fantastic game whose white-knuckled battles and hazard-filled exploration will trap you for hours. If you’re willing to make the needed sacrifices, it’s a journey well worth taking.

5 / 10.0 - Scars Above
Feb 28, 2023

Scars Above is a journey into a mysterious planet that lacks polish, depth, and balance, preventing it from being a memorable third-person shooter.

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Jun 23, 2019

Samurai Shodown is a brutal experience. While some unfortunate decisions can alienate newer players, and the appropriate functioning of online features is yet to be seen, everyone with an important amount of patience will find one of the most demanding and funniest fighting game in recent memory.

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