Dominic Weakland

47 games reviewed
73.4 average score
75 median score
55.3% of games recommended
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Oct 18, 2019

It’s honestly really hard to rate Overwatch. In the time I played I enjoyed it enough to make sure I had Nintendo Switch Online time to play beyond the initial week and considered finally purchasing it for PlayStation, but it’s easy to see why this is the worst version. Still, it has all the previous content, enough disadvantages and reasons to keep the player base on the easier side and more to normally net this an Editor’s Choice award, it’s just the Switch’s shortcomings that hold it back.

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4 / 5.0 - Crystar
Sep 7, 2019

It doesn't matter if Crystar is a bit on the simpler side or that the story has some familiar plot beats, it tells a tale that is insightful. It won't take much to want to reunite the sisters and it's an adventure that rings true for some. Toss in gameplay that might not change the world but is a blast to experience and it's a solid adventure that is easy to see the value of experiencing.

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4.1 / 5.0 - Astral Chain
Sep 5, 2019

Astral Chain is weird, thrilling, unique, different and crazy, it's just held back by bad choices. Some of the design elements take a lot of getting use to and make sense in the long run, but can be frustrating to beginners. Combine this with entirely too many things going on at once and some of the most boring scenes between action packed combat sequences and you have an experience that loses a bit too much between scenes. This isn't enough to take away from Astral Chain, it just turns a title that could've been among the best games this year to something that is still among the best on the Switch.

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Feb 16, 2020

In the end, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate corrects the issue a number of fans had with the original, in one of the worst ways possible.

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Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 does a great job of giving everyone something to do. Some games are hard, others require specific skills and a few are all tricks, giving everyone something to do. They're also short enough where you can easily play a few without getting sucked into a long session. Best of all, these can be played online as well, meaning you can go international or at least outside of the house to prove you deserve the gold. Toss in a cute story and plenty to do and this makes for a fantastic party game.

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Graphics aside, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is a story-driven experience that delivers that in spades. It's more than enough to make up for some of the shortcomings and is a more intricate story than you'd probably expect. That being said, if story isn't your thing, gameplay and graphics are nothing special. Nothing about them ruins the experience, they're just not on the same level as the story. So if you want to get sucked into a fascinating world, it's hard to say no, though if you're just in it for the gameplay, you might want to look elsewhere.

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Sep 12, 2019

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne isn't perfect but it adds a lot to the franchise. The new monsters, gear and difficulty is the kick in the pants players need to start hunting again. Between new monsters, gear and skills it's hard to say no and you get a great deal of value for the price of the expansion. Even if it could do a bit more, by giving less skilled players a bit more to look forward to, this is an absolute must for anyone who loves Monster Hunter or just wants a harder experience.

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