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Tyler Treese

607 games reviewed
71.0 average score
75 median score
49.0% of games recommended

Despite not fully realizing its great premise, The Westport Independent is a fun way to spend a few hours. It'll make you think about how influential media can be, but doesn't entirely explore its subject matter.

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The Deadly Tower of Monsters is pretty much an interactive B movie from the 1950s. If you like campy dialogue and wacky enemy designs, then you can't go wrong by spending an afternoon with this one.

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Jan 20, 2016

KLAUS is an impressive puzzle platformer that constantly defies the player's expectations. Building up mechanics only to break them, La Cosa Entertainment has crafted one of the most interesting platformers in quite some time.

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Jan 18, 2016

Capcom has largely left Resident Evil Zero untouched, which is either a positive or negative depending on your nostalgia for the 2002 release.

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Whether you're with the Resistance or a member of the First Order, you should definitely check out Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens Pack. This is one of Zen Studios' best add-ons yet, and that's saying something considering the stellar releases in the past.

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8 / 10 - Lovely Planet
Jan 12, 2016

Even if you can only beat the first set of twenty levels, Lovely Planet is a first-person shooter that is worth your time. It's beyond challenging, but when you finally put together the perfect run there isn't anything more satisfying. While it's too bad that the game hasn't seen an easy mode (or crosshair support) added in the console release, it's still a refreshing take on a genre that often feels way too stuck in its ways.

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80 / 100 - Tharsis
Jan 12, 2016

From its toying with morality to the pure ecstasy it provides when defying the odds and having a successful flight, there really isn't anything else like it.

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If you enjoyed the previous installment of Assassin's Creed Chronicles, then you'll find more of the same here. It won't convert anyone who didn't like the last game, but it does provide more stealth platforming at an affordable price.

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Jan 11, 2016

Few games completely nail being a difficult game as well as Electronic Super Joy does.

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Jan 6, 2016

Hyper Void is a fun new take on an established formula, but ends up being its own worst enemy. The game is too difficult for its own good, and the lack of difficulty levels is disappointing. However, those up for the challenging task will be rewarded.

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Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star provides more fun for fans of the series, but it's disappointing that the package surrounding it isn't more polished.

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The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure is a movie tie-in done right. It pays respect to the source material, has solid fundamentals, and is an enjoyable platformer while it lasts. It isn't the longest experience, but there is plenty of fun for Peanuts fans to have.

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Dec 18, 2015

While it doesn't fulfill its initial promise, Temple of Yog is still a unique rogue-like that you can't find on any other console. If you're a Wii U owner, you owe it to yourself to check out one of the few games that actually takes advantage of the GamePad.

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Dec 9, 2015

SteamWorld Heist is the best Nintendo 3DS game released in 2015, and its multiple difficulties ensure that both new and veteran tactical gamers can have fun in its wonderful world of robot pirates.

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Dec 9, 2015

FAST Racing NEO is an impressive racing game that requires a lot out of its players, as a lack of customizable controls, and the steep learning curve really limits the title's accessibility. If you're down for a challenge, though, then step right up.

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Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair still has all of the series' quirks which fans love and detractors dislike. It's a flawed experience, but it asks players to overlook its shortcomings in order to have a laugh.

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Nov 30, 2015

Despite never reaching its true potential Xenoblade Chronicles X is still an amazing gaming accomplishment. No other game can provide such a huge world to explore, and one that is filled with variety throughout. If you're willing to embark on the lengthy quest that can easily eat up over 100 hours, and can put up with some technical shortcomings, then Xenoblade Chronicles X is worth picking up. Just be ready to grind.

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It may be surprising that a PSP title is a potential Game of the Year contender in 2015, but we all know life is strange. Trails in the Sky SC is an excellent JRPG that has managed to age incredibly well since its Japanese release. Although you'll end up lost more often than you would like to, it's absolutely worth taking a trip into the Liberl Kingdom.

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At its core, Darksiders II is a great game. That is what makes Darksiders II: Deahtinitive Edition all the more frustrating. A horrendous frame rate negatively impacts every aspect. Combat feels clunky, and the graphically impressive game ends up looking bad in motion. At least Nordic Games didn't technically call this a definitive edition, as it's really anything but.

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Nov 13, 2015

A great year for strategy role-playing games continues with Stella Glow, wherein a surprisingly dark story and entertaining battle mechanics combine to keep players hooked.

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