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Tyler Treese

607 games reviewed
71.0 average score
75 median score
49.0% of games recommended

Android Assault Cactus is a complete blast. While a lengthier campaign would've made it even better, there's still a ton of fun to be had in this quirky shooter.

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65 / 100 - Tron Run/r
Mar 7, 2016

Disney Interactive's latest game isn't a substitute for Tron 3, but it sure is fun while it lasts.

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XBlaze Code: Embryo is largely untouched from the original console versions, which is a major disappointment considering it's now on PC. Not only is it lacking basic options that are expected in a PC release, but the same flaws are also apparent.

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Hitman GO has made a fantastic transition to consoles. With the added ability to earn trophies and having all of the DLC in one package, there is no doubt that the definitive edition is appropriately named.

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70 / 100 - Project X Zone 2
Feb 22, 2016

While it's a pretty simple strategy game, so don't expect the satisfaction that you get from Fire Emblem or Disgaea from these battles, there are some new touches that add some much needed depth to the formula.

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3 / 10 - Bike Mayhem 2
Feb 22, 2016

Bike Mayhem 2 is the opposite of going mountain bike riding. There's no exhilaration to be had, just boredom, as the game never seems to end. The uphill climb is littered with free-to-play aspects that would be barely tolerable on mobile, let alone on a console where players paid money to play. Sadly, there is no payoff for aspiring bikers, and this is one downloadable title that is better off in the dirt.

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While not innovative, Arslan: The Warriors of Legend manages to be yet another well crafted musou from Omega Force. It might not have the depth of others entries gameplay wise, but the narrative is compelling enough to keep players entertained.

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Feb 15, 2016

Don't let the score fool you, Street Fighter V's gameplay is phenomenal. What isn't so hot though is the completely rushed game that surrounds it.

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Feb 13, 2016

If you make sure to digivolve as soon as you can, then Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth ends up being a walk in the park difficulty wise.

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Feb 11, 2016

Factotum won't baffle you like The Witness, but it will leave you highly satisfied after solving a difficult puzzle. You'll never feel like a genius, as the solutions are never too far out of reach, but you will feel smarter by the end of the game.

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There was hope that the Neptunia series would finally fulfill its potential on PlayStation 4, but sadly that hasn't happened. Good ideas are still tarnished by poor execution and disgusting attempts at fan service.

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Feb 4, 2016

Few games have made exploring an open world this much fun, and the last time I enjoyed searching areas for collectibles this much was in Infamous: Second Son.

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Feb 2, 2016

Just like Roll7's previous outings, Not A Hero is a challenging affair that will leave you coming back for just one more try. Except it's not just one more try; it's been 30 minutes and you're trying to cope with being addicted to the frantic gameplay.

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Even if you don't know the cast of Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel, there's still plenty of fun to be had in this simple fighting game. Fans of the characters will be in for a treat, though.

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Level 22: Gary's Misadventures is a delightful twist on a genre that can take itself way too seriously at times. It manages to make fun of how ridiculous stealth games can be, and provides a solid challenge itself even if it doesn't last that long.

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Feb 1, 2016

G Prime Into The Rain has an interesting concept, but it's also one that has been done much better in other games. What made games like Blast Off successful was that they were simple to pick-up, but had enough depth to keep players hooked. Soma Games' title is the exact opposite as it's overly complicated and makes a terrible first impression. If you stick with it you might find some enjoyment, but one that still doesn't live up to its contemporaries.

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Feb 1, 2016

Each of the three modes in Dad Beat Dads are plenty of fun, but none are outstanding. Ultimately, Stellar Jay Studios' platform brawler is more of a fun diversion than a compelling package, which is still fine, as it ends up being an enjoyable addition to anyone's party library.

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Jan 28, 2016

Playing through LEGO Marvel's Avengers may trigger the sense of déjà vu if you've experienced any past games in the series. There isn't anything new to see here, and the franchise really needs a serious revamp if it's going to continue.

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Jan 27, 2016

Sparkle 2 is a clone of an almost 20 year old game and does nothing interesting with the core idea introduced in Puzz Loop.

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Jan 27, 2016

While it doesn't come to a satisfying conclusion, Saturday Morning RPG remains an entertaining light-hearted romp that will strike all the right chords for those that grew up with Transformers and G.I. Joe.

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