Sebastian Hawden

67 games reviewed
79.6 average score
80 median score
62.7% of games recommended
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8.5 / 10.0 - Risk of Rain 2
Sep 7, 2019

Risk of Rain 2 is fast, fluid and a lot of fun. This is amplified vastly in multiplayer, which works flawlessly and is very enjoyable. If you enjoy roguelikes you will enjoy Risk of Rain 2, even if you don't, you may want to try something that is quite different from what is currently on the market.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Lost Ember
Nov 24, 2019

The hard-hitting emotional narrative, beautiful score and pleasant visuals were just enough to drag me through a game that was at times, not fun to play. Technical issues ranging from freezing to death loops soured what could have been a very fun and touching exploration game. I did enjoy my time with it but the issues I had did take a few points off the overall score. Perhaps wait for an update before purchasing.

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8 / 10.0 - Wattam
Dec 17, 2019

Completely mental, colourful, funny and an entertaining multiplayer experience, Wattam constantly surprised me with its surreal characters and insane gameplay. It will not be everyone's cup of tea but I think a lot of people will appreciate it for what it is. A bright, cheery experience that will leave you confused, baffled but smiling and laughing at the same time.

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Jan 30, 2020

I must have played through Patapon 2 five or six times now and it is still amazing.

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Feb 3, 2020

While the graphical presentation and sound design leaves a lot to be desired, the gameplay and match systems are unique and quite addictive. While I cannot see it knocking something like FIFA off the top of the football game tree, I can see it offering something light-hearted, different and fun for football and RPG fans alike.

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7.5 / 10.0 -
Feb 7, 2020

While being quite repetitive in longer sessions, there is something quite addictive about Earth Night. Your upgrades and character improvements mean you will descend further and further towards Earth and eventually quell the dragon invasion. The movement systems and level traversal, once you get used to them, are fun and give levels a ballet-like quality. If you fancy something a bit different and something beautiful then I can definitely recommend Earth Night. It has a lot going for it.

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Feb 13, 2020

I really enjoyed Bookbound Brigade's humour, art style and world design but unfortunately, the unresponsive formation changes and bad map design really drag down its score. The characters are enjoyable and the gameplay, on the whole, is sound. Hopefully, after a patch to fix the control issues, I will return to find all its secrets. Until then I would wait for a sale and hopefully the fixes this game deserves.

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7 / 10.0 - Separation (VR)
Mar 3, 2020

For what it is, Separation is an enjoyable couple of hours.

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9 / 10.0 - My Friend Pedro
Apr 5, 2020

I loved the freedom My Friend Pedro gave me. It gives you the tools to succeed but how you use them is up to you. Once you get to grips with its various gameplay systems you are free to create artistic murder. When My Friend Pedro is in full flow, it's like watching a ballet, the game rewards skill and finesse and it is truly beautiful to see. Just go and play it. You will not regret it.

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7.5 / 10.0 - John Wick Hex
May 5, 2020

Early on, John Wick Hex seemed far too random to enjoy. But as I spent more time with the game I got used to its systems and how it functioned and I started to enjoy myself more and more. Each level is a tactical game of cat and mouse and strategy and planning are vital. Positioning is key and thinking ahead of time is paramount. The story, graphics and especially the cutscenes are nothing to write home about but luckily the gameplay makes up for it. If you are up for a strategy title, John Wick Hex is fun as long as you are willing to give it a bit of time.

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May 14, 2020

Brilliantly designed, deep and rewarding, Dungeon of the Endless will be something I will play for a long time to come. Every time I play I learn something new, some nugget of experience to improve my next run. There are so many ways to play, so many things to manage and every game is unique in so many ways. It is a mashup of genres that will please a lot of players, roguelike, strategy, tower defence or RPG. If you like any of those genres then you will love this game. Dungeon of the Endless has a lot to offer and I love it.

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8 / 10.0 - Huntdown
May 16, 2020

Enjoyable, brash and well designed. Huntdown is a fun action game full of charm and swagger. It has short, enjoyable levels and very well designed bosses. It's streamlined, old-school and not bloated in any way whatsoever. I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough and may return at some point to mop up a few things I missed.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Atomicrops
Jun 2, 2020

A fun gameplay loop, nice exploration and roguelike elements are unfortunately ruined by poor performance. Atomicrops is too much of a slog to get through and the framerate issues mar what could be an enjoyable game. Where precision evading and dodging are required, so is a good, smooth framerate. This title is hard to play in its current state but if the promised performance boost comes to fruition, it may be worth a revisit in the future.

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Bright, bold and colourful. Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling adds another dimension to turn-based battles and brings platforming, puzzles and heart to a worthwhile adventure. The art-style was not to my taste but it fits the subject matter perfectly. There is a lot of game here for your money, especially if you want to see it all. Now bug off and get tucked into the game.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Demon's Tier+
Jun 10, 2020

A roguelike that gives the player this much control over their character build is a rare thing. Rather than depending heavily on random drops and loot, Demon's Tier+ lets you spend your gold on what aspect you want to improve. It's a small change that makes a massive difference. Along with that, you have a well-designed game that runs really well, not too long, and has a really nice trophy list. What's not to love?

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9.5 / 10.0 - Creaks
Jul 19, 2020

I was taken back by how much I enjoyed Creaks. For a game I had never heard of, it quickly has become one of my favourite experiences of the year, It's beautiful, enjoyable and everything about it screams quality. Tracking down the paintings and completing their short stories is enjoyable. Along with a great and achievable trophy list, you have a short, amazing experience like no other in recent times. Enjoy people, games like this do not come around very often.

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Jul 19, 2020

Bright and light-hearted, Radical Rabbit Stew may not push the boundaries of game design but it is funny, heart-warming and never overstays its welcome. It looks great, sounds great and runs amazingly well. The amazingly oversized bosses are a joy to take on and due to the trial and error nature of the game, the quick restarts are critical. The game may as well be called Rabbit Baseball Simulator 2020 as you whack a multitude of the furry buggers into big cooking pots but if you need a quick puzzle game in your life, this could be the one.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Superliminal
Jul 28, 2020

Beautiful, well-written and a truly unique experience. Even if you will only play it once due to its format, it is truly worth a go. Superliminal's puzzles are very cleverly made and the game will constantly challenge your visual and mental abilities. If nothing else you will come out the other side with a slightly different perspective on approaching life's many problems.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Hellpoint
Jul 29, 2020

I love these types of games but Hellpoint, mainly due to its framerate, responsiveness, and lore, falls behind most other games in the genre. Its exploration, character building and combat is a carbon copy of Dark Souls but it lacks the substance, character, and playability of the games it takes its inspiration from. Its a shame really, unless you have played every other game in this genre, there are many better examples of this style of game to play.

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5 / 10.0 - Skater XL
Aug 1, 2020

I am a massive skateboarding game fan and wanted to love this game. Skater XL just does not have enough content to remain enjoyable for very long. The levels, characters and gameplay are dull and I find it very hard to get excited about it. I think it perhaps could be a good game in the future but I do not have that long to wait. Yes, it does have a unique control system and pulling off tricks is fun but we need more than that, as that can only take you so far. Move on people, there's little to see here.

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