Sebastian Hawden

67 games reviewed
79.6 average score
80 median score
62.7% of games recommended
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5 / 10.0 - Skater XL
Aug 1, 2020

I am a massive skateboarding game fan and wanted to love this game. Skater XL just does not have enough content to remain enjoyable for very long. The levels, characters and gameplay are dull and I find it very hard to get excited about it. I think it perhaps could be a good game in the future but I do not have that long to wait. Yes, it does have a unique control system and pulling off tricks is fun but we need more than that, as that can only take you so far. Move on people, there's little to see here.

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6 / 10.0 - Blightbound
Aug 2, 2021

My opening days with Blightbound were ridden with crashes and bugs. Luckily the say one patch fixed most of these and you, if you buy it, will never have to suffer as I did. When I got through the initial pain, there are parts of Blightbound I liked. I enjoyed combing abilities together, I really enjoyed multiplayer and collecting new heroes is delightful. Be wary of playing alone though, the AI is tosh and the game can get quite repetitive in longer sessions. There are better examples of dungeon crawlers out there but Blightbound does have some good qualities mixed in with its bad ones.

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6 / 10.0 - Mortal Shell
Aug 17, 2020

Unfortunately Mortal Shell just feels like a bad Dark Souls game, while I enjoyed it initially, the more I played the more it wore away my enjoyment. The few unique features it has do make the game feel slightly unique but its world-building, combat and enemies pale in comparison to its inspiration. The bad AI and other small issues do little to complement what could have been an enjoyable title. There are far better games in the genre.

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Feb 13, 2020

I really enjoyed Bookbound Brigade's humour, art style and world design but unfortunately, the unresponsive formation changes and bad map design really drag down its score. The characters are enjoyable and the gameplay, on the whole, is sound. Hopefully, after a patch to fix the control issues, I will return to find all its secrets. Until then I would wait for a sale and hopefully the fixes this game deserves.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Robocop: Rogue City
Nov 3, 2023

While RoboCop does have some fun moments and enjoyable gameplay, it is, on the whole, a shallow, repetitive experience. Living the power-fantasy of being RoboCop does not save it from glitchy, rudimentary gameplay and a story that is too similar to the movies. If you love RoboCop like me, you may find something here to enjoy, otherwise, look elsewhere for your gaming goodness.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Catan
Mar 3, 2023

While it's functional I feel that Catan: Console Edition could have done a bit more to sway me from playing with its cardboard counterpart. The multiplayer features and AI do a lot for players who cannot get three friends together but some of its presentation, especially the audio side, leaves a bit to be desired. The app could also do with a bit of work to make it more viable. While I will be quite happy to play this by myself or when there is only two of us, it will never replace its board game equivalent. Catan: Console Edition could have been great, as it is, its serviceable, which is a shame.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Skate City
May 3, 2021

Simplistic, light on content, and if played in longer sessions, repetitive. However, when played in short bursts and after you have got to grips with some of the games nuances it can be fun and rewarding. There are better skateboarding games out there without a doubt but if you have played them all and want to shred, Skate City does have its merits.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Hellpoint
Jul 29, 2020

I love these types of games but Hellpoint, mainly due to its framerate, responsiveness, and lore, falls behind most other games in the genre. Its exploration, character building and combat is a carbon copy of Dark Souls but it lacks the substance, character, and playability of the games it takes its inspiration from. Its a shame really, unless you have played every other game in this genre, there are many better examples of this style of game to play.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Atomicrops
Jun 2, 2020

A fun gameplay loop, nice exploration and roguelike elements are unfortunately ruined by poor performance. Atomicrops is too much of a slog to get through and the framerate issues mar what could be an enjoyable game. Where precision evading and dodging are required, so is a good, smooth framerate. This title is hard to play in its current state but if the promised performance boost comes to fruition, it may be worth a revisit in the future.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Lost Ember
Nov 24, 2019

The hard-hitting emotional narrative, beautiful score and pleasant visuals were just enough to drag me through a game that was at times, not fun to play. Technical issues ranging from freezing to death loops soured what could have been a very fun and touching exploration game. I did enjoy my time with it but the issues I had did take a few points off the overall score. Perhaps wait for an update before purchasing.

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7 / 10.0 - Gloomhaven
Sep 25, 2023

While I enjoyed Gloomhaven in the end, I found the tutorials and general usability to be lacking. I also found myself missing being around a table with friends and playing with board game components. Apart from that, Gloomhaven offers a massive sprawling campaign that is very moreish when it gets going and It will keep players entertained for hours upon hours. I just wish some of the sharp edges had been filed off and new players' hands had been held a bit tighter.

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7 / 10.0 - GYLT
Jul 17, 2023

A weak combat system and a few gamplay niggles don't detract from what is an eerie, adventurous tale. Yes the story could have been stronger but the visuals and mostly entertaining gamplay make Gylt an enjoyable game that never outstays its welcome. However, I do feel a few tweaks here and there could have made the game vastly superior.

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Oct 31, 2022

A roster of uncanny characters and their interactions is enough to detract from a well-trodden, predictable story. New Tales from the Borderlands is chock full of mini-games, laughs and great performances throughout. With cameos from well-known, returning characters and that distinctive art style, New Tales from the Borderlands is definitely worth playing, especially for Borderlands fans.

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7 / 10.0 - Going Under
Sep 27, 2020

Going Under is not a bad game, its story is fun, sometimes witty, and at times, a tad meme-like. If you play a lot of roguelikes you may find it a bit thin on the ground. However, if you are new to the genre, want something a bit lighter, or just want to try something a bit different Going Under may be for you. It has a depth in its difficulty options, it looks very nice, and plays well. I think it just depends on what you are looking to get out of the game. There is stuff here to like, it is just not for everyone.

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Jul 19, 2020

Bright and light-hearted, Radical Rabbit Stew may not push the boundaries of game design but it is funny, heart-warming and never overstays its welcome. It looks great, sounds great and runs amazingly well. The amazingly oversized bosses are a joy to take on and due to the trial and error nature of the game, the quick restarts are critical. The game may as well be called Rabbit Baseball Simulator 2020 as you whack a multitude of the furry buggers into big cooking pots but if you need a quick puzzle game in your life, this could be the one.

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7 / 10.0 - Separation (VR)
Mar 3, 2020

For what it is, Separation is an enjoyable couple of hours.

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Feb 3, 2020

While the graphical presentation and sound design leaves a lot to be desired, the gameplay and match systems are unique and quite addictive. While I cannot see it knocking something like FIFA off the top of the football game tree, I can see it offering something light-hearted, different and fun for football and RPG fans alike.

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7.5 / 10.0 - #BLUD
Jun 18, 2024

#Blud is chock-full of charm, character and great writing. While being quite linear, there are things to find, explore and see. The combat evolves at a nice pace and some of the bosses are massive and enjoyable to take on. A few minor issues aside, there is a lot to like in this witty, bright and brash adventure. Plus, who doesn't like clubbing vampires with a hockey stick? I certainly do!

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7.5 / 10.0 - Infernax
Feb 14, 2022

Even though it was initially difficult and with very basic combat, Infernax wooed me with its comical gore, beautiful music and simple art style. Infernax will not be everyone's cup of tea but if you have a bit of time and want to play something a little different, I can recommend it. Just beware, you initially may need to navigate a bit of a skill wall of sorts to progress.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Vagante
Jan 26, 2022

Vagante is an entertaining experience, especially with friends. It may feel familiar to players who have played games like Spelunky but it does carve its own path with its build and loot system. It's initially hard but never unfair and has quite a bit of content for a game developed by such a small team. If you're a fan of the genre, it is well worth a look.

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