Chris Sanchez

19 games reviewed
70.3 average score
70 median score
31.6% of games recommended
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The Hungry Lamb: Traveling in the Late Ming Dynasty is a dark visual novel set in ancient China. It tackles some harsh subjects, so I can't recommend it to all, but those who can stomach it will be greeted with a satisfying narrative of redemption. The pacing isn't the best in the first half, but the art and voice acting help elevate the story. What's left is a story I'm glad I experienced, problems and all.

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Mar 9, 2025

Order 13 is both a horror game and a simulator. While I think it nails the horror environment for the most part, it falls short on the simulator aspect. It's still a fun time, but it has issues that become more apparent as you play, but it ends before any of them become a major issue. Even the cat, while cute, could be fleshed out a bit more too. While I was hoping it would do more, I still had fun and don't regret the hours I gave it.

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Stories from Sol: The Gun-Dog inspired by sci-fi adventure games and anime of the 80s. Not only does it hit all the notes it goes for it excels in them. The game has a gripping narrative filled with characters I fell in love with. The Gun-Dog itself feels like a real live-in ship that I wanted to keep exploring as well. It looks beautiful as well and has a soundtrack I got lost in. The game is short but I'm already playing again to see what scenarios I missed. I can't recommend it enough, and can't wait to see what other players find on their first playthrough.

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Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist is a 2D action RPG Metroidvania. It's able to set it self apart from other in the genre and be something great. With an intriguing mystery I felt compelled to unravel, and a fun combat system that encourages experimentation. A short but compelling adventure and I already feel like playing again. Ender Magnolia is something special, and I hope Binary Haze Interactive continues to make more.

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SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada is a third-person, mech-based PvPvE with looter and extraction shooter elements. It does have potential, but it's sadly held back by a live service format and its monetization elements. Although there's fun to be had online, the game makes it a hassle to actually play with others, and the combat and gameplay loop can become repetitive.

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Dec 2, 2024

The Matchless Kungfu is an incredibly ambitious sandbox from HuanMos Game. The game says build your story and give you every opportunity too. You can play the game anyway you want and still have a great time. Problems come up when you encounter bugs or localization issues. The game also tries to do a lot and not all the systems work. It excels in a lot but also misses the mark in just as much. The game still needs work but with constant updates and a roadmap planned, I am optimistic for the future.

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Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered is a fun look back at the seventh console generation. It sometimes feels dated, has a narrative I skipped over, and can be clunky. But I can't deny how much fun I had with it. It has a world full of creativity I wanted to see more of. Gameplay elements that elevate the core loop are a lot of fun. And some creative set pieces and bosses I greatly adored. At its best, it feels like playing a horror movie, and I'm already on my next playthrough.

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Shin Chan: Shiro and the Coal Town is a delight that I can recommend to fans of the series. With no calendar system, play at your own pace with no need to rush. Help out the villagers, collect everything, and even compete in races. It's a story you can tackle whenever it feels pulled out of the anime. Beautiful visuals that make the price of admission worth it alone. Sadly, a critical save bug keeps me from recommending the PC version. While I wanted the game to do more, I can't deny that I enjoyed my time and hope it continues to improve.

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Sep 29, 2024

Hookah Haze is a short but sweet visual novel that tries to tell a lot. While it doesn't dive deep into the ideas it proposes it's still a fun time all can enjoy. All the characters stand out, and you will want to help them all. Great art and music accompany you in this story of death and life. While I wanted it to do more with its premise, I can't deny this is still a good time.

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Natsu-Mon! 20th Century Summer Kid is an open-world life simulator I had a lot of fun with. Live summer to the fullest as you explore Yomogi Town. Go climbing, fishing, bug catching, and even treasure hunting to collect everything. Talk to the town and make friends, even solve mysteries and play with spirits. A world of limitless possibilities await you in this nostalgic adventure.

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Aug 1, 2024

SteamWorld Heist II is a turn-based strategy action game brimming with character. A game most players can find enjoyment in, either through the combat or narrative. Fine tune the gameplay to fit your playstyle, as experimentation is encouraged. Join the crew of Captain Leeway as you root for him to overcome his one insecurities. This is a simple but fun game, and it's a fine addition to the SteamWorld universe.

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Jul 15, 2024

Darkest Dungeon II is a roguelike RPG not for the faint of heart. Traverse a dark but beautiful world as you carry humanities last hope. What can be an overwhelming experience is also a rewarding one. The difficulty will turn away some people but those that persist will find minutes turn to hours. Be ready for anything as the world is constantly changing, no two playthroughs will be the same. Get your party ready, get in the stagecoach, and try to save the world.

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Metal Slug Attack Reloaded is a step up from it's original mobile form, but it doesn't fix all the issues. All the touch ups and retooling can't cover up that this was originally a gacha game that wanted you to spend money. If the core gameplay loop clicks for you though, get ready to have this game running for hours as you grind away. Not perfect by any means but something I find myself running in the background as I write this review.

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Jun 4, 2024

Splodey is a fun 2D platformer that removes the jump button for momentum-based puzzles. What could be a gimmick becomes much more as the game stands on its own as a pretty fun game. Some annoying levels do hold it back from being something more, but it's still a very fun time. It boasts a high replay value for those who want it, and even now, I find myself picking it up to play through it once more.

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May 20, 2024

Indika attempts a lot with its short runtime, and it succeeds in many ways but falters in some. I have nothing but respect for the story it is telling and even enjoyed most of my time with it. Great characters and voice acting elevate an already memorable story, but sadly, it doesn't always hit the mark, and technical issues can bring it down a bit. It's still quite the experience, and I look forward to what the developer does next.

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Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- Sweep the Board is a different enough party game that stands on its own. Sadly, it doesn't do enough to recommend playing it over its contemporaries. The world of Demon Slayer does a lot to carry the game forward and fill it with charm, but the minigames don't have as much going for them and lack variety. It is fun enough to recommend playing once with friends but not enough to play more than that.

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River City Saga: Three Kingdoms is an addictive and rewarding experience. A few quality of life adjustments can make this game even better throughout multiple playthroughs. It's not a perfect beat 'em up, but it's a worthy entry in the River City series.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Wattam
Dec 16, 2019

Wattam is a delight to play. From the cute aesthetic, to the amazing soundtrack, there is much to enjoy here.

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4 / 10.0 - Golem (VR)
Nov 21, 2019

It’s clear that Highwire put a lot into this game and wanted to make something special. The world is spectacular and I genuinely love the story this game tells. The game sounds amazing and I want nothing more that to just be able to explore this world in a more comfortable setting. Sadly all of that gets thrown out the window when you try to play.

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