Paula Moore

383 games reviewed
74.2% of games recommended
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Apr 10, 2023

Overall, Blocks Tracks Trains has the beginnings of a great sandbox toy. Furthermore, a few tweaks here and there with the UI and adding music would be an excellent addition. However, this one is more a toy than a game so it won’t be for every player.

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Liked - Oxygen
Apr 7, 2023

Overall, I like Oxygen; it offers a challenge and has great potential. But, unfortunately, it all feels a bit generic and much like any other survival game out there. Alternatively, if you hesitate to buy the game, you could try out the free Oxygen: First Breath demo on the Steam store

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Mixed - Grimgrad
Apr 5, 2023

Grimgrad is shaping up to be an interesting survival simulation game. However, it still has a way to go before it feels like a fully developed game. Between the UI needing work and the mechanics of the Gods not being implemented fully into the gameplay, Grimgrad is one to keep an eye on for the moment. Hopefully, given time, it will come out of the development oven properly cooked.

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Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist is a sequel; however, you don’t have to have played the first game to enjoy Passpartout 2; you can jump right in. The overarching plot involving the Museum of the Masters is enjoyable. Though I think you would have to be creative and really enjoy art and design to have fun and get the most out of the game.

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Liked - Package Rush
Apr 2, 2023

Package Rush is an enjoyable puzzle game; however, it has mostly identical gameplay throughout, with only a slight variation between all modes. While I like the game, I am left wondering why it has a price point of £4.29 on Steam and on the Nintendo Switch; it is priced at £13.49. That’s a massive price difference. Nevertheless, Package Rush is a nice time waster. Though I know what system I would buy the game for is the one where I could pay the lowest price!

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Mar 31, 2023

GrimGrimoire OnceMore is a mix of a visual novel broken up by RTS battles. I went into GrimGrimoire OnceMore without knowing whether I would like the game or not! You see, the visual novel’s gameplay style isn’t my thing. However, I fell in love with the game, but it is not a title for everyone. Though if you’re in the mood for a clever strategy game that is fun and features battles and beautiful artwork and scenes, and a good story, then GrimGrimoire OnceMore definitely is recommended.

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Loved - Terra Nil
Mar 30, 2023

Terra Nil is a game that will make you aware of how important the balance of nature is. And how each living thing on the earth connects to each other. It doesn’t lecture, but its gameplay does make you think about the environment. It is a well-thought-out restoration game with relaxing gameplay, gorgeous visuals, and a nice challenge.

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Liked - Numolition
Mar 23, 2023

Numolition is a fun puzzle game that would be educational for young players since it is all about using your brain to add up numbers. Overall, there are over 120 bonus challenges to keep you engaged and a fun challenge for all ages in the family.

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Liked-a-lot - Blocky Farm
Mar 16, 2023

If you love farming games, you should give this one a shot. Blocky Farm is an excellent game for players who want to kill time at an appointment or get a quick gaming fix before bed. It’s great to pick up and play for a short gaming session with a cup of coffee!

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Liked-a-lot - Pharaoh: A New Era
Mar 15, 2023

Pharaoh: A New Era renews a classic of simulation games. While it could have improved some things, like the camera, the core gameplay basics from the original game are still there, updated for the new generation of players and for oldies like me too!

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Mar 9, 2023

Train Life: A Railway Simulator is a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch library and a great alternative to mainstream railway sims that Switch players cannot access without a PC. This is definitely a fun game for those looking to get into the genre, but it is also good for those with a lot of experience. It’s also kind of addictive to transport mail and passengers to and fro.

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Mar 8, 2023

I enjoyed Lilly’s Flower Shop; it is a fun game while it lasts. Unfortunately, the Steam store has many games similar in style to Lilly’s Flower Shop that are more interesting and offer the player a challenge. Lilly’s Flower Shop will fit the bill if you want a quick match-3 fix. However, I would look elsewhere if it’s a challenge you’re after.

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Liked-a-lot - OUTLANDERS
Mar 7, 2023

Outlanders is a fun game with a significant challenge for the player. I enjoyed trying to meet the leaders’ demands on each mission. I didn’t always succeed first try, but that’s part of the challenge to try again.

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Mar 4, 2023

Ruku’s Heart Balloon is an enjoyable take on the matching puzzle genre. While I wouldn’t rush out to buy the game as it didn’t offer me much of a challenge, puzzle fans may still enjoy it. However, its target audience of the younger age group will thoroughly enjoy this sweet tale of Ruku and Lish and won’t notice the grammar mistakes.

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Loved - Rytmos
Feb 28, 2023

Overall, I really enjoyed playing Rytmos. While I cannot play a musical instrument in real life, I don’t think that matters when playing Rytmos. The developers have made the game so that it is educational, entertaining and, most of all, fun. Puzzle fans should enjoy this musical trip worldwide; you never know, you might even learn something new.

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Feb 16, 2023

So, taking everything into account, Lucie’s Potager has a relaxing gameplay loop of pottering around the garden, gathering and selling in the shop. However, the relaxing loop is broken by the short days and the inability to travel far on the map. I wouldn’t mind the short days so much if the areas I’m exploring had more resources to gather; then, it would be worth my time to go and explore. I can’t help thinking about the $20 price tag in the eShop; Lucie’s Potager is up against some stiff competition from much better simulation games that are already released.

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Feb 15, 2023

The thing that stands out for me the most about Tales of Symphonia Remastered, though, is that underneath the remaster is the construction of its original game. It shows in the animation choices, art direction, combat and stage design. The Tales games were intelligently made and genuinely interested in telling a fun story and providing a good time. Helped along by a great cast of characters, a reasonably well-written plot, and a fairly addicting combat system. Tales of Symphonia Remastered offers up a generous portion of an earlier generation’s take on the JRPG genre for first-time visitors to the series.

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Overall, I like Alice in Wonderland – A jigsaw puzzle tale. However, I would have given it a higher score if it had performed better on the Switch, but the crashes are irritating. Hopefully, a fix will be forthcoming for this lovely game soon.

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Feb 7, 2023

Overall, if you are a massive fan of Mahjong games, you will probably find all you are looking for in Legendary Mahjong. There are over 300 levels of tile-matching to complete to keep you busy for hours on end. As for me, while I liked Legendary Mahjong, the game didn’t provide a challenge for me, and it was all too easy.

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Liked-a-lot - One Piece Odyssey
Jan 29, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the ONE PIECE ODYSSEY world. The game is a solid JRPG and was much more enjoyable than other games in the same genre I’ve played lately. In a way, it reminded me of Dragon Quest games, which I love. However, I would have preferred more of a challenge during combat. Nevertheless, it is an impressive love letter to the ONE PIECE amine series.

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