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Fernando Sánchez


373 games reviewed
79.4 average score
80 median score
22.5% of games recommended
88 / 100 - Visions of Mana
Sep 10, 2024

Visions of Mana, the latest installment of the Seiken Densetsu franchise, offers us a solid action RPG with quite a few strong points, although with some aspects that could have been improved. The narrative and exploration, while competent, don't reach their full potential, and technical performance can impact the gameplay experience. However, the depth of the combat, the artistic design and the soundtrack make it a highly recommended title for fans of the saga and lovers of the action RPG genre.

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Nihon Falcom continues to feed its endless franchises with titles that improve or maintain the level of the previous title. This is the case of The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak, another title for the Trails series that fans of the franchise and JRPGs in general should not miss.

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82 / 100 - Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Sep 3, 2024

Tokyo Xanadu eX+, the supercharged version of Tokyo Xanadu for PlayStation Vita, is coming to Nintendo Switch after its release on PC and PlayStation 4. We can expect a mix of action RPG and social student simulator in the purest Persona style that delivers on its promise and brings the Xanadu series to the fore - albeit with a spin-off - another branch of the legendary Dragon Slayer.

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Aug 26, 2024

Monster Jam Showdown is the new game in the Monster Jam franchise, this time from Milestone, which brings us all the official Monster Trucks from this tour of events. To be Milestone's first foray into Monster Truck races and events, they are not performing badly at all. They have managed to capture the spectacular nature of these monsters with 1,500 horsepower and more than 5 tons of weight with arcade-style gameplay and four levels of difficulty so that all types of audiences can enjoy the experience. If you like Monster Trucks, don't miss the opportunity.

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90 / 100 - Concord
Aug 23, 2024

Concord is the new online multiplayer hero shooter developed by Firewalk Studios and PlayStation Studios. that pits two teams of five players against each other in intense combat with a high strategy component. With 16 characters, several levels, and plenty of content to start, the game is structured in seasons where content will be added for free, including more characters, levels, and additional game modes. Although it is not easy to enter a market where competition has been established for several years, we can say without a doubt that Concord has all the ingredients to try it successfully.

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Aug 9, 2024

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a beautiful and ambitious title from the new studio Ember Lab that mixes action, adventure, exploration and puzzle solving in a more than remarkable way. After three years since its release on PlayStation and PC systems, and without knowing the reason why Kena has taken so long to reach the Xbox ecosystem, we can only strongly recommend that its users get the game immediately, it is a great and nice experience that deserves to be played.

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Aug 7, 2024

Limited Run Games and its Carbon Engine allow us to recover the cult game Tombi!, originally released on Sony's PlayStation console, and bring it to several of the current systems with significant quality of life improvements and various extras. Discover Tombi! In 2024 it is still worth it as much as it was in its day, the game is overflowing with quality and although the backtracking can be a bit tedious, it is worth giving it a chance.

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85 / 100 - CONSCRIPT
Aug 5, 2024

CONSCRIPT is the first title from Jordan Mochi and his studio Catchweight Studio, a 2D survival horror quite influenced by the classic mechanics of the first Resident Evil and masterfully set in the horrible and brutal First World War. The horror of war awaits us as we have not seen before. If you like the genre and you like the first Resident Evil with CONSCRIPT you will not fail despite some details to improve.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate comes to us from Super Evil Megacorp after its time at Apple Arcade and presents us with an action game with isometric views and roguelike mechanics that is undoubtedly "inspired" by the magnificent Hades. Splintered Fate is not as complete a title as the one from Supergiant Games but it adds new elements such as character selection or online and local multiplayer modes. Ninja Turtles fans will definitely enjoy it.

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Jul 31, 2024

Aspyr Media continues to recover classic Star Wars games and it is the turn of STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter, an action and platform game where we will put ourselves in the shoes of the Mandalorian Jango Fett in some events prior to Episode II that will be an important part of the future of the Galaxy. With the typical changes and improvements that Aspyr usually applies to these remasters, without being the first on our list, any Star Wars fan is in luck because Aspyr Media is still on fire with the Lucas franchise... oh no, Disney.

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89 / 100 - Fading Afternoon
Jul 22, 2024

Fading Afternoon takes us to Japan in the 80s, in what we could define as the mixture of a mafia life simulator with a walking simulator and a beat 'em up, all seasoned with beautiful pixel art and an exceptional soundtrack. . Fading Afternoon is a charming game that radiates melancholy and longing for a time gone by. It is not perfect nor does it pretend to be, nor is it for everyone, because if its narrative does not catch you, you will end up tired of its loop. However, if we let ourselves be carried away by their proposal, with Fading Afternoon authentic caviar awaits us, which although not everyone may like, its quality is beyond any doubt.

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III es un juego tan bueno como mínimo como las entregas anteriores. Vuelve Rean Schwarzer, y la nueva Clase VII de la que ahora es profesor y tendrá que hacer frente a intrigas y conspiraciones mientras se gesta un conflicto aún mayor. Si os gustaron las entregas anteriores, esta entrega es indispensable, además ahora se puede disfrutar con versión nativa de PlayStation 5, al igual que la entrega posterior.

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Jun 13, 2024

Monster Hunter Stories is a simple JRPG and not too deep in its mechanics or story, although it is quite entertaining, which fans of the Monster Hunter franchise will especially like. This remastering of the original Nintendo 3DS game comes to us at the same time as its second installment to several current systems. We will have new features and more content that make this version quite appealing both for the new user and for those who already know the original game, so it is worth giving this nice spin-off of Monster Hunter a chance.

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May 24, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima, the latest hit from Sucker Punch Productions, comes to PC thanks to Nixxes Software with a version as complete as the PlayStation 5 game and some technical improvements. Otherwise we can enjoy an outstanding game that presents us with the most beautiful feudal Japan we can remember. If you have not yet enjoyed Jin Sakai's adventure on your PlayStation, now you have the opportunity to play the best version - at least technically - on your computer.

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May 22, 2024

A Space for the Unbound is a fairly traditional and mundane narrative adventure but with supernatural elements. A very emotional and well-written story that will make us reflect on quite serious topics through the experiences of its protagonists Atma and Raya, and the environment that surrounds them in rural Indonesia in the 90s. A surprise that will touch the heartstrings sensitive. Highly recommended.

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May 20, 2024

The remake of System Shock that came to PC a year ago and now comes to consoles remains extremely faithful and respectful, which means that its innumerable virtues have been maintained, but also other somewhat archaic or outdated elements. This is both a cause for rejoicing for fans of the original title and a major barrier to the game reaching a new audience.

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V Rising - Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack offers us a series of cosmetics and some more extras from the classic Konami franchise, Castlevania. If we are fans of the Castlevania saga and we are trapped by the charm and fun of V Rising, we are going to enjoy creating our Castlevania-style castle, listening to its music and looking like Alucard, if that is not the case, then we can still get the pack When we see it on sale, after all it offers a good amount of extra elements.

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90 / 100 - V Rising
May 13, 2024

V Rising is an open-world online survival game with a theme that is as atypical as it is attractive. We will play a vampire who after a long slumber awakens to try to recover the domains that were once his, although to do so he will have to start from scratch, both to recover his power and to create his own castle. The game is very well designed and has very well resolved gameplay. Maybe we can say that V Rising is too linear, which it is, or that it almost lacks PVE post-game, but many hours of fun await us as soon as we get our hands on it.

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65 / 100 - Rainbow Cotton
May 8, 2024

Rainbow Cotton is the last title in the Cotton franchise that we had yet to receive in the West. Originally released on Dreamcast in 2000, Rainbow Cotton offered us an on-rails shooter in the style of Panorama Cotton but in real 3D. With this remastering we will enjoy an improved technical and visual section, as well as the local cooperative multiplayer option and the opportunity to play the original Rainbow Cotton. Unfortunately, the remastering has brought with it some playable problems from the Dreamcast version that could well have been solved, even so, with Rainbow Cotton we complete the collection, and that is one of its great attractions.

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87 / 100 - MotoGP 24
May 2, 2024

MotoGP 24 is a motorcycle simulator that offers a similar experience to last year's installment, but great additions have been made with the addition of the rider market, adaptive difficulty and MotoGP Stewards -track judges-, in addition to all the features. corresponding AI fixes and improvements. If you like the world of motorcycling, you can't miss it.

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