Emanuele Feronato

116 games reviewed
81.4 average score
81 median score
75.7% of games recommended
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Unscored - Rocket Arena
Jul 13, 2020

Fortnite is always Goliath , but this time, David seems to be quite handsome .

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Oct 29, 2021

RPGs have been an ever-evolving genre for years, and while most developers strive to introduce some new details to innovate, Dungeon Encounters follows the path of hardcore minimalism. The result is a game that looks outdated and with rusty game mechanics, sold at a price that is everything but minimal. It offers a couple of interesting details but also wild grinding, very repetitive gameplay, and poor graphics. We should expect more than that from Square Enix.

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6.7 / 10.0 - Berzerk: Recharged
Nov 22, 2023

Berzerk is a timeless classic whose gameplay has aged very well, in fact it is even more popular now than it was then, thanks to advances in hardware. This Recharged edition brings back the spirit of the original in a modern way, but it doesn't manage to turn it into a more complete game than a simple casual score attack. While the desire to maintain a certain fidelity to the original concept is understandable, there has been a real misstep in the offer of additional content, with only a handful of extra challenges that are not at all challenging. So it risks not even pleasing fans of the original.

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Sep 29, 2023

There is nothing wrong with Limerick: Cadence Mansion. No bugs to report, no glaring gameplay problems, no frame rate drops, nothing. The entire production does, however, flaw in experience, from the complicated graphics setup menu that made me desist from playing with the settings, to the banality of many puzzles, more appropriate to a Professor Layton series than a survival horror. Textures, 3D models, and lighting are close to amateurish, which should not necessarily be seen as a negative aspect, but unfortunately in this kind of games atmosphere is everything, so it would have deserved more polish.

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Feb 24, 2023

void* tRrLM2(); ///Void Terrarium 2 with a well-designed dungeon crawler section could have been a great game. Unfortunately, the roguelike is far too simple and the new features added to the first chapter are really few, and mostly concentrated in crafting, making the gap with the rest of the game even clearer: you will really have to love Toriko like a daughter in order not to give too much weight to the shortcomings of everything that is not found inside the Terrarium.

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7.2 / 10.0 - The Serpent Rogue
May 19, 2022

The Serpent Rogue focuses all the experience on resource gathering and crafting, relegating every other aspect of gameplay to the role of a co-primary.

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Mar 7, 2022

The Cruel King and the Great Hero combines an excellent storyline and an exceptional art-style with a significantly simplified gameplay, which wouldn't be an issue if not for the tons of very repetitive fights that end up constantly interrupting the narrative flow. Perhaps more exploration and less combat would have served the game better, but unfortunately that's not the case.

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7.2 / 10.0 - Thunder Tier One
Dec 24, 2021

The top-down tactical shooter Thunder Tier One offers a realistic and engaging singleplayer campaign, unfortunately ruined by AI partners who are too prone to ignore orders and cause havoc. The multiplayer is fun and shootouts are hectic, but there's also a distinct lack of modes and the progression system isn't too exciting. We don't doubt Krafton will keep the game patched and updated though.

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Jun 1, 2021

void tRrLM();++ //Void Terrarium++ features everything we are used to see in modern Roguelike games: dungeon crawling, crafting with materials and blueprints, turn-based combat, character skill tree and a story which takes shape one run after another. It's also easy to pick up and it takes quite a while to be completed. The issue is that Void Terrarium doesn't shine in any particular aspect, and given the recent flooding of roguelikes, it doesn't stand out from the crowd. Only recommended if you desperately need to play another roguelike.

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Apr 19, 2024

One could easily define Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother as a reskin of Hades set in Chinese mythology, and trash it upon seeing that it does not touch the qualitative heights reached by Supergiant Games' work. The gameplay, however, is captivating, and the roguelite structure coupled with a good handling of the difficulty curve entices you to jump into another run to field test the newly achieved perks and the new character build. Each enemy has its own movement and attack pattern to learn, and the bosses are challenging enough. It doesn't innovate the genre, but it gets the job done.

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7.3 / 10.0 - Quantum: Recharged
Aug 17, 2023

What's up, Quantum: Recharged? Did you absolutely have to be released in these days without some final tweaks? The game is fast-paced and fun, making it perfect for a score attack, but there are a number of shortcomings that soon end up spoiling the experience. Controlling the spacecraft with the mouse is frustrating, but fortunately the pad does its job very well. The additional challenges are more or less all the same and represent no real added value. With a little more attention to detail it could have become a must-have hyper casual, instead it is little more than a weekend game.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Wanted: Dead
Feb 14, 2023

Wanted: Dead features a very fun combat system mainly based on the use of a blades, full of ultraviolence, combos and devastating final techniques, but it lacks a bit in everything else: the AI is inefficient, the mini-games are sometimes a pointless break between missions and the plot though interesting to follow constantly breaks up the action. Can this blade galore be enough to justify its purchase? Definitely yes, if you loved slashers of the very early 2000s, otherwise you may find the offering a bit sparse.

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Developing a Battle Royale in step with the times starting from the gameplay of Pac-Man, released in 1980, without distorting its nature, must have been really difficult. PAC-MAN Mega Tunnel Battle Chomp Champs partially succeeds, offering a very interesting formula in the first game sessions, which little by little reveals all the limits, without additional modes to keep the enthusiasm alive. In a couple of hours you can see everything the video game offers, after which it is only a matter of time before the fun starts to wane. If you're looking for fast-paced and colorful competitive multiplayer, however, it might be for you.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Sociable Soccer 24
Dec 15, 2023

Sociable Soccer 24 is fun and reintroduces the arcade spirit of 16-bit soccer games at its best, while also trying to keep up with the times with unlockable players, daily rewards, and various other mechanics typical of mobile gaming, strictly without in-app purchases – you dare! The 1990s are long gone, however, so exceptional depth and gameplay for that era can now aspire to the title of "casual" at best. It's not a criticism, but that Sensible Soccer capable in its day of filling a lot of afternoons, today is just a game to get in a quick game or two from time to time.

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Mar 11, 2021

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante is an interactive novel in which interaction is reduced to the bare bone, allowing us only to turn the pages of the book and choose our next moves from a list of options. So it should not be evaluated as a game but as a story. And from this point of view it is a brilliant tale, which manages to capture attention from the very first pages, making us suffer for the unfortunate protagonist. Like all products of this kind, however, after the first intense run you will only want to see the multiple endings, skipping most of the rest of the story.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Encodya
Feb 12, 2021

We might define Encodya as a casual adventure. Although it doesn't add anything new to the genre and it's very easy to complete, we can't deny that Chaosmonger was brave enough to bring back to life an almost forgotten gameplay, with a good and compelling story. The dark atmosphere of the dystopian world clashes with the innocence of the little protagonist in a game whose lack of complexity could turn out to be a winning move, hooking new players to a genre that has been experiencing a crisis for many years now.

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Aug 12, 2020

Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star is unconventional, adult, bold, and aims quite high, maybe even too high for the first experiment of a one-man studio.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Skully
Aug 4, 2020

Skully has everything it needs to impose himself as a mix between a frantic platformer like Marble Blast Ultra and an original take on Metroidvania genre, but it wastes too much time before showing its true potential. The lack of enemies and situations to deal with does not help to keep you engaged until the game unleashes all its features, and it is a shame because it's a pretty game, and also very responsive to player input. Anyone willing to bear with the first few hours will be rewarded with fascinating gameplay.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Skelattack
Jun 18, 2020

Skelattack is a challenging platform game, which does not forgive any error but at the same time leaves no room for frustration. Skully and Imber journey counts on beautiful graphics, plenty of action and an inspired soundtrack. Some game design errors, especially when dealing with enemies, can slightly flaw the experience, and the sections you play with Imber are probably too few to justify its presence, nevertheless the game is absolutely recommended if you love platform or 2D action games.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Longing
Mar 5, 2020

The Longing's gripping storyline and multiple endings clash with the lack of puzzles and too many pauses. Worth to try if you are looking for an original story, but if you love to have your brain continuously tested and challenged, this is not your cup of tea.

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