James Luff

505 games reviewed
67.1% of games recommended
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Liked - Joon Shining
Feb 19, 2023

Joon Shining is a pretty good puzzle game by design, but I found it stressful. I couldn’t get my ball to flow as well as it looks in the game’s trailer. Furthermore, I understood the challenge and the design the developers were going for, but it just failed to click with me. I loved the soundtrack and meditative look of the game, but that’s not how I felt playing it. Joon Shining is unlike any golf game I have played, and I can see this being something players will enjoy if they’re looking for a different take on the genre and are up for the challenge it presents. I highly recommend downloading the free demo and giving it a go. If it clicks, show a budding indie developer some support. If you give Joon Shining a chance, it may shine a light on your gaming night

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Toaplan Arcade Shoot Em’Up Collection Volume 1 is fine retro goodness to enjoy on the PC. If you’re a fan of retro gaming and your shooters, then this is well worth picking up. Four games feels a touch light since Toaplan has many more arcade titles in their backlog, but I guess they are saving that for Volume 2. Now that I finally dipped my toes in the Toaplan collection, I can safely say it was time well spent. For a quick arcade fix to play alone or with a friend, you can’t go wrong with this shooty-bang banger.

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Feb 16, 2023

Legend of Gwen is a difficult game to recommend. Even if you really love your challenging platformers, you must contend with clunky controls and slow pacing to successfully make it through the experience. It reminds me a lot of those 3D platformers from the PSone era that could not quite grasp the move from 2D to 3D. There is, of course, a portion of gamers that will welcome the challenge of Gwen, but you will need a lot of time and patience, which I clearly lacked. A shame, really, because with a bit of tidying up to the design, this could end up being something quite magical for all audiences. In its current state, it feels more like a curse than a wondrous spell. That, or maybe I’m just terrible at games starring witches.

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Loved - Cannon Brawl
Feb 13, 2023

Cannon Brawl is pure pick-up and play bliss. It quickly draws you in with its straightforward control scheme and simple objective. But with the varied tools at your disposal, the game offers a rewarding space to experiment and, most importantly, enjoy that process. Some plans worked out surprisingly well for me, and others fell destructively flat. Either way, I never found myself bored or frustrated. Every session I spent on Cannon Brawl felt entertaining. Whether you want to enjoy the game alone or with a friend, I can not recommend Cannon Brawl enough. It’s a game that shoots for the stars and absolutely meets those heights.

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Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection is the best way to experience the retro classics on modern systems. Sure, this is not a totally complete collection. And it would have been nice to see a little more attention given to the galleries. However, one can’t deny these games’ solid emulation and quality that still holds up years later. Yes, it’s a pain; a smaller collection was released last year, and there is no free upgrade to get this collection if you already made the purchase. I’m a huge Wonder Boy fan, so I’m slightly biased on this review. But playing some of these games again, especially Monster Lair III, which holds a very special place in my retro heart, reminded me of better times which I haven’t thought about for some time. The Wonder Boy series is one of my gaming happy places; I can now share it with others for years to come. If you decide to take up the sword, it will hopefully create new gaming memories for you too

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Feb 3, 2023

Kind Heart Defenders has the template for a high-score chasing arcade game. But with an upgrade system that requires excessive amounts of grinding, it becomes more of a bore than something that feels pick up and cuddle. Gaming time is pretty precious to me, so when I play a game, I want to feel a sense of enjoyment with each run. I don’t want to be too harsh on this title since I admire what’s been attempted with the mix of tower defence and space shooter. If you do have the time to spare and grinding is not a problem you may find some enjoyment here. I admire what the developers have attempted and do wish them well in future projects. Kind Heart Defenders has its heart in the right place but is not very kind about the player’s time.

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Jan 27, 2023

Onion Assault is a satisfying 2D platformer that keeps things short and to the point. This design will suit those looking for that shorter experience or something that does away with all the fluff of experience systems and collectables. This is a game that values the player’s time. For me, it was the retro feel that hit home. A self-contained experience with no glitches, that you can enjoy in a few sittings and even possibly return to in the future. As a fan of the developers’ work, I was not left disappointed. The running and jumping didn’t always click and it’s a shame a few more levels were not squeezed in. I was still hooked till the very end. What I admire most is how this developer continues to attempt new creative projects while avoiding the familiar formulas. With all that in mind, I certainly recommend Onion Assault.

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Liked-a-lot - OmegaBot
Jan 22, 2023

OmegaBot is a tough, rewarding platformer with a lot of heart to it. After a tricky start, the game hooked me to its conclusion. The challenge is steep, especially in those boss fights. But I couldn’t help but keep trying until I finally won the day. OmegaBot is an example of a retro-style platformer that mixes everything so well, and to top it off, its presentation, both graphically and story-wise, is unique and memorable. It shows even in the harshest of dark times, something very small and cute can be the light of hope. If you’re looking for something casual, this may not suit you. But if you’re up for the challenge, OmegaBot is no generic retro platformer. It’s something that may just surprise you.

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Jan 15, 2023

Lone Ruin is a decent arcade roguelike, but it did leave me wanting a bit more. With only three main boss fights and nothing to really unlock during the game, it feels a little light on content. What does save it, though, is its solid gameplay, which made me come back, repeatedly, to try out new spells and jump into some instantly satisfying action. If you’re new to the action roguelike, this is a good place to start. If you’re well versed in the genre, consider this a solid pick-up and play arcade title, just maybe not the best compared to the competition.

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Jan 7, 2023

The Outbound Ghost has the right ingredients for a delightfully wholesome RPG on Switch, but it’s not quite at its prime on this platform. In its current state, it’s certainly playable, but performance issues, blurry text and irritating loading screens between battles make it tough to recommend here. Patches look to be on the horizon, so this may be one to keep on the wishlist for later. If you have access to other platforms, you may also want to consider those options. Looking past the issues, I felt something warm and moving playing this game. It’s probably a feeling that won’t click with all gamers. As I played and talked to the NPCs dealing with their difficult emotions and just trying to make sense of their lives. I felt a lot of empathy, reflecting on some of my life experiences. If you like your RPG cute and casual or want something wholesome to enjoy on the sofa or maybe with a youngling, then I still recommend this ghostly adventure. Just maybe not right now.

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Liked-a-lot - River City Girls 2
Dec 16, 2022

River City Girls 2 is a fun and hilarious brawler that I enjoyed in both single-player and local co-op. However, it is more of the same and doesn’t feel like much has been really added to make it a stand-out sequel. The game still has an excellent mix of humour, vibrant graphics and fantastic music. If you loved the first game, then this makes for an easy recommendation. If you’re new to the series or just love brawlers, I would probably say this is slightly better than the first title, although you may be a little lost by the plot at the start of the experience. This game probably had me smiling more than the vast majority of titles I played this year, and that alone makes it a solid recommendation from me.

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Dec 15, 2022

Siralim Ultimate is a bottomless pit of dungeon-crawling addiction that will keep you busy for hundreds of hours. The entry barrier may be steep for those totally new to the genre. The game focuses more on diving into the menus and stats than action, which may not work for some gamers. With patience and investment, you can enjoy this in long and short bursts, just not straight away. The developers clearly made a game for their fan base, who will likely be delighted to dive back into this on Switch. It is clear from the game’s main menu that the developers are also committed to supporting it post-launch. So long as you have the time free, this dungeon crawler may just make a new fan out of you and, most of all, keep you busy for a very long time.

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Liked-a-lot - Swordship
Dec 10, 2022

Swordship is fast-dodging fun on the Nintendo Switch. Speeding in at the last moment, this might just be one of the most original roguelikes I have played this year. With so many games in the genre focusing on platforming and action, the racing mechanics really deliver a fresh injection to the formula. The fast pace may be a bit much for gamers with slow or anxious reflexes. Unlocking content can be a bit of a drag in places. Regardless, this is an ideal pick for gamers with little time on their hands or who just want some fast arcade fun. Don’t let this speed you by.

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Dec 3, 2022

For me, Intrepid Izzy is a good retro-inspired title. Not all of its mechanics totally hit the mark, yet it still manages to pull off an experience that will keep you hooked through the adventure. The exploration can get a bit dull with tedious backtracking, and the brawling combat can feel tricky in places. But these shortcomings are made up thanks to the good pacing of the game and little surprises which will have you hooked to the very end. Intrepid Izzy is well worth sinking time into if you love your retro or just fancy a solid adventure.

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Dec 2, 2022

For the price of entry Super Kiwi 64 is a nice platformer to enjoy on a game night when you just want something casual and wholesome. It is a bit too easy with 100% completion being accessible in a single game session for most gamers. It is an experience that definitely leaves you wanting more. But what is here is pretty good. The Kiwi protagonists are adorable, the graphics are vibrant and colourful and it’s a lot of fun zipping around the level. If you’re looking for something wholesome this will undoubtedly warm your gamer’s heart even if it’s only for a short spell.

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Liked-a-lot - The Knight Witch
Dec 1, 2022

As a big fan of shmups, Knight Witch left a very good impression on me but it might not suit everyone. It may still follow the familiar adventure template, but this steampunk fairy tale has enough tricks to make itself stand out from the genre. If you haven’t been burned out by the genre then be sure to give this a look or add it to your wish list. Knight Witch is challenging, quirky and an example that there’s still some magic left in the 2D adventure genre.

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Liked-a-lot - Donut Dodo
Nov 25, 2022

Donut Dodo plays a loving homage to the old arcade days whilst bringing with it some modern improvements and a few tricks of its own to make it stand out from the competition. If Donut Dodo was an actual arcade cabinet, I would be happy to sink a few coins into it. But since this is the modern day, you can pay a small fee and enjoy some good high score chasing fun on TV or handheld.

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Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration, is easily the best retro compilation of games I have ever played. You’re taken on a journey through video game history. Which is not afraid to educate you on both the highs and lows of the company. It raises the bar for compilations being released in the future, it would be great to see this design repeated with other companies or game series. Allowing me to learn more about each game actually made me more interested in playing some of the games I initially wasn’t fond of. This is the museum exhibit experience brought home for you to enjoy alone or with friends at any time. Whether you love Atari or not, this is an essential purchase for anyone interested in gaming history. On a personal level, Atari 50 reminds me why I love video games and I never expected Atari of all companies to remind me of that in such a positive way.

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Nov 24, 2022

Ship of Fools fits my personal definition of two thumbs up. It is a very entertaining gameplay loop with engaging ship combat. With quirky weapons and challenges which had me keen to jump back into another run even after yet another failure. There are niggles to mention. I found the controls a bit clumsy when the action really heated up and the game does suffer from some pretty nasty difficulty spikes at times. It’s the typical rogue-lite formula, where you gradually improve after a lot of repetition and spending time upgrading back at base. A formula that no doubt is starting to tire. But when I sat back to reflect more, Ship of Fools was just a fantastic co-op game to play with a friend or loved one. My shipmate and I have been going through a pretty rough patch in life in general and Ship of Fools felt like an experience which just allowed us to forget our troubles for a few hours and enjoy ourselves. Just a couple of fools having a good time. Hopefully, you will feel those delights too and if you haven’t tired of rogue-lite yet this is well worth picking up.

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Liked - From Space
Nov 21, 2022

If you’re looking for a simple but ultimately fun twin-stick shooter From Space will provide an entertaining experience in single-player and online if your friends are available. The local co-op would have suited this experience for me but every gamer will be mixed on this. What lets From Space down in places is its poor AI with teammates, repetitive mission structure and the horrific inability to pause. It doesn’t really add a lot new to the twin-stick formula. But I will admit it’s a familiarity I still enjoyed. The PC version does hint at community feedback which suggests patches to the game are on the way. So, if you decide not to jump on this yet, consider keeping it on the wish list. In its current state From Space is an alien invasion I don’t mind revisiting, provided my son is in a deep sleep.

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