James Luff

505 games reviewed
67.1% of games recommended
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Liked-a-lot - Bravery and Greed
Nov 17, 2022

Bravery & Greed was a satisfying roguelike experience for me. But it is also an example of the roguelike formula starting to become a bit too familiar and in desperate need of updating. And I say that as a huge fan of the genre. Bravery & Greed manages a strong recommendation from me because its combat is very satisfying, and I very much liked the fantasy setting. Having the ability to play this co-op online or locally also makes this one to recommend to friends or family. If you’re feeling greedy for another roguelike this will still provide hours of entertainment.

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Mixed - Aquarist
Nov 15, 2022

Aquarist has the potential to be a decent simulator, but it’s not there yet. Controls are frustrating in places and navigating the menus is more tricky than it should be. Carrying out mundane tasks like cleaning fish tanks and building a new aquarium is fun for a while but it doesn’t take long before it gets a bit repetitive. I feel this may still garner a recommendation if you love aquariums and want to relieve some old memories. But be aware you have to put up with some rough edges and this game won’t suit those looking for a quick gaming fix. It didn’t escape my notice that this game is available on PC but still in Early Access which makes me wonder if it will still see some patches coming in the future. So maybe there is hope for the Switch port yet. Until then I would approach with caution

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Liked-a-lot - Lunistice
Nov 15, 2022

Lunistice is a cheerful low poly platformer. Tight controls and charming graphics make this package well worth a recommendation. That’s before I mention the generously low price. This is an ideal pick-up when you want a short project over a gaming weekend. For me, things did start to get too stressful at the end I’ll need a few weeks (maybe months) to recover before I try to improve my rating. If you love your 3D platformers though consider this one to pick. If you still need more convincing then be sure to try the free demo available on the eShop.

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Nightmare Arena is a nice compliment to this great RPG package. A tough challenge that will demand you put your thinking caps on, rather than relying on typical RPG grinding to succeed. By itself, it is decent but not as memorable as the main game. If nothing else this review is a reminder to check out the main game. Then consider spending a little extra on the DLC and soundtrack to support the developer. If Video Game Fables continues to release DLC I’ll certainly be interested.

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Nov 11, 2022

NecroBoy: Path to Evilship falls into the category of a little gem for the puzzle experience. A generally straightforward but satisfying experience with a story that has a lot of heart. For a solo developer, they have done a pretty decent job creating a welcoming experience that will suit gamers of all ages. It doesn’t veer far from its puzzle formula, not really taking any risks with its gameplay. But it is an original concept. This may be a great one to enjoy playing with the younglings or if you just want a nice weekend game that’s not too taxing. Definitely add this to the wish list to support a budding indie developer. Hopefully, this is not the last we see of NecroBoy and his puzzle escapades.

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Loved - Outshine
Nov 3, 2022

Whether you are a slow typer or a super fast touch typer there is something here for absolutely any gamer at any age. Outshine seems a fitting name for this game as it totally outshines all known competition in this small genre. Typing aside this is a fantastic arcade experience all round. Great for short or long gaming sessions. The game may be single-player only but it’s one that can be enjoyed with friends and family. I found it just as much fun to watch as to play. I could not recommend this enough.

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Liked-a-lot - Trifox
Oct 26, 2022

Trifox is a promising first game from a new developer. A fun premise that is suitable for gamers of all ages that will provide a rewarding challenge without being too frustrating. Like its low poly art style, this game does have some flaws, yet it overcomes these with solid-level design and flexible customisation, which may even have you coming back to the game for another play-through. An absolute gem on Switch which will hopefully gain enough popularity to see a sequel as it would be fascinating to see another entry from this cunning fox.

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Mixed - Witchcrafty
Oct 19, 2022

Witchcrafty has a great presentation but its gameplay keeps things just a little too straightforward to make it stand out from the crowd. It could have used just a few extra tricks to highlight it over the competition. In its current state, it’s very hard to recommend with some of its notable bugs, glitches and inconsistent difficulty. But if these get ironed out I can see this being a pretty satisfactory weekend game if you’re looking for something to pass the time or to share with the younglings. Witchcrafty drew me in with its art style but just left me disappointed for now.

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Liked-a-lot - Fallen Knight
Oct 17, 2022

Fallen Knight is a tough but entertaining action platformer. Difficult like the retro days but also an appealing challenge if you’re willing to take up the sword and give it a go. I would like to mention that if you’re prone to stress by high difficulty or easily enraged you may just want to pass on this. I totally lost my cool with some of the grindy boss fights but I kept coming back for more. Fallen Knight is totally suitable for all ages, so even if this is not for you it may make an appealing present for a youngling or any fan or Knight robots with swords. And who wouldn’t be into that?

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Liked-a-lot - Youropa
Oct 6, 2022

Youropa is a gravity-defying puzzle platformer that left me satisfied. Its puzzles challenge you to think outside the box without feeling too convoluted that you can’t figure things out for yourself. A few of the games’ physics make moments of the experience a bit tedious. However, that didn’t take away from the enjoyment of the overall experience. The main adventure may seem short and sweet but with the game’s level creator, this could potentially be a game to revisit on a cosy weekend provided the community stays strong. Youropa is an experience that will drive you up the wall in a good way.

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Oct 3, 2022

Shovel Knight Dig is yet another win for the popular indie icon. A highly enjoyable action roguelike that will keep you busy for a good gaming night or in short bursts. Suitable for gamers of all skill levels thanks to its use of accessibility features. New content is dropped regularly, if not a touch light, but with the game’s addictive gameplay and random generation, I found it hard not to always sneak in another run. Shovel Knight is in the rare comfortable position where his mere presence in a game is a sign of quality. But whether you are a fan of the series or jumping in for the very first time Shovel Knight Dig will not disappoint.

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Liked-a-lot - Dome Keeper
Sep 29, 2022

I ended up really liking Dome Keeper. Its gameplay flow reminded me a lot of Kingdom, another gem also published by Raw Fury. Only this time it’s a bit more lonely as you are just a humble space person alone on a very angry planet. Its mix of mining for resources and defending your base quickly became entertaining, having me return run after run, even if many ended with my dome smashing into little pieces. Unlocked content feels a touch light and defending the base can get a bit overwhelming too early. But that wasn’t enough to cloud over the sheer fun I had playing this sci-fi wonder. If you’re looking for a fresh new roguelike then Dome Keeper comes highly recommended.

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Sep 28, 2022

Nine Noir Lives is a solid point-and-click adventure with excellent voice acting and a well-presented premise. A casual puzzler to play with the mouse in one hand and stroke your cat in the other or sip a coffee. The formula feels very by the book, not really doing anything new for the genre. If you haven’t liked this style of game before this is not going to win you over. But if you are a fan or even if you’re new and just want to test the waters Nine Noir Lives comes highly recommended. You don’t even need to like cats to enjoy it.

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Liked-a-lot - Little Orpheus
Sep 23, 2022

Little Orpheus is a casual cinematic adventure that is light on gameplay but won me over with its impressive narrative and art style. If you’re looking for a challenge you won’t find it here. But if you’re looking for a good story to share with family or loved ones that will take you to unexpected places that you certainly won’t forget then I highly recommend picking up Little Orpheus.

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Mixed - Block'Em
Sep 20, 2022

Block’Em! is simple to the point gaming fun, which is pick up and play for the whole family. It will make for a good gaming night game to play with your favourite folk or worst enemies. But the game’s downfall is that it keeps things too simple, lacking replay value and variety in its gaming modes. I guess it’s possible more content will be added in future updates but as it stands this is a game you’ll likely play one session and probably never touch again. So in a way, it’s similar to that board game you play with the family for Xmas. If that sounds ok to you, have at it.

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Liked-a-lot - Catmaze
Sep 18, 2022

Summing up Catmaze initially feels like a pretty by-the-numbers 2D adventure game which ticks all the right boxes. I decided to rate it a little higher though because I just found this adventure a little more memorable than others. This was helped by the unique use of familiars to attack you and cast magic spells. The presentation has a certain magic to it which really sucks you into the fantasy setting. I then became more impressed once I heard this game was developed by one person. It seems like not a week goes by when we don’t see a release of another 2D adventure game but I’m pleased to report Catmaze is one of the good ones well worth your time.

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Liked-a-lot - Pac-Man World Re-Pac
Sep 16, 2022

Pac-Man World Re-Pac is a great opportunity to experience a lost PSone gem on modern consoles. The formula can get a little repetitive in places but this niggle is minor compared to the overall fun I had with the game. The platforming is enjoyable, the moves are fun to use and most of all it cleverly weaves in aspects of the arcade game which brought a smile to my face almost as large as Pac-Mans. Whether you are familiar with Pac-Man or not this is a very good 3D platformer that hasn’t lost its charm all these years later

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Mixed - Kitsune Zero
Sep 16, 2022

Kitsune Zero is OK but really doesn’t offer anything special or original. Okay, graphics and gameplay but the entire time I was playing it I could not help but think how Super Mario Bros does it better. What’s funny is I have never been enamoured with the original Super Mario Bros since I didn’t grow up with it as so many gamers did. But after playing Kitsune Zero I went back and played it and developed all new love and respect for it. My suggestion is to download Super Bernie World for free and if you want to support the developers on their next project consider spending a small fee for the DLC. Also, be sure to check out their next project Kitsune Tails.

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Sep 3, 2022

Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack is a lighthearted and enjoyable point-and-click adventure that easily achieves what it sets out to do. Recapturing the challenge and humour from the greats back in the day whilst also adding modern improvements for those not looking to get stuck. Whilst only a single player this is a title you could quite easily share with a loved one (including younglings) if you want to try to solve puzzles together. If point and click have never been your thing then this game will unlikely change your opinion on the genre. It got plenty of smirks out of me so I certainly recommend it.

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Liked - Dusk Diver 2
Sep 1, 2022

Dusk Diver 2 wasn’t quite the 1, 2 punch it could have been. The biggest critique of the experience lies in its enemies and boss battles with enormous health bars leading to incredibly boring encounters marring the overall game experience. If I move this aside the game does so much right. An intriguing cast of characters and a plot I felt invested in. The combat system itself is fun to experiment with, with multiple unique playable characters. If you’re a fan of the first game I can see you overlooking the game’s flaws and finding incentive to return to this world. If you’re new and curious I would probably suggest trying the first title before jumping into the sequel. I like Dusk Diver 2 but I would have loved it if the combat was less of a chore.

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