Andrew Camac

146 games reviewed
72.9 average score
80 median score
76.0% of games recommended
9 / 10.0 - Pikmin 4
Aug 9, 2023

If you had told me that this year one of possibly the best games I’ll play would be Pikmin 4, I’d have laughed at you, especially after having to marathon Pikmin 1+2. But here we are with a game that I adored every second of and can’t find any faults with. Pikmin 4 could have done with a more substantial co-op component and maybe a story that doesn’t involve Olimar getting himself into trouble again. But I’m grasping at straws to find anything wrong with the game at all. It’s a little bit of a niche title but sleeping on Pikmin 4 as a Nintendo Switch owner would be a massive mistake for newcomers or die-hard Pikminions!

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7 / 10.0 - Pikmin 1
Aug 8, 2023

Pikmin 1+2 is a brilliant package for people who have been missing the games since the GameCube/Wii or gamers curious about why Pikmin is so beloved. If you are coming in from Pikmin 3 or the recently released Pikmin 4 then these titles will feel painfully barebones. If you can look beyond the age or perhaps play in order of release you’ll see that just like the Pikmin, humble beginnings spout into beautiful flowers.

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7 / 10.0 - Exoprimal
Jul 27, 2023

Exoprimal is a game I enjoy playing. I'm still playing it post-review, and in the smaller sessions, it does provide a kick that few other games have given as of late. It inhabits that weird AA space where there is a clear effort made here but either not enough or the budget won't stretch. Hopefully, Capcom supports Exoprimal beyond the roadmap it has already put out and does enough to keep the already low player base from dropping further. At the moment the game has great bones, but they do need just a little more meat to them.

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Jun 29, 2023

Glitches and annoyances aside, Aliens: Dark Descent is a fantastic experience for any fan of the Aliens franchise. A much higher level of care is clearly on show here than in some previous titles, and that helps stave away the annoyances mentioned in this review. It's a tough-as-hell game that feels immensely rewarding when things go right and you manage to achieve a victory over the Xenomorph scum with little to no injury. It rewards planning and keeps you on edge with the constant reminder that even the basic Xenomorph can ruin your day if not taken with the utmost caution.

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Jun 14, 2023

Nightdive are synonymous with fantastic remasters but to my knowledge, this is the first from-the-ground-up remake they have produced and Shodan be praised, did they knock it out of the park! System Shock isn’t a game for everyone as previously stated. It doesn’t have the flexible character builds of its sequel nor is it a more linear digestible experience like its spiritual successors. What it does offer is a hardcore, sci-fi horror game with a level of immersion that only comes around every so often. Fans of Prey (2016) will certainly find a lot to love here, along with gamers looking for a challenge. You will get lost, you will die, and you’ll spend more than enough time scratching your head at some of the more obscure objectives and puzzles. But if you stick with it, you’ll come out of the other side fulfilled and with an even greater appreciation of just how much of a landmark title System Shock was and still is.

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May 23, 2023

All in, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is exactly what I expected when it was announced as "Boomer Shooter" and that is a damn good thing. When it comes to this franchise, you usually have to go into it expecting certain levels of jank much like Necromunda: Hired Gun. Fortunately, here the developers have put out a jank-free, high-quality product that should bring Boomers and Gen Z kids together in a bloody ballet in the glorious name of the Emperor.

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8 / 10.0 - DNF Duel
May 15, 2023

DNF Duel is a fine addition to the rosters of fighting games on the Nintendo Switch. I can only hope that crossplay comes in the future alongside the number of updates and support Arc System Works has promised the other versions. It's a bit of a niche franchise when compared to stuff like Dragon Ball Z and may not quite have the appeal for more casual fans. That said, fans of the genre who fancy an anime fighter with a bit of a difference will find that DNF Duel stands in its league.

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May 3, 2023

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is a hefty and fun title. It's not only an essential purchase for gamers who have been dreaming of the series coming back, but also works extremely well as an introduction to gamers who may have missed out originally. If you've already had your fill of Fire Emblem and crave something similar or like the idea of the series but not its fantasy theme, Advance Wars has you covered. It has all the addictive charm of a Nintendo title with some great strategy gameplay. Sadly there isn't anything in terms of "new" content for returning die-hards and the graphics can be a little deceptive, but delay or not, this is another great experience.

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Apr 26, 2023

Cannon Dancer: Osman should feel like a celebration of unearthing a lost gem. Instead, the lack of extras and personality in its presentation outside of the game gives it more of a "shop-bought replica" feel. It's a fantastic way to spend an hour and longer should you want to challenge it to the one-credit clear, but I don't think there is enough there for people who aren't retro enthusiasts or have a history with the "Strider" games. I love Cannon Dancer: Osman, but it's a tough one to suggest outside of its niche. If you fall within that niche you're guaranteed to have a smile from ear to ear. Outside of it, it feels like an overpriced, flash in the pan.

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Apr 21, 2023

If you have a hankering for a new shoot ’em up on your PlayStation 5 or played Final 2 and just really need 7 new stages and a selection of new customizables then R-Type Final 3: Evolved could be right up your alley. If you played but weren’t really into previous R-Type titles or had your fill with R-Type Final 2, then this is a bit of a tough sell considering it’s not really a sequel but more of an enhanced update. Confusing nature aside, I had my fun with R-Type Final 3: Evolved, but it didn’t quite do enough for me personally to stick around. After spending countless hours on the previous game, I felt like dipping out quickly after seeing the new stages.

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Apr 9, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake is a bombastic remake of one of the best games ever made and it achieves greatness in the same way the original did. It doesn't replace the original but rather compliments it and feels like a natural continuation of the previous remake titles. I was hooked from the second the game started and I'm now on the 4th replay. Even now, I still cannot get enough of its addictive gameplay and engrossing environments. Resident Evil 4 Remake is the perfect mix of horror and action that has yet to be matched in the series since the original. While Resident Evil 8: Village tried, the fourth installment's pacing here cannot be matched, especially in the remake. Once again, Resident Evil 4 rules the survival horror roost!

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Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon is a fantastic and unexpected entry in the Bayonetta series. It has all the hallmarks of an experimental title from Platinum Games but sadly lacks the over-the-top action they have become synonymous with alongside their genre mixing. What is on offer is a charming tale with a unique art style, an addictive world to explore, and acceptable combat. It may feel initially daunting to series fans, but will soon warm to those willing to take a gamble on a Bayonetta title that feels more like a different title, wrapped in Bayonetta lore and namesake.

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Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse has always been seen as somewhat of a black sheep of the series as the only title that hadn’t seen an international release. Now that it has, when compared to the other main titles in titles it just feels a little uninspired in the gameplay aspect. That said, it is held together by one of the stronger narratives presented in the franchise. It has some rough textures and an even rougher opening few hours but once you wade through them it’s a textbook Project Zero title almost to a fault. For series newcomers, I would suggest starting with this one and then going into Maiden of Blackwater due to the many gameplay improvements you'll find there. But as a standalone title, it’s a slightly above-average game with a fantastic story.

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Kirby’s Return To Dream Land Deluxe feels like a comfortable game. Offering plenty of additional content for anyone who has played the original release, it's a mighty fine time for Kirby fans new and old alike. This is the best 2D Kirby game available on the Nintendo Switch, even if it doesn’t quite match the originality of Kirby Planet Robobot from the Nintendo 3DS. It’s a great title for families and provides that lovely little dopamine hit that the series is famous for. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a brilliant break from the gritty world of first-person shooters, tactical RPGs, and fighting games.

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Feb 24, 2023

Metroid Prime Remastered is the gold standard when it comes to “Remasters”. It doesn’t add anything of significance, but it’s not a remake nor does it tout itself as one. Instead, it takes all the iconic aspects of the original title and makes sure they are of a standard that matches the current gaming standard. The game remains to be a gritty, fun, and immersive experience. While the combat isn’t quite as good as the exploration, it still provides a must-play package not only for fans of the original but also for people who may have joined the series a little later. We can only hope that Metroid Prime 2 and 3 aren’t too far behind!

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Feb 16, 2023

Dead Space Remake is a title I couldn’t enjoy more if I tried. I love Sci-Fi, I love horror, and this game just reminded me of why the original title turned as many heads as it did. It’s a labor of love and I couldn’t be happier to award an extremely rare perfect score to Dead Space Remake. It’s put every other game of 2023 on notice and will take something really special to dethrone as King of the Horror Mountain.

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5 / 10.0 - Wanted: Dead
Feb 14, 2023

I wanted to love Wanted: Dead. It has everything I love about that charming AA middle ground from the PS2/3 era, but sadly even at its highest of highs, it still smacks of average.  The game has a lot of heart but zero focus, resulting in it trying to do too many things and barely achieving any of them well. I've no doubt this title will get a cult following and I'd be down for a sequel, but as it stands I can't suggest anyone gets involved unless you're craving something a little different wrapped in average and bland paper.

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Jan 27, 2023

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider has a steel-like focus on its demographic: people who either grew up with titles like Shinobi and Strider or people who have taken the dive into retro gaming and want the thrill of something new that feels authentic to the time period.  The short run time, use of a lives system, and difficulty that some may feel is cheap may deter some gamers. That said, all in all, the developers have knocked it out of the park once again with some high-octane ninja action with intuitive controls, smooth gameplay, and the kind of pick-up-and-play style hook that the loftier AAA games just don’t have.

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Jan 22, 2023

One Piece Odyssey manages to not only be the finest One Piece title released, but it also stands on its legs alone as a damn fine JRPG adventure. It’s riddled with all kinds of franchise fan service, but that only carries a game so far and I don’t think I would have enjoyed playing through the game’s 40-hour+ story if that was all it had. The game managed to smash every expectation I had. While it had some wonky pacing and played it a little safe at times with the genre tropes, I felt fully invested in the game from start to finish. It’s to such a point that this game has rekindled my love of the franchise which had been ebbing to the point I was happy to just play the Musou titles for a story recap. It won’t convince anyone who actively dislikes or shows no interest in One Piece to get invested, but if you have a slight curiosity and a love for JRPGs, the game offers enough to entice and entrap players. If you’re a fan of Luffy and Co, then this is the easiest game recommendation I can make. This is the game I wanted from One Piece: World Seeker and has cemented itself as the absolute gold standard of Anime tie-in titles: no more cheap arena fighting games, please!

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Jan 4, 2023

I love Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, so much so that I continue to go back night after night and get stuck in that “1 more” loop that is a true testament to a great game. Yes, I haven’t been able to perfectly follow the narrative and I’m not playing it under the most ideal of circumstances, but I still cannot get enough of it. With that said, it’s not going to be for everyone. It is still at heart a horde, team-based shooter. The more single-player-focused gamer is going to get bored much sooner than others. It’s the bloody marriage of the combat, the random missions, and the sheer presentation of the levels that makes Warhammer 40,000: Darktide such an easy game to recommend to anyone who enjoys shooters. It's an essential purchase for those that “Praise The Emperor”. I love this title and the constantly evolving nature of it means that it is only going to get better!

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