Timothy McVicar

9 games reviewed
71.1 average score
70 median score
33.3% of games recommended
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90 / 100 - Unrailed!
Dec 2, 2020

Unrailed is simple, charming, and absorbing. The gameplay is addicting, and it is exponentially more fun as you add friends to your game. It's the best party game since, or possibly surpassing, Overcooked. A true hidden gem.

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Nov 24, 2020

Overall, there just isn't much to say about Remothered: Broken Porcelain. Almost every aspect of the game disappoints, so you tend not to focus on any one thing while playing. The story was incredibly confusing, but everything else was pretty bad, too, so I didn't even care. It feels incomplete and not paid attention to.

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70 / 100 - The Survivalists
Oct 23, 2020

The Survivalists is just an OK game that you will probably enjoy for a few weeks and then put away and never play again. It's a shame because it has the foundations of something excellent, but it's all just too simple and tedious. If the mechanics were better, the crafting was easier, there were more things to build, more types of mobs, and some clear objective like escaping the island or fighting a series of mini-bosses, we wouldn't be talking about a little throw-away game, here; we'd be talking about a true hidden gem.

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Oct 16, 2020

In summary, when it comes to Red Wings: Aces of the Sky, there just isn't that much to talk about. It's a fun little game for a while, but it gets repetitive quickly, and it's very easy. I think most experienced gamers will enjoy it for a couple of days and then forget about it because it doesn't inspire any strong feelings or make you want to go all completionist on it for the achievements.

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90 / 100 - Ride 4
Oct 9, 2020

Ride 4 is a racing game made only for racers. This isn't your casual "have a few friends over, have a couple drinks and mess around" type of game like Mario Kart, it's a picky, sensitive, intricate, realistic, and truly beautiful game. It is tough to play. It's not friendly to new players, but to the experienced racer, it would be tough to imagine what improvements could be made to a completed work of art such as this. To them, it's nigh on perfection.

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90 / 100 - FIFA 21
Oct 6, 2020

FIFA 21 has something for everyone, from casual gamers to passionate soccer fans. Sure, FIFA games can sometimes feel repetitive, and there are some things that need to be addressed, but when you play you can tell that the developers are keyed-in on the same things that make real soccer fans passionate. Make no mistake: this is the best soccer video game ever made. The beautiful game has truly never been so beautiful.

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60 / 100 - Vigor
Sep 8, 2020

Vigor is clunky and brutal. There is no satisfying single-player to fall back on, so every game session feels like a strain. It's a shame because the ideas are sound, and it could be great, but the poor mechanics torpedo any competitive urge you have going into it. Vigor's gunplay needs to improve drastically before it can start to accrue a real audience of passionate players.

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60 / 100 - Cinders
Aug 25, 2020

The bottom line of my playthrough is that not much I had done mattered in the end. If you are interested in playing Cinders, be prepared to play it to completion for the best experience because it is clear that not every door has a prize behind it, and not every ending suits a fairytale.

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70 / 100 - Boomerang Fu
Aug 7, 2020

All in all, Boomerang Fu is undeniably fun for short periods of time. The characters, levels, and music is cute, the surprisingly violent killing is satisfying, and it is definitely worth a laugh or two. It put me in a good mood. I would only struggle to recommend it because of its lack of online play. Cranky Watermelon wants to bring people together, so the timing of this release is the exact opposite of ideal, and most gaming households won't have enough controllers or players to make up for that.

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