Trevor Houston
Just Dance 2014 is about the about as good as it gets when it comes to a virtual dancing simulation game for your Wii U. With over 48 tracks available at launch and the possibility of more DLC to come, it is perfect for those tweens, teens and adults looking for a fun social game to play.
If you own Madden 25 on current generation systems, you could wait until next year but that could also be a mistake as Madden 25 on the Xbox One feels like a considerable leap over the current generation game. It may be the biggest leap we have seen in the franchise yet.
Even if this game was a fraction of its baffling $59.99 price tag, I would not recommend it for anyone. The Fighter Within has only one good thing going for it and that is you can burn a few calories after a fight or two. Otherwise, do yourself a favour, avoid this game as it's awful.
Dead Rising 3 is not a game that takes itself too seriously and it is all about having a great time; and a great time you will have. Out of all the launch games that I have been playing I have the most difficulty putting this one down and there is something to be said about that.
FIFA 14 for the Xbox One is quite simply an impressive launch game. The enhanced visuals make for a game that comes alive and for the first time in recent memory I truly felt like I was "in the game". There is some room for growth but there is no question this FIFA game is about the best we could have hoped for with an EA Sports launch title.
Onslaught is by no means the definitive must own CoD DLC but it's solid and gives Ghosts some more legs. So really what more could you ask for?
Despite some of Thief's annoyances, the game is rich in detail and hard to put down. Needless to say, this is one convict I won't be locking up any time soon.
Call of Duty: Ghosts is now batting two for two when it comes to its downloadable content offerings.
This Spider-Man entry feels rushed, remains largely unchanged from previous Beenox Spider-Man games and the new web slinging mechanic zapped the fun out of arguably the most enjoyable things about Spider-Man games. I am confident the next entry will be vastly improved but for now you need to move along.
Sony's MLB franchise has unquestionably made a successful leap to PlayStation 4. The franchise has never looked better and the game has made yet another jump into the realm of 'true to life'. MLB: The Show retains its crown as the undisputed king of baseball games. This being said, it remains by in the large the same game we have played over the course of the past few years and the glitches do seem more prevalent.
This visually remarkable game features memorable characters, a terrific soundtrack and frantically entertaining gameplay. Wolfenstein: The New Order is hard to put down and for good reason – it simply kicks ass.
UFC is not as refined as an experience it could be and compared to other sports franchises it lacks in the depth department; however, there is no question EA Sports UFC game is fun to play and overall is a satisfying fighter.
There remains room for improvement and I certainly experienced a few let-downs with Madden 15; however, this is hands down the best Madden game to date. And let's just say the future remains bright for the franchise.
FIFA 14 was an impressive launch game last fall for next generation consoles. With a little more time under their belt the development team have managed to up-the-ante with FIFA 15. While the changes may not be as robust as we have seen in previous installments in the franchise, there is no question FIFA 15 has firmly cemented itself as the best soccer game on the planet.
With a brilliant blend of silky smooth yet brutal combat and some memorable stealth sequences, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor offers up some of the best open world combat we have seen in quite some time. It is not without some faults, and will frustrate many to the core, but in the end you are left with an excellent Lord of the Rings game that should please any "Mature" gamer.
I experienced many scares and might have even pooped my pants a bit. Yet in the end a lacklustre storyline, uninteresting characters, clunky combat and far too many frustrating sequences hold "The Evil Within" back from being considered one of the greats.
With over 50 million copies of Just Dance games sold around the world there is no question Ubisoft has found a winning formula with the franchise. Just like other yearly releases, Just Dance 2015 doesn't reinvent the wheel but instead take the safe route with the "if it ain't broke, then don't fix" approach.
There is no question a big risk was taken with this year's game. Does this risk pay off? It sure does as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is about the most fun I have had playing a Call of Duty game in several years. Granted it remains very familiar but the leaps are significant and in the end pay off.
If you are looking to pick up an NBA game this holiday season the choice is easy but make no bones about it NBA Live is becoming a contender. Let's just see what they do next year.
Grand Theft Auto V isn't exactly a next gen masterpiece but it is undeniably the undisputed king of open world games. If there is anyone out there that hasn't yet experienced GTA V you owe it to yourself to give it a spin. For those of you who have already taken the journey with Franklin, Michael and Trevor there is still plenty of reasons to head back to Los Santos all over again. Trust me, this GTA received far more than just a fresh coat of paint.