Trevor Houston
Even if this game was a fraction of its baffling $59.99 price tag, I would not recommend it for anyone. The Fighter Within has only one good thing going for it and that is you can burn a few calories after a fight or two. Otherwise, do yourself a favour, avoid this game as it's awful.
Goat Simulator is quite easily one of the more forgettable games I have played in recent memory. Aside from some cheap laughs and managing to somehow become an internet cultural phenomenon, this goat game offers up little in terms of any substance.
This Spider-Man entry feels rushed, remains largely unchanged from previous Beenox Spider-Man games and the new web slinging mechanic zapped the fun out of arguably the most enjoyable things about Spider-Man games. I am confident the next entry will be vastly improved but for now you need to move along.
With over 100 bikes included in the game ranging from classic to pro-circuit bikes RIDE does an excellent job delivering an authentic motorbike experience.
White Night isn't the most riveting survival horror game I have played in recent memory but it isn't the worst either. If not for the unique film noir storytelling combined with a stylized black and white look, White Night could have been one of the more forgettable survival horror games of 2015. Unfair enemies and camera issues dampens an experience which otherwise should have been much better than the sum of its parts.
The atmosphere in Zombi is fantastic. It is dark, creepy and the visibility in the game adds to the tension. - See more at:
If you are looking to pick up an NBA game this holiday season the choice is easy but make no bones about it NBA Live is becoming a contender. Let's just see what they do next year.
Madden NFL 21 isn’t necessarily a bad game; it will improve over time with updates. Yet the product at launch is riddled with deficiencies and the incremental additions aren’t significant enough to warrant a purchase recommendation from me.
Out of all the new multiplayer maps, “Empire” is truly the stand-out. This re-imagined map from Black Ops 2 looks fantastic..
As far as the sound is concerned, the game is spot on. Those chiptunes are catchy and work perfectly with the game.
I experienced many scares and might have even pooped my pants a bit. Yet in the end a lacklustre storyline, uninteresting characters, clunky combat and far too many frustrating sequences hold "The Evil Within" back from being considered one of the greats.
Madden NFL 24 continues EA Sports’ legacy of making smaller more incremental yearly changes to its beloved franchise. While there doesn’t seem much in the way of “new” this time around and Ultimate Team suffers from some awful UI performance issues, the gameplay is silky smooth and all the fan-favorite modes return with notable improvements. If you’ve been away from the franchise for a few years, you’ll like what you see here, but for those hardcore folks who eat and breathe a steady diet of Madden, is this really that much better than NFL 23?
The best way to describe the look of the game is if the classic arcade game Elevator Action and new indie title BroForce got together and had a child.
It is far from being considered the definitive fighting game on the planet and should quickly be overshadowed by Street Fighter V's pending release but if you are a fan of the franchise or someone looking for some mindless fast paced fun, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round should be right up your alley.
The franchise is still on the comeback trail and may not overtake 2K's juggernaut for a couple more years but the gains this year are significant and the franchise is clearly trending upwards
It also made me realize Gemini: Heroes Reborn offers up a layer of strategy and depth I never expected to get.
Having to re-start the game after every death can be absolutely soul crushing but the satisfaction you get from winning an exhausting battle against an enemy Ironcast is remarkably satisfying.
As for the gameplay, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 delivers and is much richer experience than I expected.
Onslaught is by no means the definitive must own CoD DLC but it's solid and gives Ghosts some more legs. So really what more could you ask for?
Call of Duty: Ghosts is now batting two for two when it comes to its downloadable content offerings.