Ryan Craddock

95 games reviewed
70.2 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended
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Feb 15, 2018

Mercenaries Saga Chronicles offers an awful lot of tactical turn-based strategy content for the asking price, but the dull storylines, repetitive gameplay, and absolutely identical nature of all three titles make us question the reasoning behind packaging them all together as a bundle. In their own right, each game will provide you with hours of well-designed battles, but we doubt many players will genuinely want to sit through all three games as they would be effectively playing the same game three times.

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Mar 29, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess offers a great twist on the classic RPG formula, adding a new bribing system that takes your opponents out of the game to use for your own advantage. You'll find many hours' worth of content available here, and learning how to best use your magic calculator abilities for maximum success is highly enjoyable.

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May 24, 2018

Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers takes the best part of the series' early games, adds some nice improvements, and provides a more refined overall package.

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Jun 8, 2018

Shape of the World is a very different offering on the Switch's eShop, and one that we are glad to have experienced despite its shortcomings. Describing it as a video game doesn't feel quite right; it's more of an interactive playground that lets you take a couple of hours out, switch off, and be treated to some thought-provoking aesthetics along the way. It's definitely not for everyone, and it's all over a little too quickly, but Shape of the World is a nicely put together piece of art that deserves the attention of those most intrigued.

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Jun 19, 2018

Chameleon Run Deluxe Edition offers a challenging autorunner experience that will no doubt have you hooked and cursing at the same time. The combination of slick jumping and colour swapping makes whizzing around each level enjoyable, and the new features added to this Switch edition are very welcome, but the main bulk of the game will likely be over relatively quickly for most. It's definitely an enjoyable ride while it lasts, though, and fans of the genre shouldn't be disappointed.

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7 / 10 - Heroki
Jul 19, 2018

Heroki is a bright and calming adventure game that can provide a simple level of entertainment for players of all skill levels and abilities, but never quite pushes itself far enough to be the experience it could have been. It ticks all of the boxes and gets the job done, with easy-to-understand controls, addictive collectable-grabbing gameplay - and even a nice little side quest area - but never breaks out of those metaphorical boxes to give us something that can truly amaze. A nice little game on the whole, then, just a little on the simple side.

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7 / 10 - Red's Kingdom
Aug 16, 2018

Red's Kingdom is full of cutesy charm and clever puzzles that act as a nice way to pass the time in small doses.

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Oct 29, 2018

Just Dance 2019 is a sleek entry to the franchise that does exactly what it says on the tin – and not much more.

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Nov 9, 2019

Just Dance 2020 is a celebration of the series' tenth anniversary in more ways than one, with years' worth of releases all leading up to a formula that has truly been perfected and a decent new song list to boot. You'll want to be subscribed to Just Dance Unlimited to get the most out of your purchase, however, and a combination of your needs, budget and access to previous titles makes the decision much more difficult than it should be. Newcomers to the series won't find a better experience out there, but seasoned players might want to think about saving some cash and sticking with their current setup.

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Kung Fu Panda: SLL has many strong qualities, including a great amount of loyalty to the franchise and real thought for how the characters would fight and move, but suffers from an overall lack of gameplay content. The fact that it draws so heavily from the Super Smash Bros. series is both a blessing and a curse. It would be easy to think of this as a negative; if you want to play a fighting game of this type then there is no reason to choose this over Super Smash Bros. itself. But Kung Fu Panda: SLL isn't trying to compete with a genre defining game – it's bringing that style of play to a brand new audience. Fans of the film franchise that want this game purely because it has their favourite panda in it will be treated to an experience way beyond what is usually expected for a movie tie-in, and one that can provide a fun time.

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Mar 13, 2018

Combining crazy physics and an even crazier story scenario, Coffin Dodgers has managed to do just enough to stand out from the crowd, offering a decent little kart-racer that should generate a laugh or two. A slight lack of content and a less-than-perfect overall quality prevent it from being something worth shouting about, however, so you might want to consider your options before jumping in with an immediate purchase.

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Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical is a great idea on paper; the combat-based rhythm action is a nice change to the norm of the genre but is never pulled off to its full potential. There are fleeting, promising moments – the game's art is as attractive as the series has always been and some sections of music flow along with your button presses in a very tight, satisfying way, but ultimately when judged against other rhythm action games it falls short.We're not saying this is a bad game, it's just rather underwhelming, and with other stronger rhythm action games already available on Nintendo Switch - such as VOEZ - this feels like a game that might appeal more to the fans of the series rather than the genre.

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Oct 9, 2017

Unbox gets everything right in theory, but fails to actually deliver on the majority of its goals. The character design, the core ‘unboxing' mechanic, and the collecting side to the game could have been great but there are just too many problems standing in the way for it to be truly successful. We can't help but feel that the game just needed an extra dose of love and attention on the technical side of things because, if that was at the standard of the creativity and fun of the characters and ideas, it would have been a great experience and a whole lot of fun. As it stands, it might not be quite worth your time.

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6 / 10 - Sonic Forces
Nov 8, 2017

To answer our initial question, Sonic Forces hasn't managed to convince us that it is a must-play title in the series, but has at least alleviated some of our initial fears. A relatively short five-hour or so campaign, a lack of difficulty that ramps up unexpectedly on the final boss, and the non-coherent blend of 3D sequences, 2D sections and cutscenes make Sonic Forces a mixed experience, with positive moments undone by weaker areas.It isn't poor as many feared, and for children it could well be a thoroughly enjoyable experience. For the ‘hardcore' (and likely slightly older) generation of Sonic fans, though, perhaps it's best to accept that - for better or worse - Sonic isn't what it used to be. Stick with Sonic Mania for classic Sonic fun, and let Forces attract a new, younger audience.

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Squareboy is a decent beat-em-up, if a little on the short side. The Switch version is definitely the better version of the game but perhaps doesn't quite do enough to justify the cost when a free option is available elsewhere. This isn't a bad game by any means – in fact, we had a rather enjoyable time playing through the story levels – but its flaws and inability to stand out from the crowd stop it from being a sure-fire hit.

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6 / 10 - Party Planet
Dec 16, 2017

Party Planet looks wonderful on the surface with a bright, colourful, and slick interface that suggests you have a top-quality game in your hands. Unfortunately, though, a series of mini-games that vary from being good to disappointing may well start to feel rather stale after a short time; everything is nice and interesting at first, but there's little reason to keep playing once you've seen each game a couple of times.If you're looking for a game that can successfully get the family gathered around the TV to play together, Party Planet will definitely be able to do that – how long for is another matter, however. We fear that this particular title isn't for life, it might just be for Christmas.

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6 / 10 - InnerSpace
Jan 16, 2018

InnerSpace is a really intriguing title that we wish we didn't want to ever put down; the game's worlds give such a strong sense of amazement that you will want to spend every second flying through them. Unfortunately, you'll likely be left too frustrated by the sometimes near-impossible-to-find story progression tasks to keep going. We really want to love this game, and we very nearly did, but we just can't quite manage it.

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Mar 10, 2018

Guilt Battle Arena is a lot of fun while it lasts with frantic, fast-paced action that forces players to act quickly in the heat of battle. Our main issue, however, is that everything that the game has to offer can be seen very quickly, and the desire to keep picking up the game, again and again, isn't as strong as we'd initially hoped. Fun in quick bursts, but lacking slightly in gameplay content, we'd urge you to place this one on your ‘maybe' list.

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6 / 10 - Mulaka
Mar 2, 2018

Mulaka offers a truly intriguing insight into the culture and mythology of the Tarahumara people, but is let down by some frustrating gameplay issues. Exploring and puzzle solving is a simple but enjoyable affair, and there are elements of the combat system that show real promise, but some oversights surrounding the game's pacing and controls leave quite a lot to be desired. If you're interested enough in learning about the topic it wouldn't be unwise to give the game a go despite its flaws, but players looking purely for great gameplay might want to ponder over it a little longer.

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Atelier Lydie & Suelle is a rather standard entry to the Atelier series. Content with relying on a pretty standard setup, the game doesn't innovate or move forwards, although fans of the series will no doubt be interested in the new story alone. It's a pretty interesting take on the ridiculously wide genre of RPGs, with a much heavier focus being given to its deep crafting system, but that might not be enough to convince new players on its own.

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