Victor Tan

58 games reviewed
69.2 average score
70 median score
53.4% of games recommended
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7.5 / 10.0 - The Crackpet Show
Sep 27, 2023

The Crackpet Show: Happy Tree Friends Edition succeeds in being a more immersive rogue-lite than others in the genre. You are encouraged to be strategic, taking risks for greater rewards or playing it safe to survive. It's also easy to find weapons that work when you match them with the right perk, meaning there are no terrible options. However, longer episodes can make the randomisation aspect more punishing, and a lack of healing makes the game very difficult. It's a big time investment but there's a lot of fun to be had if you are willing to spend the hours.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Endless Dungeon
Oct 18, 2023

Endless Dungeon adds a few layers of strategy to the roguelike genre and it works well. Going in with a team and having turrets for support forces you to pool your advantages together to win. With different team combinations and turret placements, you can spend hours finding the perfect playstyle. There is a steep learning curve compared to other roguelikes and some glitches are present. Fortunately, none of that drags the experience down and you still have a solid roguelike that keeps you on your toes.

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Nov 2, 2023

Football Manager 2024 gives you more control over a football club's operations than ever before. You'll talk to players individually, plan game strategies, and snap up talent while retaining your own. Every club is different and it's up to you to figure out the best path forward. There are a lot of systems to learn which can be intimidating if you aren't familiar with club management. You also won't see the outcome of your decisions until a good amount of time has passed. But nothing beats the feeling of everything coming together when your team holds the championship cup.

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7.5 / 10.0 - SteamWorld Build
Nov 27, 2023

SteamWorld Build sets up a fantastic environment for Wild West robot capitalism to thrive. You must create workers to build enough resources that support your mining operations, which in turn helps develop your city. Expand your operations above and below ground to get more workers and new resources. While there isn't anything ground-breaking in this game and it can be repetitive, it still offers good fun for people who enjoy city builders. If you are looking for a strategic challenge that makes you balance two types of city building, SteamWorld Build is a great game to try out.

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Dec 13, 2023

Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader does a great job of putting you in the shoes of space royalty. You travel around galaxies and explore new areas while addressing issues that plague your rule. Combat is strategic and encourages you to use the strengths of your companions. Exploring new galaxies and harvesting resources immerses you in the role of Rogue Trader, encouraging you to be the ruler you want to be. Unfortunately, there's a lot of information to learn for players new to Warhammer 40K and the maps aren't very helpful. But if you are willing to spend the time to learn and experiment, there's a fun strategy RPG waiting to be explored.

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7 / 10.0 - Teardown
May 4, 2022

Teardown does a great job in delivering on its premise, offering players the ability to pull off professional heists any way they want by manipulating the environment to their advantage. You will always have something to do if you get bored of the campaign, such as the sandbox mode where you can experiment and play to your liking, or the challenge mode where you put your skills to the test. Unfortunately, the game’s freedom is tied to your progression in the campaign, forcing you to work within certain constraints. Unless you are a big fan of creating your own experiences, you can quickly become bored of the game if you don’t give yourself time to take a break. Despite this, Teardown is still a solid sandbox experience that can provide hours of entertainment and goals to work towards. For players looking for a good sandbox experience that makes you think and promotes your creativity, you can’t go wrong with Teardown.

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7 / 10.0 - Beacon Pines
Sep 21, 2022

Beacon Pines effectively creates an uneasy atmosphere through contrast. The branching story helps build the exposition as you peer into the lives of the other townspeople. It's a simple game that is on the shorter side with a few seemingly unnecessary features, but all loose ends are wrapped up by the end, leaving an enjoyable story that doesn't overstay its welcome.

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Oct 2, 2022

The DioField Chronicle is an enjoyable experience for players who are interested in games with political drama and intrigue. It thrives on being vague and secretive, which fits the themes encountered in the game. Combat can also be fun to play around with, and it forces you to think differently when enemies can move around. Unfortunately, the game can take complexity too far, and it isn't a game for casual players. The battle system can feel repetitive with a lack of variety, and the only thing propelling you forward is your desire to know how it all ends. But if you are willing to put some time into the game and understand it, you will walk away with a decent experience that is enjoyable in its own right.

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7 / 10.0 - Rooftop Renegade
Feb 17, 2023

Rooftop Renegade's fast-paced gameplay is fun and challenging enough, but its speedrunning focus may limit its widespread appeal.

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7 / 10.0 - Homeseek
Jul 22, 2023

Homeseek is a colony simulator that frequently puts you in uncomfortable situations. Just as you think everything is going well, it pulls the rug out from under you and forces you to react. You must balance short-term survival with long-term exploration to find new livable areas. Instead of building a self-sustaining civilization, you must move to greener pastures while surviving against the odds. The learning curve is steep as you are expected to make several mistakes. Not everything is explained to you either, forcing you to learn as you go. But if you are willing to stay with the game and adapt, you will find a great challenge that forces you to really think.

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7 / 10.0 - Mega City Police
Jul 26, 2023

Mega City Police is a great throwback to the retro top-down shooters of the past. There's no great story but lots of weapons and combat. You will be spending lots of time learning about each character's playstyle and what weapons work. The game isn't perfectly balanced though, as some weapons are clearly better than others. Melee playstyles are unintentionally discouraged and high rarity weapons are must-haves. But if you are willing to spend the time to learn, there's a good challenge to be had with this game.

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Penny Larceny is an engaging visual novel that isn’t afraid to tackle tough issues. Each path has a unique story that covers the good and bad sides of villany. It takes a long time to go through all the stories, but the payoff is worth it in the end.

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Sep 11, 2023

No Place Like Home is a fun & relaxing farming simulator where taking your own pace is recommended, though it has its flaws.

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7 / 10.0 - PAYDAY 3
Oct 1, 2023

Payday 3 lets you carry out some daring heists and feel like a professional bank robber. With a well-prepared team, you can properly coordinate a variety of strategies whether you are aggressive or stealthy. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many missions and playing solo is a difficult endeavor thanks to poor AI. Team matchups can also be risky if you aren’t with friends. There’s some good fun to be had, but it fizzles quickly if you aren’t a dedicated player.

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Dec 6, 2023

Cities: Skylines II has an extensive system that lets you control every aspect of a city's growth. Unfortunately some aspects could use more explanation and the graphic requirements are high, making it tough to get started.

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Jan 18, 2024

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp promises a good time for turn-based strategy fans and those new to the franchise. It’s nothing but strategy battles sprinkled with some story and the ability to unlock new characters. This might not be the game for you if strategy isn’t your favorite genre because there’s nothing else to do. But if you want a game that pushes your strategy skills, it’s hard to find a better game.

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7 / 10.0 - Go Mecha Ball
Jan 23, 2024

Go Mecha Ball is great at delivering fast-paced action thanks to its collision combat. You constantly balance rolling into enemies and firing with your weapons while dodging attacks. The enemies you face constantly attack you and the boss battles are challenging. The game isn't perfect, as it constantly forces the tutorial on you and you sometimes spend too much time chasing enemies. But for a game that gives you a quick action fix, it's hard to dislike Go Mecha Ball's frantic pace.

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Feb 26, 2024

Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters has some stumbles on the Switch. The frame rate can drop, multiple endings are hard to find, and the intricacies of combat pass you by. But if you give the game a chance, you will find a story that occasionally moves you while entertaining you with light-hearted humour. It's not a story that stands out because it's special, but because it's easily accessible and funny. The game is inviting even if you haven't played other games in the franchise. You might have to work harder to understand and spend more time on the mechanics, but it's an adventure well worth the investment.

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Mar 14, 2024

Outcast – A New Beginning presents an exciting adventure into the planet of Adelpha. While the innovative combat and environmental interactions are fun, the game is too similar to other open-world RPGs to truly stand out. Exploring Adelpha in its entirety is also challenging because several bugs hamper your progress, sometimes even crashing your game. The game may not break the barrier into greatness, but you can still easily have a good time if you look past the flaws.

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6.5 / 10.0 - The Last Oricru
Oct 26, 2022

The Last Oricru is a fun storytelling experience told through the eyes of the Souls-like genre. It's great to see everyone working for their own ends, and not being able to identify who is good and bad from the start. Focusing purely on what you think is most advantageous creates a story that fits your own personality well. But everything else is a regular Souls-like experience from top to bottom. There are attempts to stand out, but other than the story, they don't have the impact that really leaves a positive impression in a player's mind. The Last Oricru takes some risks, some of which pay off and some that don't. It's perfect for those who like their Souls-like games to have a good story, but if you're not a fan of the genre, you're better off staying away.

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