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Ratalaika Games, Somepx
Jun 25, 2021 - Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Pure Nintendo
4 / 10
Rapid Reviews UK
4 / 5
Nindie Spotlight
7.1 / 10
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Critic Reviews for LoopIndex

Loopindex, while not bad through and through, simply feels rough around the edges. Throw in a potential game-ending bug, and this is a small virtual world I won't be returning to any time soon.

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Overall, there just isn’t that much to complain about. LoopIndex is cheap fun that’s worth sitting down and playing solo and is even more fun with a friend. While it’s not going to break records or make history, the game is well thought out and put together. Also, since LoopIndex is available for just about every single platform that anyone could want it on, players can sit down together and play regardless of what consoles they own. I would recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a fun puzzle experience to share with someone.

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It’s hard not to go into a title published by Ratalaika Games without a bit of scepticism. Don’t get me wrong, they’re rarely outright bad games. And hey, achievement or trophy hunters certainly get a buzz from the easy selection each title offers. Their games just rarely do much to engross the player and instead feature gameplay mechanics that have typically been done much better elsewhere.

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Combining a few different pretty stock puzzler styles into one I'll at least give Loopindex credit for not being completely basic...

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