GreedFall - The de Vespe Conspiracy Reviews
De Vespe Conspiracy is a short and sweet way to experience more GreedFall content, in its unique straightforward and guided way. The DLC can easily be finished in just a few hours if you decide to go exploring the caves of Aidág ol creidaw in the search of the legendary weapons.
More of a developer's victory lap, The de Vespe Conspiracy is a more-of-the-same expansion that doesn't quite reach the heights of the original's better questlines.
The De Vespe Conspiracy turned out to be an expansion I didn’t know I wanted until I had it. It’s a true-to-form addition to a game I already loved. Any excuse to revisit Teer Fradee is a welcome journey, even if it’s quite short, only taking about three to four hours to complete. Still, it gave me more insight into a few characters I thought I knew fairly well.