Ayo the Clown

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Critic Reviews for Ayo the Clown
Despite the lack of any real challenge, Ayo the Clown is nevertheless a nice alternative to the usual go-to platformers on Switch. It’s got a wonderful, uplifting soundtrack, with several tunes you’ll be humming long after completing the game. Granted, if you’re a Coulrophobic and the mere thought of playing a game featuring a clown causes you to break out in a cold sweat, then you might want to steer clear. For everyone else, though, this is well worth picking up if you’re a fan of breezy, easygoing platformers.
It’s difficult to know who Ayo the Clown was made for. The game’s visuals and story were clearly made with a younger audience in mind. Yet, the gameplay can get so frustratingly difficult, especially during boss fights, that I can’t imagine any kids wanting to play it. My oldest played a couple of levels but got bored. My middle child played a couple of levels and got frustrated because he couldn’t get the jump ability. I played the first half of the game on medium, but the boss fights were just so poorly designed, I ended up turning the difficulty down to easy to finish the game. If you’re desperate for a platformer, you might find some redeeming qualities here. Overall, the game took me under 5 hours to beat, but completionists might need an extra few hours. This game could have been something exceptional, and hopefully, the devs take this criticism as an opportunity to add more polish to the game with future updates.
Ayo the Clown is clearly inspired by game series like Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario Bros., and it took some of the best lessons from them. The final product is a fun platformer that is easy enough to finish in a few sessions of dedicated play. The game doesn't do anything new with the platforming genre, but it's still a fun romp through a cartoon world and well worth checking out for fans of the genre.
Ayo the Clown is a fun, light platformer with origins that can be traced directly back to any number of Nintendo classics, putting it in esteemed company. Though the difficulty might be a bit much for the smallest kids, Ayo the Clown is a light-hearted, family-friendly game that deserves attention from platformer fans.
Ayo the Clown isn't the most original game, but it's a solid, colorful platformer. An ill-fitting idea here or there and a sluggish pace shouldn't stop kids from enjoying a playthrough, even if they don't go back to 100% the game. Give me a sequel that edits itself a bit, add a two-player mode, and you'll have a real winner.
Ayo the Clown is a great 2.5D platformer that should appeal to players regardless of their age. I loved the visual style of it and the level design offers up a ton of room for exploration that you normally wouldn’t see in this type of game. It doesn’t pull off every idea that it tries but despite those few issues it is a wonderful time.
Ayo the Clown is visually adorable and full of so much charm that you can't help but love the little guy and the world that Cloud M1 has created. I am looking forward to what else they can create; I wonder if Ayo the Clown 2 could be on the horizon? With a little polishing of controls, character models and the town function, who knows what heights Ayo could float to.
Ayo the Clown is exactly what a 2D platformer should be; silly, fun, challenging, varied, and intuitive. So, if you enjoy the genre then adding this indie gem to your collection is a must. Plus, it's sure to make you smile and that's always a good thing.