Theatre of Sorrows Reviews

Theatre of Sorrows is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2022

Titles that lean more into intricate story-telling than mechanical gameplay have definitely become more common in the current era than they were previously but are also, no doubt, more of an acquired taste...

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Jan 12, 2022

Theatre of Sorrows isn't worth your time. It's dressed up nicely with some good art and the occasional sinister moment to dwell on, but underneath that is little more than a basic resource management experience, with such egregious repetition through its "roguelike" elements that it becomes rote well before you've even finished the game for the first time. As a carefully-planned, linear and focused experience, Theatre of Sorrows could have been something creepy and evocative. Instead, it's like reading the same snippets of Lovecraft over and over again. Do that, and it doesn't take long at all for them to lose all meaning and value.

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