Resident Evil HD Remaster Reviews
Resident Evil on the Switch is a familiar experience with some excellent gameplay that can be enjoyed in handheld mode. The few flaws it has shouldn't detract, but the price might.
When returning to Resident Evil 1, some obvious flaws are apparent given the title’s age, such as the game’s tank-like controls, often awkward camera and downright cheesy dialogue… But in a bizarre way that adds to the charm of the title – The thematic tension you feel when exploring the manor… The fear you feel around every corner… The tension of solving a puzzle in the nick of time or making that narrow escape… Well, there’s nothing quite like it nowadays.
The makeover of Capcom's 1996 title Resident Evil proved more than a pleasing, it felt like a brand new experience. Resident Evil: HD improved the significant components in any survival horror game and exaggerated them (for the better).
At the end of the day, Resident Evil is still the same great game that it was when it released on the Nintendo Gamecube. The game looks good at 1080p and it's great for those wanting to relive the mansion incident or for those that want to enter the survival horror for the first time.
Resident Evil HD Remaster is a time machine that takes you back to an era when horror games were great. This is the gold standard of survival horror.
In the dawn of the new gen console, we've already seen plenty of HD remakes, some perhaps needed more than others. Resident Evil HD Remaster is the latest in line with improved HD visuals and audio, not to mention a new control scheme, the classic lives on as we once again enter survival horror.