Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reviews

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9.5 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 delivers an epic journey with great characters, an amazing story and refined combats that make it the greatest of the series. You will lose dozens of hours exploring its humongous world and despite too many long loading screens in the second half of the game, it's definitely a Nintendo Switch must play.

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10 / 10
Jul 26, 2022

What Monolith Soft has achieved with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 went far beyond my expectations. The developer’s masterful approach to character development and world-building results in an unforgettable adventure that is set in a world that is just as remarkable to explore. It is the emotional storytelling that makes it an unmissable journey that’s worth undertaking, elevating the experience to not only be considered as a Game of the Year contender but an all-time classic that will be remembered for decades to come.

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Jul 26, 2022

It may be too overwhelming for some, and the length of the game may put others off. But RPG fans are going to love it and the Switch can now boast of a cracking new title in this genre.

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Worth your time
Jul 26, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a journey of epic proportions and scale that reminded me of these experiences that are great and epic in terms of ambitions. Sometimes it can be melodramatic and talkative in an old fashioned way but that sense of grandeur is all that matters. With a rich narrative in terms of ideas, concepts and twists along the way, you'll find that the heart of it is in its characters. If you're a JRPG fan this is the game that you must play.

Review in Greek | Read full review

Jul 26, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 delivers one of the best games the series has ever offered to players and thrusts you into a volatile world paired filled with excellent writing and characters.

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Jul 26, 2022

While I've joked while playing that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was a great series of cutscenes with some fighting in between, the game gets away with its glut of cutaways because the story is quite good. Sure, people can see some of the twists coming from a mile away, but the core mystery is so intriguing and weird that you really want to keep playing to figure out just what the heck is going on.

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Nick Erlenhof
9.1 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is imposing, takes itself seriously and is simply fun. The story stands on its own and is therefore also very suitable for newcomers. The characters grow on you and are surprisingly realistic. There are tons of activities and completionists will again have over 100 hours to look forward to. Everyone else will enjoy what might be the best role-playing game for the Switch this year.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is easily one of the best JRPGs of 2022, even though it comes with some serious issues, which the hardware may be to blame for.

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