Gotham Knights Reviews
Gotham Knights successfully gives players a great new Batman title, without a heavy reliance on the Caped Crusader himself. The gameplay is fun, with combat feeling excellent, and the co-op really adds a whole new layer to the game. With an intriguing narrative that sees the Dark Knight’s understudies take up the mantle, Gotham Knights provides an exciting and emotional experience that is definitely worth picking up!
“In the end, either solo and especially in co-op, it’s an easy recommendation for me. All four heroes play fantastically and are quite different from one another. It also looks great on a Series X. I hope that Gotham Knights becomes a series because this is one hell of a first entry.”
Gotham Knights brings to the table a still-satisfying blend of combat and stealth, four distinct enough superheroes that should really get their own standalone games, and some interesting story beats that could use more time to be fleshed out. Whether that is enough to mask the issues will be a decision players will have to make, just like the contrast with the Arkham games. No one said being a superhero was easy, and the growing pains of Gotham Knights are a clear indication that the mantle of Batman is one that is hard to wear.
Gotham Knights has a lot of potential which, however, stays partly unexpressed: the fights suffer from a lower physicality compared to the previous Arkham titles and even the city traversal appears less convincing, while a graphics performance mode would have helped in the most frantic action scenes. It however remains a game capable of entertaining and highly recommended to fans of the Bat-family, mainly thanks to a good story that manages to keep us glued to the screen.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Gotham Knights only appeals to die-hard fans of the Gotham universe, even if it does so at the risk of completely disappointing them.
Review in Greek | Read full review
Gotham Knights deliver a fantastically told story that deals with the grief of losing Batman by carrying on the legacy as the protector of Gotham City.