Gotham Knights Reviews
With the many controversies it has faced recently, and with the discontent of and the loss of enthusiasm of some people because of its recent performances. The game managed to prove the opposite and presented an amazing world and a wonderful story with characters and dialogues that could not have been presented better than that, and its conclusion would have been amazing were it not for its major technical problems and poor artificial intelligence. It is an experience that must try!
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Gotham Knights is a game with a lot of problems, but it's still enjoyable at times, especially for fans of the superhero genre and the Batman universe. However, ultimately it doesn't manage to reach Rocksteady's excellent Arkham games.
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There are some truly fun moments in Gotham Knights. Playing with a friend highlights the very best of what the developers set out to do, and I enjoyed both the story and getting to see Gotham’s protectors outside of Batman grab the spotlight. If the developers had built Gotham Knights around its strengths, it could have been an easy recommendation. As is, you spend so much time in its bland open world that only those who plan to explore it with friends should seriously consider it.
A worthwhile entry into the DC/Batman game series, Gotham Knights can be a fun experience in single-player or co-op with its strengths lying in variety and its four-Knight team. However, its confusing UI, repetitive stripped-back combat, and lack of stealth options leave it unable to reach the glorious heights of the Arkham games.
Sure there are technical snaggles and pitfalls here and there. Some of them deeper than others. But I’m so glad Gotham Knights cares enough to take that home run swing in the first place.
While Gotham Knight did a much better job than I expected, it's a slightly above average game with a weak open world and not indistinguishably different playable characters.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
I find Gotham Knights to have charm to it with a solid roster of characters, an interesting storyline, and elements that really immersed me into the mystery of Gotham.
Holy cow Batman! Gotham Knights only memorable thing is having the gut to kill Batman on screen, everything else is a mediocre experience that will make DC fans angry and disappointed.
Gotham Knights is a game that feels at odds with itself, wanting to dip its toes into so many things without fully committing itself to one thing or another.
Gotham Knights took on the high expectation of its audience by taking on the Court of Owls storyline. Though it flounders under the weight throughout the playtime, it is still a great Batman experience that does explore the loss of Batman and what it means for the world going forward.
Gotham Knights is a good game dragged down by a few mechanics that feel a little out of place. The story, characters, and gameplay is really fun, strengthened by a great-looking open world, and tons of stuff to do. The fact that you'll need to do all of it in 30 fps is a big problem though, although some co-op makes up for it a little.
Review in Dutch | Read full review
It is clear WB Games Montreal put concentrated effort into the development process of the game. Although there are many inconsistencies throughout Gotham Knights, some of which can be truly game-breaking for some gamers; the overall narration and world building are superbly well done. So much so, it offers an experience deserving of both fans of the Batman comics and gamers who want more of “the dark knight”. Collectibles are a hit or miss in the open world and traversal is just an overall disappointment, but stepping into the shoes as one of the Dark Knight’s sidekicks is a proper treat. Batman truly is dead; long live the bat-family.
While I can strongly recommend Gotham Knights to any Batman fan out there, I will say that you should temper expectations a bit, especially if you’re going into this thinking it’ll be anything like the Arkham series. There’s a lot to enjoy about it, such as the combat, and the story that helps keeps you going, but outside of that, there is just too much left to be desired. The open-world isn’t particularly special in anyway, mostly serving as a way to pad hours with boring side activities that are forced to progress. Not the most interesting of gameplay loops that gets tiring well before the midpoint. Then there’s the stealth that just doesn’t build upon the working formula of the Arkham franchise, if not regresses it. It’s worth a play for sure, but nothing I would say that anyone needs to rush out and experience.
Can you make a Batman-dependent game without Batman? Gotham Knights proves to us that all things are possible.
"Gotham Knights is an excellent action experience when it is firing on all cylinders. However, the risk of the engine stalling and the game stuttering to a halt might be too much for all but the most devoted fans."
Although I had fun with Gotham Knights, it will not be in our games of the year list. It has a lot of good elements going for it like amazing combat, fun villains, great AI and an efficient co-op mode, but it's hampered by boring protagonists, some design issues and a poorly exploited sense of progression.
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Basically, Gotham Knights got pushed out of the belfry when it was only barely, kinda, sorta ready to fly.
It won’t win any Game of the Year awards, but it still has charm. Be the hero that this game needs because Gotham Knights is an underdog story worth experiencing.
Living in the shadow of Rocksteady's Arkham series, Gotham Knights can't seem to leave a mark for even the biggest Batman fans. A wave of performance issues only makes the decent combat and terrible traversal worse, and a good story won't help it alone.
Gotham Knights does a lot of things right but keeps flying low and fails to push past the point of just good to great. Crime fighting is best done with another Knight by your side, and the untethered nature of its co-op play feels great until you experience the massive performance drops. Players will need to look past a number of things before considering the game, which could be a tough ask, especially with other big-ticket titles launching within its release window. It’s a shame, because Gotham Knights has some interesting ideas that simply suffer from average implementation. A lot of things in the game feels ok but not great, but fans of the Bat-universe can find quite a decent adventure that can easily entertain.