Tennis in the Face

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Hardcore Gamer
2 / 5
Nintendo Life
7 / 10
8 / 10
3 / 5
70 / 100
Push Square
7 / 10
Generación Xbox
3 / 5
We Got This Covered
3 / 5
Creators: 10tons Entertainment
Release Date: Jan 23, 2013 - PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
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Critic Reviews for Tennis in the Face

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Those waiting for a an actual tennis game will not find an interim solution here. Despite tennis being 'in the face' regarding its presentation here, it's another single screen, physics-based puzzle destroyathon. It is also, however, vibrant, fun, funny and chaotic. The main character is a likeable amalgamation of both tropes and celebrities from the sport, and while the mechanics are pretty well worn in by now - especially in the mobile space - Tennis In The Face is probably among the top seeds in its genre on Switch. If you are over this kind of game it won't change your mind, but it's a well presented and addictive slice of structure (and tie) breaking action.

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For the price of £3.99 Tennis In The Face is a decent little game, and if you're into the genre then it is worth picking up. It provides enough entertainment and while it won't be considered a classic it scratches the itch when you want to play something for a couple of minutes. It does get repetitive if you play too many levels at once, and some levels do just need luck more than anything to complete. Overall though Tennis In The Face is a fun little game.

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You'll only occasionally feel like luck is involved and your reward for a skilful shot is some satisfying sound effects and rag-doll physics. Ultimately, it's an average mobile port and an easy completion. It would pass the time adequately enough while downloading the latest patch to your AAA title of choice. Beyond that, it's unlikely to hold your attention for long.

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There are only a handful of enemies you'll encounter throughout the game, and some more variety would have been nice.

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For a game named Tennis in the Face, this curious new indie from Finnish outfit 10tons is delightfully inoffensive. Outside of its outlandish energy drink-inspired storyline, this is a straightforward arcade game which revels in the base appeal of hitting people with balls. Lively presentation belies comatose gameplay, but its simplicity serves as a solid palette cleanser between longer gaming rallies.

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Is a very simple, intuitive and hilarious game that gives us instant entertainment. It has a hilarious story and a variety of different levels and challenges.

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Tennis In The Face provides the same basic satisfaction that Angry Birds does, but lacks heart and charm, resulting in an enjoyable, but unmemorable game.

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