Albacete Warrior

Albacete Warrior Trailers
Albacete Warrior - Launch Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games
Albacete Warrior Trailer (Switch, PS4/PS5, Xbox)
Critic Reviews for Albacete Warrior
As you can clearly see, I loathed playing Albacete Warrior. It’s not just because it was painfully unfunny. It was the fact it had NOTHING else to offer besides some of the dumbest jokes ever put into a video game, since the game completely failed elsewhere as well. Bland visuals, terrible cutscenes, bland music, awful sound effects, terrible level design, and controls that don’t work… all while forcing you to play as a character that made Duke Nukem feel and sound as classy as Leslie Freaking Nielsen.
Despite its attempts to entertain with what it describes as its “satirical” humor and compelling action, it delivers neither
Albacete Warrior is a tiny production offering a satirical adventure as a boorish ninja accompanied by his trusty ... chicken? Strong in its trashy, generic humor, FAS3's title nevertheless stumbles with a lackluster realization in which all the problems related to the fusion of 2D characters and 3D environments emerge. Obvious inaccuracies related to controls, hitboxes as well as depth perception adversely affect a title that could have been much more interesting with a few extra touches. The madness keeps the work afloat, which will give you a few hours of fun, provided you turn a blind eye and a half to everything else.
Review in Italian | Read full review