IGS Classic Arcade Collection

IGS Classic Arcade Collection Media
Critic Reviews for IGS Classic Arcade Collection
Considering the overall quality, intriguing historical period settings, and stunning visual splendour throughout, it's disappointing that the emulation quality and certain pivotal features drop the ball. These deficiencies don't make these games unplayable. Quite the contrary, there are still countless hours of enjoyment for enthusiasts of these types of games. But it's a shame that titles like Demon Front haven't received that final lick of polish to make it a collection to be remembered. Yes, you can overlook the suspect slowdown and audio warble if you're not nitpicky, and, for the price, it still offers an incredibly good deal. Nonetheless, with more attention it could have been the best representation of IGS's back catalogue. As it stands, it falls short of that achievement. Fingers crossed for a patch.
Picking up the IGS Classic Arcade Collection is curiosity-worthy. Even among brawler fans, I would guess many of these games are obscure. This is therefore an opportunity to dip into a largely forgotten part of arcade history. They’re also decent games that play well, albeit in a genre that has changed significantly (and for the better) over the years. The lack of “museum” material makes this a disappointingly minimally-featured collection, but it might be fun to bash buttons over for a weekend or two.